As I See It XI: Size Matters

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Train Hard

Fight Easy

Win Early

A group has no centered-self. An individual is a centered-self. A group is not an individual. The ecology of groups and individuals are not the same. Individuals, because they are a centered-self, self-regulate by internal firmware. Each individual is size-limited by their unique genetics. Groups, having no centered-self, have no self-regulation by firmware. Groups regulate their activities, including their size, by fleeting agreements and, occasionally, some equally fleeting force majeure.

Size is a negative.
Expansion is a positive.
Size moves towards The Devil.
Expansion moves towards God.

Because it is a centered-self, an individual cannot become two or more individuals. Because it is not a centered-self, a group can become two or more groups. Unless by internal genetic irregularity (firmware), an individual cannot get too big to control. Because it has no genetic regularity or irregularity (firmware), a group can get too big to control. For groups, size matters as to both function and controllability.

Reduce Size,
Reduce Complexity.
Reduce Complexity,
Reduce Want.

Because groups operate by fleeting arrangements, they are disposed to get too big to control. Groups attract ambitious persons who attract follower persons. Groups therefore tend to spin up into enterprises that get bigger, generate sub-and opposition-groups, switch gradually from an original purpose to self-maintenance, then to self-aggrandizement, and in general become focused on managing what is essentially uncontrollable: their own orthogenetic growth. Once a group goes orthogenetic, it is unmanageable and dangerous.

Do not grow institutions.
Remove obstacles to growing individuals.

With respect to groups, size and manageability are inversely proportional.

This phenomenon is well-known, as are pathologies propagating from its train. Remedy for said pathologies is to scrutinize their emitting group for an original purpose. Finding which, determine whether need for that purpose persists. If it does, specify a fresh small group to accomplish it. If it does not, strike the group, sell its assets, and give the proceeds to charity, of which there are few and those recognizable by their smallness.

For example, if the original purpose of a group is to build and stock a library in towns which have none, and then finally all towns have a library, the group created to make that happen should be struck and its assets gifted to endow the libraries they created.

The same principle applies to laws, legislative acts, statutes, and regulations. It applies to religious groups and to schools. And it applies as well to governmental operations in the executive, legislative, and judicial functions. Every governmental group has a purpose accomplishing which the group should be struck and its assets sold for cash which is returned to the government’s general fund.

Every group is uni-purpose. Their agreement structure is single-pointed. When they fulfill their purpose, a group does not root about looking for a new purpose to justify their continued existence. If they do, by definition they self-aggrandize and serve no useful purpose. Such a group is toxic, dangerous.

For example, CIA, who were chartered to watch and harass The Soviet, spear-tip today one of three intending global hegemons, Euro-American perverts / oligarchs — the other two being Jihadis (imams) and CCP — heaping mayhem on mankind. CIA are three decades, and counting, beyond their remit, emitting nothing now but nastiness and sorrow.

Three functions of government are fundamental and therefore irreducible. Each function serves a primal purpose, first for individuals and then for groups small to large. These three are the executive, legislative, and judicial functions. Each has their own unique operations which tend towards obesity and self-aggrandizement.

Executive operations generate the most groups and are therefore the ones most in need of regular group-striking. Executive operations comprise three essential activities: secretary, treasurer, and sergeant-at-arms. In discussing the arts and assets of Statecraft, we call these essential, irreducible operations of government Diplomacy, Finance, and War-Fighting.

I propose to scrutinize size phenomena in respect to the latter, War-Fighting, amongst the contemporary U.S. Armed Forces.


U.S. Armed Forces, who are a group of groups, struggle with size, finance, and force structure because they forget their purpose, their mission.  In this way, U.S. Armed Forces waste time and money, blood and energy.

Maintaining their nation’s sovereign freedom is the fundamental purpose, the irreducible mission of Armed Forces. Armed Forces have a simple AOR: hold land. For this reason, the mission of the land force component governs the mission of the joint force enterprise. Whether an armed force is a neighborhood watch group, a city, county, or state police force, or a national military command, the purpose remains the same, fixed and inviolable: hold land against trespassers, contaminators, agitators, and thieves.

A nation does not unify if her Armed Forces
are corruptly led or not victorious in battle.

Besides not contemplating military affairs in those terms, missing now from U.S. foreign policy discussions is the fundamental of rational grand national strategic objective. Rational in this context means consistent with maintaining U.S. sovereign national freedom.

This oversight — to give it the kindest possible description — has a domestic and an overseas facet. Domestically, foreign policy discussions avoid facing the situation — which exists — in which sworn U.S. federal officials act as witting enemies of the U.S. Constitution, which they swear to support and defend, and its productive domestic order. With respect to overseas affairs, U.S. foreign policy discussions rest on unexamined, obsolete, and / or speculative assumptions too numerous to enumerate but which function as foreign enemies of the U.S. Constitution and Americans’ sovereign national freedom.

Before size, finance, and force structure of U.S. Armed Forces can be discussed intelligently, Rational U.S. Grand National Strategic Objective(s) must be agreed or at least countenanced among the great majority of American citizens. Experts detached from American citizens have no authority to generate U.S. strategic interests much less to advocate for something they call national security, a perniciously-vague phrase that references nothing more substantial than someone’s momentary convenience.

On earth there is no security.
There is only opportunity.

In the situation wherein experts agitate ignoring or extirpating Americans’ sovereignty and therefore U.S. strategic interests altogether, in favor of fantasies they fondle at night — their latest ardency is The Great Reset, Communism is its traditional denomination, and Global Governance is a recent name for their succubus — senior leaders of U.S. Armed Forces are obliged to bring the matter of rational U.S. grand national strategic objective(s) before the eyes and ears of U.S. foreign policy deliberators — a set of persons which includes senior leaders of U.S. Armed Forces — wherever and whenever possible.

For example, and given that the mission of the joint force is to support the mission of its land force component — Army, hold land — why does U.S. Navy need eleven or so carrier strike groups? These formations are already down-sized from carrier battle groups.

CCP, Jihadis (imams), and Euro-American perverts (oligarchs, D-R UniParty, CIA) are the current enemies of Americans’ sovereign freedom as The United States of America. All three already operate in force with impunity on U.S. soil upon invitation and with coordination from elements of U.S. federal, state, and local governments. So why are taxpayers subsidizing demands by Navy brass and their industrial counterparts for weapon systems all three enemies of Americans have already gone around, laughing as they went?

U.S. Navy cannot hold land. They are neither tasked nor equipped for that mission. Sure, ships and planes look cool and intimidating, but so what? The enemies are already inside the house, already cooking off Americans’ food for themselves, not just trying to break into the house to steal Americans’ goods.

Meanwhile, U.S. Navy steam around the world doing exactly what good? Intimidating weak nations? That is not a manly role. Pumping up local economies with port calls? Bought friends never stay bought. Bombing and strafing Jihadis (imams) . . . who preach more sermons and distribute more drugs, firearms, and ammunition to make more mindless canon-fodder? How much money is spent on munitions, pay, quarters, training, maintenance, and fuel to get one weapon to a release point compared to Jihadi (imam) aggression being actually and permanently stopped?

Likewise, U.S. Air Force cannot hold land. Their mission is support of the force who can hold land, Army, amongst whom Air Force began life. Holding land wins wars. Nothing less can. There is no alternative. There is no substitute for holding land by force. Air Force, Navy, and the other branches of uniformed service support the Army mission or they have no raison d’être.

Strong men do not throw their weight around.
They hold land by eliminating claims to it by others.

Currently, three combinations test monolithic, autocratic powers (private interests) against distributed authority (the nations). They are Euro-American perverts (CIA, D-R UniParty), Jihadis (imams), and CCP. Intentions such as theirs have been tested before, with fleeting success. Private interests are never clever, unambiguous, or knowledgeable enough to maintain monolithic, autocratic power. God alone has those qualities and He has mandated distributed authority (the nations) for humanity’s happiness. In any case, power is downstream from authority, and authority is God’s alone, Who is the essence of all. That is distributed authority.

The nations themselves, especially the larger ones by population, should follow the Leader, God, in this particular. Hegemons challenge reality itself. It is a stupid play.

Get small. God is. Not necessarily small in physical size — by now, the borders of the nations are mostly fixed, and their lengths are considerable — but small in administration. Local control, organic institutions, agile and adaptable communication, continuously down-sizing and disappearing institutions . . . these are qualities of sound and happy Statecraft. Arrays of Civil Defense Battalions attached to county Sheriffs would guarantee frustration of any land force daring to come ashore against Americans. In the administration of their sovereign nation’s unique affairs, Statesmen accept and expand reality as it comes to them. They do not try to anticipate and control future happenings because they can do neither.

And true the vote.
Eliminate baseline budgeting.

The nations’ principal enemies today are their own civilian intelligence agencies. A nation who wants peace will disband these intelligence and character sinks, defund, denounce, and forbid their covert kinetic operations, eliminate such of their operations as lack direct importance to COCOM Commanders, and convey any remaining assets of theirs to G2 of a relevant military branch, Army, Air Force, Navy, etc.

In USA, for example, CIA (especially), DOJ, much of DHS, and State’s intelligence and grant-making offices must be zeroed out of the federal budget, disbanded, and all their enabling legislation repealed. If they try to reform, as would be likely, they must be treated as foreign military force on their host nation’s soil

When a civilian department or agency is so large they need their own armed force plus election machination to protect themselves, they are an active threat to their host nation’s peace and sovereignty. The so-called developed nations are today in this condition. They cannot be expected to defend themselves successfully against an external hegemon, such as CCP or Jihadis (imams), when they themselves host the hag of their own colossal hegemon, their own civilian intelligence agencies.

Let the nations small their administration in order to expand their consolation.

North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France
Coming Home

USG cannot win wars because they — both the wars and USG — are too many. Even with a fine POTUS and some capable field commanders, USG could not win their country’s recent wars. Not only so, the vaunted U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment, among whose number count all GOs and ADMs, rationalize deliberately not winning wars. The intent behind RMA was to rationalize American Armed Forces’ not winning their nation’s wars. Perhaps it occurred not to RMA’s developers and practitioners that not winning wars is losing them. The more those individuals merit their countrymen’s opprobrium.

So many grieving interests practitioners agency representatives pack themselves in around a USG project that, unless its focus is very narrow, only tightly tactical, more than one stakeholder will pro-actively deform the project’s intent along with its execution in furtherance of their grieving interests’ practitioners’ agency’s private agenda, fears, and provincial crotchets. This is a penalty of size. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

As with teachers and clergy, there are very few cooks. Very few. Many, in fact, are not needed. Only a few. And God doth provide them, as He doth supply all our needs.

From The Costa Brava
Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko

While Euro-American perverts (D-R UniParty) engineer monolithic power for themselves at a distance to hold, Freedom-MAGA Movement patriots must engineer local control of local affairs by local citizens. Where D-R UniParty criminals demand one government (themselves) solving every crisis — most crises those same D-R UniParty criminals created so they would be asked to solve them — Freedom-MAGA Movement care-givers must expand capacities for solving problems locally, by local persons using local means.


Also: true the vote . . . and eliminate baseline budgeting. Get people working together, serving together, because they want their homes and towns beautiful.

God is so small He is big. Get small and swarm. For the land force, this means focus on annealing Battalion Task Forces. For the sea force, this means focus on toughening and proliferating Transports, Destroyers, and Submarines. For the air force, this means focus on annealing and proliferating transportation, bombardment, interceptor, and ground combat support Squadrons. Land force development already illustrates the logic, necessity, and strategic wisdom of small-ing. There, focus has moved seamlessly from Division (DIV) to Brigade Combat Team (BCT) and now to Battalion Task Force (BTF). This evolution is proper for every force.

Everyone knows CCP want to terminate all sovereignties save their own. Jihadis (imams) want the same exclusivity for their hegemony, and Euro-American oligarchs (perverts, D-R UniParty) want it for theirs. CCP and the others are obdurate in their determination to be lone top dog.

Of the three claimants to global hegemonic authority — a fantasy they fondle — CCP are closest to assuming they have achieved it. Even though it ended in bug out by an illegitimate American junta, two decades of Euro-American combat and semi-combat in MENA demonstrated to everyone that Jihadis (imams) are a serious annoyance to everyone and a serious global hegemon of no one.

So, after civilian intelligence agencies, CCP are the next problem set at hand. Here are some parameters for solving that problem:

True the vote.

Land and leave in Tiananmen Square a drone filled with fortune cookies.

Eliminate RMA, eliminate fear of nuclear holocaust, restore faith in American Soldiers.  Anneal the Battalion Task Force.  They must be made — not allowed, made — to win the wars into which they are thrown.

Train Hard
Fight Easy
Win Early

Reject demands for federal involvement in so-called social issues.  If someone has dispute with their neighbor, that is their business, not that of federal taxpayers.

Reduce USG size, especially senior civilian and military billets.  Four or five Executive Departments and numerous Executive Agencies must be red-lined out of the federal budget.  Only the Supreme Court should be expanded, to one Chief and fifty eight Indians.

Eliminate baseline budgeting.

Big CCP is most easily and successfully taken on by little USA in cooperation with Russia and India and an array of smaller, strategically distributed nations.  David vice Goliath.  Multiple ropes to tie down an elephant.  Swarm the bastards with quiet but standing threats-in-being (Battalion Task Forces from many nations) astride intersections and pathways of their comms.  An ounce of resolve for this configuration would jump CCP to emergency meetings of their chief families, and they would self-expose with considerable celerity.

Every trans-shipment node of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a CCP vulnerability.  The multi-nation force can submit those nodes to torrefaction by means of diplomacy, finance and quiet but standing threats-of-severance, transforming those nodes into insta-assets for counter-CCP operations.

CCP, not China, are the intending hegemon and therefore the problem.  The Chinese people per se are neither angels nor super-humans.  Nor are they the center of the universe, or hung between heaven and earth.  Nor are they the CCP or Communist by nature or culture.  None of us is.  We can work with that.

Chinese citizens are the key force-in-being available to grind CCP into nutrition for pleasant pastures.  Their yearning for freedom — freedom, not democracy — is the strongest asset for the Statecraft required to rock CCP into signing an unconditional surrender of their stolen wealth back to Chinese citizens and government (Taiwan).  Chinese citizens are already in CCP’s rear, giving the former the sharpest, most immediate strategic advantage against CCP logistics.

CCP are a hold-land problem.  Among other things, this means CCP are a hold-comms-open problem, since all comms — actually, all problems — are land-based.

Multi-Nation, Multi-Domain, Full-Spectrum Battalion Task Forces, flanking BRI, are the spear-tip of force to hold land against CCP.  Make it a picnic, a party celebrating humanity’s unity in the Fatherhood of God.  Be happy, dig happy, fortify happy, sight lines of fire happy, move out happy when the war tocsin sounds, if it sounds.

Air, water, space, and cyber forces are land-based assets and therefore supports for the land force.  They are not, be it noted, capable of holding land.  They are established to support the land force, Army, who are.

CCP respond to firmness.  Threats they jeer at, and rightly so.  Ditto MOUs.  In any and every field of endeavor, CCP take seriously steady resolve to divert their activities in the direction of fairness and reciprocity.  They cannot stand to who they cannot terrify or what they cannot steal.

Flick their haunches.  When the time is ripe and auspicious (kairos), back-flow up CCP’s BRI into the rear areas of their domestic main force, who will scatter.  First, however, use diplomacy, finance, and warrior positioning to force CCP to operate on multiple fronts, to bleed and scatter force, and to cultivate their own confusion.

Will they go nuclear in desperation?  No.  They are bullies, they want land, are afraid of having none of their own.  Their hegemonic ambition originates in their fear of not being feared.  So don’t be afraid of them.

Exploit opportunities rather than fear obscurities.

Because morale is to materiel as three is to one, not fearing CCP is already more than half way to throwing them off earth’s stage forever. Truly, the only thing senior Armed Forces personnel have to fear is fear itself.

Travis Pike: The Future Marine Rifle Squad As Explained By A Machine Gunner
Wiki: Mongol military tactics and organization
Regnum (Russian): The Russian Defense Ministry has published documents on the largest tank battles
Charlotte Cuthbertson: Militia Moves Into Texas Border County to Deter Illegal Immigration
Agenda 21, UNCED, 1992

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of Statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

The easiest and most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust is Satsang.  The company of the good and godly will slowly and surely chasten and cleanse the person prone to stray away from the straight path towards Self-Realisation. Care must be taken to see that you select and stick to the proper company. A cup of water has no cash value; but, if it’s poured into ten cups of milk, it acquires the value that people attach to milk! If on the other hand, one cup of milk is poured into ten cups of water, it loses its value and is condemned as useless. So, the Satsang you join must be purer, more venerable, and sticking to higher ideals of virtue and truth than yourself! When a smoker joins a group of non-smokers, there’s every likelihood of his giving up that bad habit; but, when a non-smoker falls into a den of smokers, he’s certain to become a victim soon! Such is the subtle influence of the company one keeps! 

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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