Pensieri – III

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Pensieri – I is here.
Pensieri – II is here.
Pensieri – III is here.
Pensieri – IV is here.

Dominic Green
Vladimir Putin Is Rolling Over The United States

So many words and phrases Americans use are druggie-origin. Like “like.” “Cool” is even older, Beatniks. Marijuana came into American mainstream from Afro-Caribs and their jazz. As a seminary classmate of mine said, “White people want to shake their asses like Black people do.” That was in 1968. Most of the diminishment of life and statecraft perpetrated by “garbage people” is direct result of marijuana and cocaine addictions. Very many high level people are drug-addled sadistic perverts. Even more are merely drug-addled to the point of unfitness for statecraft of any kind. PLA / CCP gave those addictions a huge boost of marijuana, amphetamines, and downers through the anti-Vietnam-War protests active measures (false flag operations), which PLA / CCP / KBG / CIA / FBI organized. Much as those same organizations do the same today with engineered opioids, vaccines, and viruses, along with legacy addictives. Americans’ main problem is their addictive drugs. Alcohol is the least of our problems. Promiscuity is far more a degenerative than alcohol.

Not Communists, not Leftists. Drug-addled sadistic perverts. Marx would abominate these people, these Deep Staters, Great Reset-ers, Social Change Engineers. Khrushchev would laugh at them. Communists would be an improvement on what’s inside the White House today.

The dystopia is caused by the drugs, principally marijuana and cocaine, the drugs that can leave one appearing normal but thinking like an idiot voting Democrat. The welcome wagon doesn’t work if the incomer keeps smoking and snorting. Policies exacerbate the dystopia but marijuana and cocaine cause it. Now, very few — including at Instapundit, including conservatives, libertarians, and whatnot — are willing to face that fact and most will deny it downrightly.

A secondary cause of the dystopia is the promiscuity. That too conservatives and libertarians find a disagreeable fact. Democrats — and many Republicans — vote as they do because their minds are scrambled by habitual, life-long drugs and impromptu sex. Most Americans have never known a mother’s love.

In consequence, they make loveless dystopias, at which no one should be surprised. Drugs are not wisdom and sex is not love.

Big Media are scripted by someone or other who wants to generate attention and demand for something or other. The crisis itself is what’s unreal. Wretchard hasn’t reached the point of seeing that, yet, apparently.

  • The someone or other are CIA. The something or other is abolishing nations and controlling population economy, in toto. CIA are partners / stakeholders in a non-nation — they think — oligarchy cohort comprising what are in fact modern proponents of Euro-American Fascism.

Good. Thanks for bringing this to attention.

I’d like to offer that the ideology — leftism, progressivism, etc. — is an epiphenomenon of drug-addled sadistic perversity. Battling ideologically with these people is bootless because they’re not living in ideology. They’re living in perversity. That’s a spiritual problem, not a political / ideological one, although it has political / ideological epiphenomena.

Prosecution helps, but that can only punish the body, which is at best a proximate remedy. The trouble is in the heart. Restoring faith in God, restoring self-confidence, knowing how to make that happen, is the lasting solution.

Oval Staircase, Polish Senate, Warsaw
Metropolitan Water Park

Something akin to the Highland Clearances is going on. Hedge funders et al have hired / encouraged official and unofficial thugs to make their and others’ neighborhoods unlivable so they, hedge funders, can buy those neighborhood properties dirt cheap, redevelop them, and rent them out at high prices. Land, dirt, after all, is the only wealth. Precious metals, for example, are just concentrated land.

One asks oneself why the likes of Soros / Gates / CCP — and they are legion — would short America. What is it they expect to get out of doing that and hiring / encouraging thugs official and unofficial to make Americans miserable in their homes? Answer: to get them to leave and sell off their land for cheap, or be confiscated, legally of course. Mitt Romney did this at Bain and he is only one among many: buy a company, sell off its assets, profit therefrom, move on to the next egg to be sucked dry.

This has happened now to the US Service Academies, the sucked dry part. If the Presidio, the most beautiful U. S. Army post ever placed and built, can be sold for development, so can West Point. If West Point is sold so, so are the other four.

Hedge fund principals and their investors are profiteering by making people’s neighborhoods and homes unlivable, blacks first of course, the most vulnerable because the already most diminished in intelligence and fighting spirit. Blacks are paid / trapped / encouraged by hedge funders to make their own neighborhoods junk property in preparation for future mass ant-nest, beehive rental properties for Asians, mainly, who are accustomed to that manner of living, and some Hispanics. Asians and Hispanics in this scenario are counterparts of the sheep who followed on the Highland Clearances. More profit in wool (modernly, rents) than contentment in family and clan loyalty.

This calculus is not popular, as is self-evident, and thus fleeting.

“It’s also business as usual for most of America’s “news” media.”

So much so, and news being otherwise scarce today, Driscoll stuffs huge wads of insufferable “news” (fear / outrage porn) into Instapundit today, far more than usually he does, just to make it look like worth a visit. It takes time to scroll . . . and scroll . . . and scroll past all the Driscoll dreck.

Ds and Rs both are out of gas and beyond repair, hooked together just to have some capacity to stay on the road. They are old bodies at (Ds) or near (Rs) the end of their service life and belong, both of them, in the scrap yard. A measure of their joint and irreversible decrepitude are the NEA and AFT.

That fact should be the start of an intelligent day, assumed not worth mentioning, while actual news — what Americans are doing to content and protect themselves — is discovered and presented as daily Instapundit content.

There are fresh Americans, with fresh politics and culture and fresh artistic, social, and economic forms, including political parties, expanding their native fighting spirit, preparing now in thought what is needed in action as the old cars — The Driscoll Dreck / D-R UniParty Tango — are hauled or limped off to choppers. A competent hedge funder would recognize that parts of the D and R vehicles are worth more than their wholes, buy them out, consume such of their vitals as operate satisfactorily, and melt down the rest for recasting.

The beating heart of fresh Americans is a kind of old news: Taxed Enough Already. But in new skins. There is no stopping or even delaying that. War is already under way, war to improve politics, the only way politics can be improved. At this time, that war is the news: getting The Driscoll Dreck / D-R UniParty Tango to choppers as quickly, cheaply, and painlessly as possible.

Fall Water Fall

“What will our friends think?” underlies this nonsense. One hears that from rich and poor alike. I’ve heard it from Queen Anne-related Old Family New Yorkers, at their camp on Upper St. Regis Lake and not far from Topridge. I’ve heard it from hard-scrabble day laborers and wranglers in Wickenburg, AZ. There is a common theme: loss of faith in God and empty faith in friends [and family].

Jesus’ parents belonged to the family of King David. Yet they were poor all their life, hunted even by their own government. Faith in God carried them through life’s pains and sorrows. As many times as I have heard “What will our friends think?” in as many conditions of life — high and low — never have I had even a glimmer of sympathy for one who says or thinks so foolishly as “What will our friends think?”.

It is the same with parents and students who “just have to get in” here or there so they can be respectable. No sympathy. Such are not using the powers God gave them, starting with the power to discern who in fact is in charge here.

Lava Tube Water Exit

Believing Is Seeing = Credo Ut Intelligam (Augustine)

The truth is constant. Seeing it, practicing it, is intermittent, which makes some think the truth is not constant. They project their own inconstancy onto the truth. In order to experience the truth as constant, one first has to believe that it is, and even then the facticity of truth will fade in and out of consciousness and thus experience.

The mind must be trained to avoid vacuity. The sweetness of truth as more and more experienced aids in raising eagerness for the training to continue.

That’s a lot of verbiage to explain a very simple and persistent phenomenon: pederasts want their recruiting of catamites — library and church readings, school curricula, etc. — to be acceptable or at least forcibly accommodated by normies. Christianity — even Islam — and common sense stand in the way and so must be stomped out. Since the early 1940s, Jesuits push ever harder for understanding and inclusion of pederasts and pederasty (gays is the euphemism) because they admitted flocks of them to their society. Leftism always tracks back to pederasty and whether or not it can be a cultural norm. I cite Gide, Sartre, Norman Douglas . . . .

Several people last year, including this one, pointed out that, in effect, one has to get sick in order to stay well. This is homeopathic medicine 101 from classical Greece times at least. Working out works on the same principle: exhaust the body in order to build up its strength.

It is widely and accurately observed now that the lockdowns and mandates are for control — specifically population control — not public health. And there are more reasons for them:

(1) to distract attention from:

(a) the engineered nature of this particular, targeted pathogen (elderly for death, young for sterility mental, physical, and spiritual),

(b) the people — to include a congeries of nominal Americans (TWANLOCs) — who engineered this one pathogen and more they have at the ready,

(c) the intent of mass human die-off on which these engineers plan and execute;

and (2) to accelerate that die-off by depressing the spirit of the general population, making suicide, slow or rapid, and general debility attractive to more and more and the sickness itself or its companion psychotropic drug pandemic, and their socio-economic fallouts, seem like a release.

“Never let a crisis go to waste,” especially one you create yourself for abusing your neighbors. Now the way to handle that is (1) seek and tell the truth, which is inside one, not outside, (2) ignore the churlish, self-righteous little prats, (3) be filled with love for all equally, and (4) be prepared for the right moment to wipe them all away like a fresh breeze wipes away a dome of stale high pressure. When the flag goes up you will know it. Then move out and open fire with everything you’ve got.

The organic / natural and vegetarian food movement got started large scale in the late 1960s in Southern California. It had been there for many years but very locally. Escondido had a very old German nudist population who practiced vegetarian diet and of clean, natural foods. Yogananda and SRF in Santa Monica and Encinitas had long since established enclaves of natural and vegetarian diet. Hollywood stars and models had long used vegetarian diets for the camera’s effect with bodies.

But large scale, organic / natural and vegetarian diet and commerce started in earnest in the late 60s and was a going concern, albeit still locally, and largely along the CA coastline and NYC, by the late 70s. By the 80s, it was significant practice and commerce along the entire west coast and expanding elsewhere in the country.

The reason was, we realized how much processing chemical and chemical change went into the regular food supply, which was more and more processed since the early 50s. The nutrition was beaten out and an army of crud was beaten in to the food supply.

When the feds got to licensing organic products — for reasons good and bad — in the late 80s or early 90s — I forget which — organic / natural and vegetarian diet went “mainstream.” But then, the old processors started beating nutrition out and crud back in to “foods” again, this time calling it “organic,” and getting premium prices. In other words, food became a racket again and the chemicals — Lord knows what — went right back into the food system.

That phenomenon sparked the vegan movement, which is sugar psychosis with a fancy bow.

The point is to consume food that is not or is minimally processed, mildly cooked (because heat harms or ruins nutrition), and not flesh, which comes with its own host of chemical pathogens even if consumed directly after slaughter.

Given that, when I look at this list of scarce and potentially scarce products, what strikes me is how many things on it are harmful to begin with, whether plentiful or scarce. Even back BEFORE the organic / natural and vegetarian movement went to scale. the nation did not have the obesity conditions we have now, even with all the additives and mauling food got. It’s not just food of course now, but the crud and volume Americans consume as if it is food — including volumes of all the “organic” and especially “vegan” crud — remains appalling.

Would that Americans paid as much attention to the quality of their food intake as they do to politics, other games, and restless travel. They would be eating morsels rather than meals and be much fitter and happier for it. For example, taking a meal at a restaurant, even a natural and vegetarian restaurant, is an embarrassment just for the amount of material that arrives on the plate. My wife and I swore off restaurants years ago for that reason as well as the questionable ingredient list.

We don’t need an artificial squeeze of the food supply to close stores for lack of merchandise. An American proper diet would do that even in conditions of abundance.

Yeah, son and I have been discussing this force profile. We call it Battalion Task Force, Russians call it Battalion Tactical Groups. But the formation is the same: @ 800 personnel of a combined arms total force (Penta-Force = Space, Air, Cyber [Word], Sea, Land) land-holding maneuver unit. In WW II these were called “Reinforced Battalions.” By rights, they should be the core of the modern American Armed Forces: authority and lethality pushed down even farther than till now: first from Division to Brigade, and now from Brigade to Battalion TF. Marine mission success also would benefit from this organization even though they are a land-assault rather a land-holding force. Air Force as well. Basically, anywhere there is US armed force, it should be configured as US Penta-Force in Battalion TF formations. Maximum maneuverability, lethality, and strategic versatility in a maximally controllable Total-Force formation. Russians are smart.

Class is a lazy term for the five professional guilds: Theologian, Medical Doctor, Soldier, Lawyer, Pedagogue. When the professional guilds allow into their company imposters and charlatans, everyone notices, many suffer, and fingers point this way and that. The remedy is always the same: from within themselves, professionals clean out their guilds, who then discharge their duties to the contentment of all except imposters and charlatans.

Currently, for example, imposters and charlatans posing as Medical Doctors run the better part of the US Public Health system. Imposters and charlatans run the better part of the US Education system. Ditto Law, Military, and Religion. Cleaning out the professional guilds dispels this wide-spread unhappiness and fear. So, clergy, doctors, warriors, counselors, and teachers, what say you to your colleagues?

This ain’t no class thing. We can be much more specific than that. This is a professionals thing.

Send your kids — and yourself — to the University Of The Professional Guilds, there to get a grip on what’s happening forward and upward, and how that self-organizes.

If I’m reading internals accurately, Zucker’s expulsion from CNN tells gamblers everyone that Leftist tripe isn’t marketable and that markets are here to stay, so, gamblers everyone hit Zuckerberg et al because they market Leftist tripe. If that’s an accurate read, I can understand that happening because it’s reasonable.

Authority writ large is the issue of the day and has been for some decades. There is only one authority, ultimately, and that is the One Who resides fully and equally in the heart of every creature. As a creature, such as a professor, a truck driver, a senator, a doctor, a soldier, more clearly and quietly evidences direct experience of that authority, they are regarded as authoritative and possessing authority.

The more one evinces Him — without having to do or say anything — the more respect for being authoritative one is accorded, without having to ask for it, say it, or prove it. The less one evinces Him, the less respect is paid to one, no matter one’s station, wealth, cleverness, strength, physical attractiveness.

This all occurs without studies, without demands, without demonstrations, without proofs. It’s just there because He is. He is authority and his residence is the heart of every creature, equally and fully. Ego does not annihilate authority but it hides it, and that is why ego is abhorred and the egotistical shunned and abandoned.

Glenn is correct to bring forth the subject of authority. It’s the depth of what’s on everyone’s minds these days. Sort that one out and everything else settles down to comfortable.

Reynolds, too, and today, senses things are “coming to a head.”

CIA, FBI, DOJ, USAID have poured themselves into a profile which matches that of both a domestic and a foreign enemy of the USA, the very enemy types every US military officer swears to protect the US Constitution — and by inference Americans and their national sovereignty — from.

So now, by their own doing, CIA, FBI, DOJ, and USAID facilities, lines of communication, and personnel are legitimate targets of US military operations and legitimate designees as US-based domestic, terroristic traitors.

If CNN’s 500K viewership is taken as the core Fasco-Loony cohort of US residents, and US population is taken as, say, 350M, that makes the core Fasco-Loony cohort of US resident population .1% — 1/10th of 1% — of the US resident population. That’s not so daunting is it?

Yet you guys whinge about “the media” and about stupid voters and evil, dirty politicians, and needing huge armies of irregular “old boys” to put a fix on your distress. Name one teamster who signed the US founding documents.

I’ll tell you what would put you out of your misery. US State, Treasury, and Defense Departments declare war on CIA, FBI, DOJ, and USAID for being lured and climbing into the profile of “domestic terrorist” as regarded by framers of the US Patriot Act and “domestic enemy” as regarded by framers of the US Constitution. Those institutions are ripe and ready for total beatdown of their properties and immuration or execution of their personnel by agency of the three assets of US statecraft: Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting.

CIA, FBI, DOJ, and USAID today match the profile of a domestic enemy of the US Constitution and USG — “domestic terrorist,” in language of the Patriot Act — the very kind of domestic enemy US military officers swear to protect the US Constitution and in that way Americans from.

By the terms of their Oath of Office, US military officers are obliged now to treat CIA, FBI, DOJ, and USAID as domestic enemies of the US Constitution, ones having also foreign allegiances — World Economic Forum and the Shiite-Salafi Jihad, aka Arab/Pan-African Imperialism — and eradicate those institutions and persons using military total force, The Penta-Force: Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land.

CIA, FBI, DOJ, USAID, under cover provided by all members and staff of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, no doubt for certain considerations, have made themselves into domestic enemies of the US Constitution. They turned to treason. Their institutions are become thus legitimate targets for US military operations and their personnel legitimately designated as treasonous enemy combatants deserving incarceration or execution.

CIA, FBI, DOJ, USAID are now legitimate targets of US military operations, to remove them from the land, the country, the USA, altogether. There’s your “coup.” It’s a cleaning, not a coup. It’s not against US Constitution or USG. It’s against elements of USG who have turned treasonous, rogue, essaying to replace US Constitution and USG with themselves.

Global control of population and economy without interference by national entities is a delusion. Its proponents are public enemies.

Well it would be for State, Treasury, and Defense to roll over CIA, FBI, DOJ, and USAID, demolish their HQs, and take away their personnel as domestic terrorists, domestic enemies. There is the civil war under observation, consideration, and remark.

Doctor Weasel
Are you sure State is on our side?

David R. Graham
Good question. No, but in principle they are because they represent one of three necessary, legitimate functions of statecraft, in contrast to CIA and USAID, who began as illegitimate statecraft and have not wavered from that path, and FBI/DOJ, who are both unnecessary although useful functions of statecraft, especially in a federal system wherein authority reposes in the states, and in recent decades are more and more obviously and wittingly autistic and self-serving against the interests of any nations they touch.

Prairie Trees

A data point: White House/NSC have not produced a National Security Strategy document, something ordinarily done within the first 2-4 months of an administration. This means DOD cannot produce a National Defense Strategy document, JCS cannot produce a National Military Strategy document, and the military Branches cannot produce budgets with anything more solid than speculation. State and Treasury also cannot produce their counterparts to DOD’s National Defense Strategy document, etc.

CA elites also want to fly dark, so (1) their performance cannot be measured against their stated ambitions, (2) their ambitions can avoid legislative scrutiny, and (3) they can deconstruct the nationstates per se while eliminating most of their residents . . in the name of saving our democracy.

What’s the plan for operating carriers and their strike groups when those are vulnerable to swarm missile attack from outside the range of carrier air wings? Operate them only out of missile range? Hope CCP / Iranian engineers can’t / won’t hit / hit near a tiny carrier floating on a vast ocean? Who answers when a carrier and her crew disappear beneath the surface in the flash of an eye?

B-70 comes to mind. Scrapped because the Soviets made a missile that could outrun her.

Carriers and their strike groups today are legacy vanity projects of officers and contractors unserious about national sovereignty and very serious about laissez le bon temps rouler, tech and brains from another era, now long obsolete, yet insisting on respect and perks. Each of the Branches today is afflicted with their own versions of these sort, as are the Joint teams, such as COCOMs. And now with a self-installed junta comprising organized crime families to drum-major the lot.

Without a rational Nation Security Strategy — rational in the sense that it succors national happiness and sovereignty — nothing the Branches of Service do has abiding power and meaning.

One of these days, State, Treasury, and Defense are going to roll over CIA, USAID, FBI, and DOJ, destroy their HQs, and march off their personnel to trial and punishment as traitors to Americans as well as to vast numbers of foreign nationals. The angels will set off a round of Huzzahs in that day so loud and omnipresent even the deaf and blind may hear and see them in this little universe of space, time, causation, and substance — the four sides of our playpen — we think of as earth. (I wanted to end on a high note.)

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Become attached to God. Feel His Presence, revel in His Glory. Do not cause Him ‘disappointment’ or ‘distress’ by any act or word which He does not approve. Do not give Him the slightest ‘bother’ or ‘worry’. He has none, but if you love Him deeply like He is your Lord and Love, you will be concerned about Him. Jatayu had an unremitting stream of thoughts of Rama and was rewarded by Rama! Rama came to him in his last moments and Himself performed his last rites, a duty He didn’t do directly even for His father! When Krishna returned from the court of Duryodhana, after His Mission for Peace on behalf of Pandava brothers, Sahadeva told Him: “Pardon us, Oh Lord, I knew the rogues wouldn’t pay heed; I would have gladly stopped you from proceeding to their den, but you were so kind.” God will serve you; He will save you and be on your side forever provided you cultivate your character and polish your interior so that He might be reflected therein!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

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