USA Grand National Strategic Objective, Partnership, Ethics

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAM In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen. Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICIT SOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT Against the day they might be convenient as collated in one file comprising text only, I have collated what I believe to be the most important studies in political philosophy published […]

Partnership With Russia And India: Three Brothers Doctrine

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAM In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen. Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICIT SOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT The furious tenacity of irrational ethicists continues: Mona Charen is carrying the M249 SAW, so to speak, for the R wing of the D-R UniParty.  Scott Johnson addresses her 16-round burst. […]

Three Brothers Doctrine: The Reason For War And The Three Brothers Partnership

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAM In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen. Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICIT SOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT There is one reason for war: defense.  Even perpetrators of offensive war drape their actions in the pretense of defense, so patent and potent is the single reason for war.  All […]