Undoing The Totalitarian Alliance

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



An alliance is a binding together of parties for the purpose of making war on a party, other parties or another alliance. A totalitarian alliance is a binding together of absolutist parties to execute absolutism on a society, nation and/or civilization. An alliance is an offensive construction that assumes a defensive posture only as redirected or sequestered offensive energy. An alliance without an offensive animus is paralyzed and deforms to an emollient inviting destruction or subjection by offensive energy. 

The Extant Totalitarian Alliance

Mohammedan Absolutists — Green — Jihadis

African Absolutists — Black — Afro-Centrists

Class Absolutists — Blue — Elitists

Economic Absolutists — Red — Communists

Scientific Absolutists — Pink — Humanists

Sexual Absolutists — Lavender — Queers

Racial Absolutists — Brown — Socialists


The elements of The Extant Totalitarian Alliance are old, some even ancient. Mohammedan Absolutists, descending from some Christian desert monastics, date from the 3rd Century A.D. Their modern iterations date from the 18th Century A.D. (Wahhabis/Salafis/The Moslem Brotherhood) (and here) and from Shi’ism since inception. African Absolutists appear without terminus ad quo or terminus ad quem. Class, Economic, Sexual and Racial Absolutists antedate the 4th Millennium B.C. Scientific Absolutists date from the 12th Century A.D.

Absolutists of all descriptions are proto-human creatures. Their character is mixed animal and human, being neither completely one nor completely the other. They are imperfect, of attenuated evolvement, and embody the fatal weakness of vacillation. They fence-sit (equivocate) verbally and force (pillage) morally. Literature describes absolutists through various words describing the common traits of dread, deceit, division and destruction: ogres, trolls, gnomes, giants, rakshasas, yakshis, yakshas, nibelungen, lumpenproletariat, witches, warlocks, various canine personifications, etc.

The Extant Totalitarian Alliance exists to make war on the Constitution of the United States of America, and more specifically, on the modes of justice, peace and governance defined and established thereby. It exists to destroy the United States of America, or as they put it, to compel its “fundamental transformation.” All seven elements of The Extant Totalitarian Alliance attack The US Constitution in front, flank and rear with that offensive animus.

The US Constitution is one of three cynosures of history. Its companions are The Bible and The Vedas.

Occasional forgetfulness of speech notwithstanding (e.g., mentioning government-compelled fleecing as “income redistribution” or “green jobs”), elements of The Alliance pointedly decline to admit at what ultimate condition their “transformation” aims. This reticence or non-responsive non-disclosure has both a theoretical and a material cause.

The theoretical cause is that the “transformation” would be resisted with ever-increasing vehemence were it fought-through-to rather than announced as fait accompli. Time has proven members of The Alliance correct anticipating this potential and somewhat successful suppressing its actualization. Being for bad, The Alliance knows its febrility and futility. The material cause is that elements of The Alliance differ in end-state vision of the “transformation.” Time has proven most elements of The Alliance ignore this truth. Two do not: Mohammedan and Economic Absolutists, who aim to annihilate The Alliance and each other once the US Constitution and US are destroyed.

Members of The Alliance agree the immediate enemy as the US Constitution and its cultural effects. (They agree in principle the continuing enemy status of The Bible and The Vedas.) They are positioned to destroy The United States of America, finally; they agree, overall, how to do that; but they do not agree on what comes after, and their disagreement on this point is irreconcilable. The members’ disagreement reveals their Alliance’s and their own fortitude and longevity.

Acting as cleaner units (einsatzgruppen) detached from the main attack force, three elements of The Alliance — Class, Economic and Scientific Absolutists — labored for centuries to annihilate The Bible. They believe their efforts succeeded. The same elements of The Alliance, again detached from the main attack force, attacked The Vedas intermittently from about the 1940s and were especially rampant during the ambassadorship and subsequent career of John K. Galbraith. Today, these elements of The Alliance consider The Vedas mostly, but not entirely, inconsequential and therefore ignorable. Other elements of The Alliance, however — specifically Mohammedan, African and Sexual Absolutists — continue to attack The Vedas as consequential realities. Indeed they are, more so even than the attackers know.

The unified, sustained attack today by The Totalitarian Alliance is against the US Constitution. During the 1980s, Class, Economic and Scientific Absolutists rejoined the main attack force of The Alliance for its “all-in” attack against the US Constitution. Until recently, targeting and outcome differences between elements of The Alliance were muted so that the “all-in” attack could progress without distraction.

By a few years ago, all elements of The Alliance saw a single personality in whom their every element intersected and concretized, including especially ambition to rule absolutely. This personality compelled allegiance by all elements of The Alliance. It unified Alliance operations to the goal of elevating itself to executive position wherein it would embody the absolutist vision of each element of The Alliance. That personality sold itself to the elements as the one for whom they waited, and they one and all believed that it was.

Today they do not.

Until recently, the attack of The Totalitarian Alliance against the US Constitution was united.

Today it is not.

Elements of The Alliance now see that their targets other than the US Constitution, targets which never were identical, either are not being attacked or are being attacked with insufficient assiduity by the executive they elevated to fulfill their visions.

Yes, the personality attacks the US Constitution as intended by The Alliance. However, every element of The Alliance is aware now that the personality’s ability and commitment to complete the attack per their wishes are neither definite nor reliable. In fact, they realize the personality is in it for itself, is solipsistic, its driving desire self-aggrandizement, its agenda ambitious for personal elevation: the personality wants to “strut and jive,” lording it over “white devils,” ruling “crackers,” making them unhappy. And that is it!  That is all it really wants.

In other words, neither the personality’s motives nor its vision congrue with those of the elements of The Alliance. All elements of The Extant Totalitarian Alliance now know they were sold a bill of goods by the personality into whose hands they consigned their lives, their fortunes and their ambitions.

The truth is that nearly every person in the USA, friend and foe, got ramshagged by a jive-ass nigger, a personality of low character and African descent. The word nigger (Latin niger = black, as in Negro, Nigeria, etc.) means “black jerk,” a contemptible, insolent lout of African genetic descent given to explosive violence, menace and self-promotion by deceit — a “Sportin’ Life.”

However, that is not all respecting the nature of this personality. It is, by its own admission, partial to the Mohammedan Absolutist element of The Extant Totalitarian Alliance. In fact, since the 1980s, it is a Trojan Horse of The Muslim Brotherhood (and here). However, its personal ambition exceeds even its mission as Trojan Horse. It wants itself to reign and rule as Caliph of the World, of which there can be but one. This sets it at odds with other claimants to the Caliphate inside and outside The Muslim Brotherhood (related here and here).

Now what?

As basic enemy profiling, realize that totalitarianism is a quality of a personality. Its base is not ideology, not flawed analytical method, procedure or result, not some deprivation and not some mental disorder. The base of totalitarianism is a quality of personality, its entire ontos (being), all that it is, body, mind and spirit. A totalitarian is so because that is their personality, their being (Dasein). Thus, totalitarianism is irredeemable by education, environmental adjustments or even contrition (the best purifier). Totalitarianism is eliminated by annihilating a personality embodying it. This is a harsh reality but unavoidable because it is true.

Ironically, the best way to annihilate a totalitarian personality is to expose it (Greek/Heidegger aletheia), to clear away obstacles hiding it from view. This corresponds with a fundamental of salvation or liberation, that it is losing garbage, not gaining truth, eliminating, not ingesting. Brush aside its diversionary tactics, which abound, and a totalitarian personality is exposed to fire.

A totalitarian personality cares not about life, not even its own. It cares about causing harm. Harming makes it happy. It is happy when others are unhappy, and only then. Even if it grows unhappy, it is happy about that unhappiness and will harm itself to make others unhappy. Thus Hitler and not a few of his associates commit murder/suicide to frustrate revenge.

Totalitarian personalities are consistent in one regard: reverse wiring. Reverse wiring partly defines the demonic personality. The love of harming in place of the love of helping differentiates the demonic from the human birth.

Demonic personalities are a race, a genetic anomaly but a genetic sheaf withal. There are variants within the race, but the common mark of wanting to harm defines it absolutely. Sometimes demonic personalities take birth through human parents. Sometime human personalities take birth through demonic parents. More commonly, human parents beget human offspring and demonic parents beget demonic offspring. However, that is not a rule, and therefore, every circumstance of life demands vigilance, to assess the true nature of its actors. In addition, some births are partly human and partly demonic. This complicates the situation, and such individuals usually get diagnosed as “mentally ill.”

How to defeat The Extant Totalitarian Alliance?

First, accept and side-step The Alliance’s attack, then use its own energy against itself: pivot and roll with the punch, do not get turned, shoot it in the back as it goes by, then close in to annihilate it.

Second, propagate awareness of The Alliance outside of it and awareness of its disagreements within it, causing elements of The Alliance to “peel off” or de-laminate, to come unstuck from one another: inspire contempt for them and distrust among them.

Third, propagate awareness of the intrinsic weakness of The Alliance: that its different visions of end-state conflict, that its elements are competitors more than allies, that each one intends to slit the others’ (along with the rest of the world’s) throats. Totalitarian alliances are established for the very purpose of killing hundreds of millions of people and destroying the fecundity of life.

Fourth, accelerate the intention of the elements of The Alliance to annihilate one another, causing further de-lamination: this is psy-ops.

Fifth, cauterize them: seal them off from resupply and reinforcement. Educate!

Sixth, move in to uproot and burn them: their intent to do that to you lasts as long as they do.

Seventh, seize their wealth and property, every bit of it, and consign the same to responsible peoples and nations: this helps prevent their resurgence, as Bahá’u’lláh pointed out. It is also concretized justice.

Eighth, send those not annihilated into desert wastes to shift for themselves and be shot if they try to leave the reservation: this solves “the drug problem;” show no mercy; one way or another, they die alone, driven away from civilization into the desert wastes, forced into solitude and solipsism, into exile and their true nature, which is insanity.

Describing the nature of The Extant Totalitarian Alliance will compel elements of The Alliance to concentrate their inclination to peel off from one another. Make those elements want to de-laminate, one from the other, by saying what they are and who they are, including also personal names. Divide and conquer relying on the internal contradictions of The Alliance itself and its personal intra-connections.

Every nostrum of The Extant Totalitarian Alliance is reversible. Every program they propose can be applied against them. Every action they take can be reflected back at them. Their existential weakness is refusal, nay inability, to accept the ambiguity of existence. Par Excellence, this profile describes the personality The Alliance thought its apotheosis. Reverse the energy of the attack back onto the attacker by reflecting it. Do not act, react. Make their own hybris undo them. Play them as Agamemnon or Achilles. This is the way to defeat them.

God Himself is taking just that approach. So, augment it, magnify it, promulgate it, thrust it home.

One may ask, How could all of this happen, and all at once?

Well, besides the fundamental answer, Providence, and its companion, Ants-Cannot-Fathom-The-Ocean, one may mention these observations:

First: It happened all at once because, drawn by a specific Transcendent Presence, a large number of mutually-reinforcing vectors of energy converged at this moment of history. Between them, those vectors penetrate every facet of society, and because they long have acted simultaneously, marching through every facet either singly or in groups, they have taken down an entire civilization (The Latin Church) in each of its national embodiments during a brief period of time, seemingly all at once.

Next: Since their Creation, both The Latin and The Greek Churches, and especially The Latin Church, include ground hospitable to The Extant Totalitarian Alliance. This ground is present in all three functions of the dimension of spirit: religion, culture and morality. The presence of this ground occasions all of this to happen. However, a specific Transcendent Presence has caused it to happen.

Professor Thomas F. Bertonneau, in The Brussels Journal, offers a brilliant, four-part description of that ground in each of those functions: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV.

Update 1: An American Renaissance

Update 2: Clare M. Lopez: History Of The Muslim Brotherhood Penetration Of The U.S. Government

Update 3: The Muslim Brotherhood In America: A Course In 10 Parts

Update 4: Daniel Greenfield: The Left’s Manufactured Muslim Crisis

Update 5: DNC Grassroots Victory Fund Bankrolled by 13 Wealthy Liberals


Church Of St. Nicholas, Stralsund, Germany
Church Of St. Nicholas, Stralsund, Germany

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