Pensieri – IV

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Pensieri – I is here.
Pensieri – II is here.
Pensieri – III is here.
Pensieri – IV is here.

Hommage à

Blaise Pascal, Hermann Samuel Reimarus,
Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein, John Milton Cage, Jr.,
Richard Phillips Feynman

One lacking compassion cannot win the hearts and minds of men or stay in control of a nation’s affairs.

The pains and tragedies associated with Christmas and its correlate, Good Friday, prepare men’s hearts for love.

But you love all equally, wisdom and honor and peace elude you.

Mirengoff, your ideology, mind-set is farther from the truth, which is love, than Pluto is from the Sun. You have the position of a superfluous teat on the chest of Francisco Scaramanga.

I suspect that the name Michael comes from a Hebrew contraction of Micah and El, meaning, Micah is The Lord. Micah is the Prophet who said that the Liturgy (Temple Ritual) is worthless — Jeremiah concurs — the Almighty only want people to live by loving their neighbor and doing what is upstanding, righteous. This would make the Dragon Michael Archangel slays the clerical bench promoting the liturgy because it is a way to fleece the credulous and the faithful both.

Every force is a land force. Every ship has to return to port. Every airplane has to land at an airfield. Every Branch of the Penta-Force is a land force, to include Space Force and Cyber Force. This is unavoidable. Every force is a land force.

The mission of the Land Force is the mission of the Penta-Force. The Land Force is the base of the Penta-Force. The mission of the Penta-Force is determined by the mission of the Land Force.

The mission of the Land Force is to hold ground, to hold land. Genghis Khan and The Golden Horde could not have illustrated this lesson more clearly.

Navy is a land force. She homeports. Air Force is a land force. She airbases. Cyber Force is a land force. She relies on server farms and fire makers (electricity generators). Space Force is a land force. She relies on land-based rockets and telecoms.

All forces are land forces. Or, put another way, the Penta-Force is a land force. The Penta-Force is Land Force-based.

Use inductive logic to get to what is really going on, to reach what is going on.

There is no way for us to control what these people (Euro-American Fascists) do or when or where they do it. But there is a way for us to prepare for when they are no longer able to do it.

That, basically, is my answer to The Conservative Treehouse. He talks about things he can’t control rather than things he can do. And that, I believe, is a waste of time.

Sundance my friend, you fixate on things you cannot control rather things you can do.

The core tenet of environmentalism since the 1960s, perhaps even earlier, but at least since the late 1960s and certainly into the 70s, is human eliminationism, and that is what motivates the current vaccine / ecology movement.

The elites — or however you want to describe them, because they are not elites in the classical sense of admirable ones — are simply convinced that most Americans are simply unworthy of being alive and should be eliminated. So they’re trying this and that method of elimination, using governments’ penal authorities, to accomplish that end.

The waters of truth continue to overtop and wash away the dam of tyranny.

Has any news aggregator decided not to jump off the cliff and instead pull back from it and walk towards trying to remember and rediscover classical theology, classical literature, classical statecraft, etc.?

Let’s get real. The world’s poor, dispossessed, or oppressed come here to either have an opportunity to build their wealth or to seize it from Americans.

But the commonality is that everyone wants to come here because they American system is the best one on the planet for either building or seizing wealth.

The American system is at root multi-racial and multi-religious, congruent with Russia and India in these regards. This fundamentally is what brings people here or makes people want to come here. It’s short description is, Freedom.

Economics are a fraction of the factors that affect a nation’s behaviors. Napoleon: The Moral is to the Material as three is to one. Men and women go to war, incur upon themselves hardship and sacrifice, including loss of life, for phenomenologies in their hearts far more affective than economics.

Pascal noted,
The heart has reasons reason knows not of.

Hokey by modern estimates, but this makes the point:


Multi-racial, multi-religious, but comprehensively American. And not classist, at least not classically. That’s what appeals to everyone.

D-R UniParty are traitors to the American calling. They are classists.

The American calling is, a fellow comes at you, you don’t scratch his cheek, you break his jaw. If he comes at you again, you break his neck.

Wise governance selects to option power and freedom in citizens’ daily lives. Wise governance unites power and freedom in citizens’ daily lives. Wise government regulates to encourage power and freedom in citizens’ daily lives. Wise governance encourages and cultivates a unity of power and freedom in citizens’ daily lives.

The spiritual dimension of life is that in which power and meaning unite. Freedom is a face of meaning.

The US foreign policy / national security establishment — including almost all the GOFOs ranked O9 and O10 — have checked themselves into Happy Acres For The Intellectually And Criminally Insane, a fact attested by their activities in their own countries as well as in Ukraine, Russia, and African nations.

CIA [Langley] are Happy Acres For The Intellectually And Criminally Insane.

Uncle Sam is harmed, not helped, by such a home.

Much as they claim to deserve it, the Devil is never allowed to sit in the Throne of God.

Perhaps we should thank God for causing these horrible people — Fascists, CIA et al — to self-identify as horrible people, that we should strive not to imbibe or continue their horribleness, and that they may be identified clearly and dealt with expeditiously, per their deserving.

Should one fear the Almighty Jews and their Banks? Well, is it ironic that certain numbers of Jews very easily go into Fascist mode? No, that’s not ironic. Some of their ancestors almost invented the thing.

Bankers can be undone any minute by penal authority, aka government. Never fear bankers.

Real power reposes in the hands of the five professional guilds, not The Jews. Those five — Theologians, Medical Doctors, Soldiers, Lawyers, Pedagogues — are the ones who lead and set the tone for a society. And if they set a tone that is against freedom, a spiritual interstices that is opaque to God, then they will be cleaned out and punished regardless of their religion and social status.

The five professional guilds must perform their duties or suffer punishment.

It’s not like they don’t have very specific roles to play. They do. And if they wander outside those duties, or obfuscate them, or allow into the guild those who do not belong to the guild or do not perform the guild’s duties, then the guilds themselves are in trouble with The Almighty Owner of The Five Guilds.

By treasonous subversion of the US Constitution, CIA, USAID, FBI, DOJ have made themselves legitimate targets of US military operations. That means CIA in the large sense of Ivy League faculties, philanthropies, infotainment personalities, certain large corporations — tech / infotainment, for example — etc., . . . they all have made themselves targets for United States military operations, to annihilate their physical structures and incarcerate or execute their leading and following personalities, because of their treasonous subversion of the US Constitution.

The Euro-American Fascists, the Salafi-Shiite Fascists, and the Chinese Communist / CCP fascists want, each one of them, to eliminate the nations and most of the citizens living in them. As if they have authority to do that. They do not have any such authority. They never will have any such authority.

The nations and their respective citizens are here to stay. The nations have been here for four millennia that are accepted as recorded and actually for far than that.

It’s all today a question of authority. What is it? Who has it? What can they do with it? What are its origin and limits.

Did Brookings Institution, CIA, Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, et al. somehow come by authority to transform The United States into something other than as they are? The question answers itself.

A military officer has authority conferred on them by their nation. No one else has conferred that authority on them. Their nation has done that. Only their nation can confer authority on a military officer in the form of a national commission to officer rank.

A person cannot assume the authority of POTUS unless the nation, through universal vote by eligible citizens, confers that authority on them. They can’t just have it for the taking. A simply taken or stolen authority is no authority at all. Occupying an office, even undergoing a installation to an office, does not confer authority to conduct the office. Only the nation’s regular, honest, established processes — all of which start with the plenary authority of the cohort of living, legal, citizen voters, one person, one vote — can do that.

Dance Of Shiva (Thandava, Shiva Natarajan)

Officers of The United States are conferred authority to act in the interests of The United States, not to transform The United States into something other than as she is.

Authority is the deep question of the day. What is it? Who has it? How does it play out? What are its concretizations.

In pursuit of which, this fact, this concrete reality begs immediate attention: authority operates inside what may be deemed the four sides of a playpen, the one we deem The Universe. The four sides are:

Time, Space, Causation, and Substance.

Siva Playing Cat
North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France

An Updated Nomenclature

Joint Force = Integrated
State, Treasury, and Defense Departments

Penta-Force = Integrated
Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, and Land Forces

COCOM = Integrated
Joint Force Geographic Headquarters
(Nine In Number)
Under Command Of Special Rank Military Officer
(e.g., Supreme or Grand Commander, Great Captain)

The United States have come of age as a nation. The globular convocation of nations works. The nations stand on their own feet with their own legs. They produce with their own hands They have talent and means to take care of themselves. Let them to their uniquenesses. Let them chart their own courses across the oceans of life from one port to the next, as they see fit. The Government of The United States does not work for United Fruit Company, Microsoft, AT&T, Google, Pfizer, etc. They work for The United States, who is a plural, States.

The USA are needed now as a regular nation among regular nations, not as global caretaker or even cynosure. Those latter roles are destructive now, as seen in Euro-American Fascists’ pillage and rape of their own countries in addition to Ukraine, Russia, and African nations. We are a two-ocean country having magnificent internal lines of communication, extraordinary mineral and vegetative wealth, vast open spaces, industrious, capable citizens, and prodigious agricultural prowess. We provide order at our border. We act through three legitimate federal executive departments: State, Treasury, Defense. The rest — the departments, agencies, and offices — are illegitimate as federal properties, superfluous, ready to be abolished, melded into one of the three legitimate departments, or devolved to the states.

Let USA be a regular nation among regular nations now, one among a convocation of nations who have unique ways and wants. We have a New Mission: Global Peace. We are not a City On A Hill, not a grand national sugar daddy, not a necessitous manipulator, not an exception to others’ supposed banality, not God’s gift of social finery and global governance to a supposed struggling humanity, not destined to rule the world. Salafi-Shiite Jihadis and CCP Wormwoods who come here to take over our assets so THEY can rule the world from here are cold-stone ignorant and stupid. The nations have abolished poverty and mooted war. It’s time to switch gears, if not the whole vehicle, and protect what has been produced. Shorten front, fortify lines of communication, secure rear areas. Euro-American Fascists — Klaus Schwab and his stakeholders, CIA’s circle of mal di mare — want to loot and hoard for themselves what the nations have produced, what their peoples have accomplished, but they have no authority to do that. They never asked, they only announced, which is weak. Their time is past past, as shows in the the eyes of one they installed in the White House, the light is out, that house is dark.

There are many ways to govern a country. American republicanism is just one of those ways. As long as they do not infringe Americans’ freedom of communication, it is not Americans’ business how other nations wish to govern themselves or end up being governed. Nations are best left to their fates, unless they infringe one’s own national sovereignty, freedom of communication. If they do that, it is break their jaw the first time and their neck the second time, if there is one. This is how a nation earns respect. Statecraft is the rational use of power — specifically penal authority — not arranging stakeholder demands interests in other people’s living rooms uninvited.

For keeping the peace among earth’s globular convocation of nations, three nations have authority to discharge that duty. They are India, The United States, and Russia. Alliance among these countries keeps the peace among all countries.

In the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen.

consummatum est

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

People are endowed with unlimited powers. Not a single person is without them! But the road is missed when one is unaware of this truth. To gain awareness of this power, one must join the company of the holy, one must strive in spiritual practice (sadhana), and one must practise repetition of divine names and do meditation. Of what avail is it, even if you have each item of the provision in plenty but do not know how to cook them into palatable food? Similarly, people have in themselves all the provisions needed for their upkeep and progress, but they discard them lightly and leave them unused because they are ignorant of the process of benefiting from them. People must seek to see and understand the Universal Power (Shakti), the One without a second, which is the basis of all multifarious manifestations of name and form in the world. The mind flies at a tangent all the time. Meditation is the process by which it is trained to acquire concentration.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

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