Re-Builders Starter Kit or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And True The Vote

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints. The fundament of re-building America in situ as self-defending USA is the homeschool / […]

Attack Against The Reality Of Sovereignty

Leftists attack sovereignty altogether: personal sovereignty, sovereignty of reason, sovereignty of facts, sovereignty of the families, sovereignty of property, national sovereignty, sovereignty of culture, sovereignty of the nations, sovereignty of the professions, sovereignty of the religions, sovereignty of language, sovereignty of trade and communications, sovereignty of God, sovereignty of governments, sovereignty of morality, sovereignty of […]