As I See It I: In Search Of Partnerships

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Arrayed against the nations, intending to subjugate them all, are three embodiments of envy and fear. One is Euro/Pan-American. One is Arab/Pan-African. One is Pan-Chinese.

The coup d’œil of each of these forces is earth-wide. They want it all. Each of them wants it all, and neither of them is willing to share ultimate spoils with others. So, while these forces often attack the same targets, and ally on and off to conduct their operations, they would not share success upon achieving their ultimate objective.

The Euro/Pan-American force (Interagency, CIA, Deep State) comprises families of stoners, crack-heads and their ranks of sugar-and Adderall-soaked harridans, whose whims they subserve. The Arab/Pan-African force (Jihadis: Sunni Moslem Brotherhood Salafis, Shiite IRGC Quds Hezbollah) comprises families of sybarites and their ranks of fenethylline-soaked catamites, slave girls, and harridans, whose whims they subserve. The Pan-Chinese force (CCP, PLA) comprises families of sadists and their ranks of crime-soaked desecrators and ogresses, whose whims they subserve.

The wealth and engine of each of these
forces is unwomanly females, aka ogresses.

(Taliban, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS, Boko Haram,
ISIS-k, CAIR, etc. . . . all are Moslem Brotherhood.)

Euro/Pan-American forces are afraid of losing their comforts to being held responsible for their decisions and actions. Arab/Pan-African forces are afraid of losing their drugs to dangerous sea and air lanes adjacent their export terminals. Pan-Chinese forces are afraid of losing their food to ill winds from any direction blowing across BRI.

The Washington Post is a CIA front. The New York Times is an FBI front. CNN is a DOState front. Note that every time Interagency (CIA, FBI, State) experience exposure of their nefarious activities, their media/comms shops say those were DOD responsibility, usually Army. Leftists abominate Army more than the other services because Army is trained and equipped to hold ground.

The audience for WaPo, NYT, and CNN products is Interagency minions, not ordinary Americans. Mainstream Media operate to keep Washington D.C. minions and their provincial counterparts on beam with Interagency information operations. All Mainstream Media news headlines come from CIA, FBI, or State by way of WaPo, NYT, or CNN.

Creature comfort is the weak point in the line of Euro/Pan-American hegemons. Addiction is the weak point in the line of Arab/Pan-African hegemons. Food is the weak point in the line of Pan-Chinese hegemons.

A friend of Glenn Reynolds writes:

Some days back a friend asked me what we have learned twenty years after 9/11.  I sent these answers:

1) That our enemies have taken our measure, and we never took theirs.  Bin Laden’s strategic predictions vis a vis Afghanistan and the United States have been vindicated: 9/11 was for the other side a massive, generational strategic success.

2) That the entire American governing apparatus is incapable of real strategic thought.

3) That the federal government of the United States is much more inventive, determined, and relentless in curbing its own citizenry than it is in curbing those who would slaughter that citizenry.

4) That the federal government of the United States will allow foreign-power interests — specifically Saudi and Pakistani — to override and eclipse the just interests of the American citizenry.

5) The preceding item exists, of course, because we are ruled by an elite with much stronger social ties to other elites than to the people of our republic.

6) That our generational response to 9/11 guarantees that 9/11 will happen again and again.

This twentieth anniversary is even more depressing and cruel than they usually are.  We didn’t suffer as a lot of Americans did that day — my wife made it out of Lower Manhattan alive, for one thing — but because we are Americans, we suffered.  Our leadership class was utterly incompetent to the moment, and remained so for the succeeding generation.  Today we have inflicted upon us the twin bookends of blundering who mark the two-decade span.  In Pennsylvania, President George W. Bush speaks: the man who cared more for Saudis than Americans while the fires still burned, who abandoned the hunt for the immediate perpetrator mere weeks after the massacre, and who cynically leveraged the moment to pursue his own disastrous projects.  In Manhattan, President Joe Biden speaks: the lone figure of significance who opposed the raid to get Osama Bin Laden, and the man who presided over the shameful humiliation of defeat in Afghanistan.

A healthy and virtuous republican citizenry would shun them, and erase their names from the record.

Some questions arise.  Now that we’ve decided it’s fine for Al Qaeda and the Taliban to have a country of their own again, can we at least abolish the TSA?  Now that we’ve given Al Qaeda and the Taliban a stupendous cache of arms and ammunition, can we eliminate all federal gun-control law?  Now that we’ve decided we have a community of interest with the Taliban — including its Al Qaeda elements — can we release everyone jailed on account of January 6th?

Hey, just asking.  It hardly seems unreasonable for Americans to ask Washington, D.C., for treatment as generous as Washington, D.C., accords the terrorist movements who slaughtered thousands of us in our own streets.

Eric Paliwoda is dead, and for what.
Kim Hampton is dead, and for what.
Classmates are maimed, and for what.
Friends are wracked with PTSD, and for what.

What did we learn?

Twenty years later, we learn that the enemy won — and our ruling class was on their side.

Air, Fire, and Water are earth’s principal cleaning agents. Space and Earth also clean, but not so readily as do Air, Fire, and Water. Fire is the most thorough of the three principal cleaners, air is the most powerful, and water is the easiest to handle. However, unless Space and Earth deliberate and move in behind the actions of the three most-at-hand cleaners, those three cannot keep a cleaned area clean.

These considerations indicate resources present and capable of subsiding the rampancy of Euro-American Interagency, Moslem Brotherhood/Ayatollahs, and CCP/PLA.

Americans leading Washington D.C. would throw the US Fire Force (Cyber) at Euro-American Interagency, cleansing by fire. They would throw the US Navy at Moslem Brotherhood/Ayatollahs, cleansing by water. They would throw the US Air Force at CCP/PLA, cleansing by air.

Finally, Americans leading Washington D.C. would throw the US Land Force (Army) and Space Force at all three embodiments of envy and fear who array to subject the nations, thus completing a cleanse of the earth by the Multi-Domain Total Force.

Behind all of this is an era-scale shift in earth’s geo-political peace and balance maintenance structure. When USSR collapsed, USA/NATO were without an enemy — enemies keep one balanced — Middle Eastern and Caribbean nations were without a sugar-daddy — who keep one balanced, albeit artificially — and CCP/PLA were without a skirt to hide behind — unbalancing their foreign policy.

Geo-politics since 1991 has been in search of multi-nation partnerships that can balance nations’ interests and blow up — or blow down — intending global hegemons. USA Interagency was left holding the bag, so to speak, on making that happen. Reagan people — and POTUS Reagan himself — had no idea what to do after they implemented We win, they lose against The Soviet. Their life’s effort had been spent just figuring out how to get into position to collapse USSR. They did not think past that eventuality to what should follow on after it.

I lived through those years as an adult, more or less, and can say that no one I knew then, including myself, or heard about, had thought through “What next after The Soviet is not America’s foil, keeping America creative and on her toes?”

By our opposing them, our enemies
keep us in business, more or less upright.

Big brains and wise guys in religion, academe, philanthropies, Interagency, and publishing had no idea what to do beyond gloat and loot.

Famiglia Bush — who embody generational CIA/Interagency — had no idea what to do. Clinton quite deliberately sent Russians the worst — for Russians — possible American advisors. Their mission, per CIA, was to gut Russian morale and funnel Russian wealth to CIA and their trusted public-private partners — IC agencies, churchmen, academics, philanthropies, bankers, criminal organizations — among the nations. Obama minions — all CIA-vetted — came in prepared to counter-face US (CIA/Interagency) foreign policy from opposing USSR and looting Russia to enabling Moslem Brotherhood and Iranian Ayatollahs globe-wide. In other words, CIA/Interagency focus had changed from raping Russia to savaging MENA. And boy howdy did they!

POTUS Trump knew relations with Russia had to be made respectful, fair, and reciprocal — as also with other nations — but the mountain of CIA/Foreign Policy Establishment (Interagency) hostility to exactly those qualities, and specifically regarding Russia, was more than he could summit or mine as well as excavate in one term.

Underlying all of this mixture of good and evil is the plain, self-evident necessity of not making USA go it alone as world peace-maker and traffic cop. But how, and with whom? What partnership structure could do that, would do that? Big brains and wise guys have no idea. They know how to live high.

Really, even bad guys — and there are plenty of them — are asking that question. Everyone wants balance in the affairs of nations. Even liars, thieves, and murderers want that, at least so they have an easier go at their wonted employment.

Heads of corporations — private, philanthropic, governmental — pretend today as heads of state. It is a forlorn pose, but an understandable one. Two things can make that nonsense happen: (1) heads of corporations become fearfully megalomaniacal, and (2) heads of state abandon their responsibility to construct and maintain safe, fair, reciprocal, reliable, and peaceful inter-nation communications.

Even during and after WWII, USA leadership did not imagine USA going it alone as director of the world and shepherd of all the nations. Alliances were made, as they were by The Soviet. The notion that USA is or needs to be the world’s policeman never has been an American policy or desire. That idea is entirely a propaganda cudgel swung for its ability to confuse Americans, or to change the metaphor, a straw man burned for its ability to distract Americans, and by the usual suspects conjured patiently over decades by KGB and PLA.

The point is, everyone relied on inter-nation constructs to keep things working in an orderly and usable condition. When those constructs collapsed with The Soviet in 1991, no one had thought of what should succeed them. Some had thought of what could succeed them, they being, principally, hegemons Euro/Pan-American, Arab/Pan-African, and Pan-Chinese.

But even these authoritarians have been unable to conceive and rear inter-nation constructs that please the nations. They cannot because they are not heads of state. (Also, they do not want to.)

Three brother nations, with the probable addition of two assisting ones, and through their heads of state, are ready, willing, and able to conceive and rear inter-nation constructs that please the nations. These nations are India, United States, and Russia, probably assisted by Japan and Egypt. These brothers nations, in partnership, can and will construct and maintain safe, fair, reciprocal, reliable, and peaceful inter-nation communications.

This is all that is needed or wanted: an inter-nation structure of agreement and self-enforcement that produces peace among the nations so they can trade, expand, and be happy. India, United States, and Russia — probably assisted by Japan and Egypt — are the only nations who can make that happen. Only they have moral authority sufficient to that task. They are earth’s premier multi-ethnic, multi-faith nations.

We are looking for the senior brothers in today’s family of nations.  The leaders of the family.  How do we know who they are?  What characteristics identify them?

The senior brothers in any family are the ones who most embody the wealth of the family — spiritual, genetic, intellectual, geographic wealth — and are most in position to expand it’s weight (glory) and potency (fecundity).  This is a character thing first and sometimes — and luckily when it is — an order-of-birth thing.  I posit that senior brothers in an ordinary family — and this includes sibling sisters — have the following characteristics, which also, therefore, identify the senior brothers in today’s family of nations:

    1. They have decisive wallop
    2. They want to maintain their sovereignty
    3. They are multi-ethnic and generally peaceful
    4. They are multi-religious and generally peaceful
    5. They do not share the same type of government

Who has these characteristics has authority today and futurely as senior brothers in the family of nations.  All natural.

Three nations in the family of nations today have these characteristics:

    1. India
    2. The United States
    3. The Russian Federation

There will be peace among the nations as India, United States, and Russia — probably assisted by Japan and Egypt — build the structure that plants and nourishes its particulars. This is an earth thing, not a globe thing. Its essence is blood, spirit, and flesh, not visions, speeches, and revolutionary demands.

UniParty / CIA figured this out decades ago. Start riots in power cities such as Detroit, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Memphis, Oakland. Then, turn their governance over to Afro-Caribs. And presto, those are no longer power cities, just looting and shooting grounds. Powers those cities had can now concentrate in D.C., never to return to their origins.

FLOTUS Melania Trump

PJT saw the fleece and set out to arrest and reverse it.

Donald And Melania Trump

At least Interagency’s 2XL nefarious activities made it easy to spot the bad guys. It’s those D.C. Interagency stoners, their provincial counterparts, and all their sugar-and adderall-soaked harridans, whose whims they subserve. Stoners and harridans fear losing their comforts more than they fear competitors in the game of subjugating the nations: Jihadis and ChiComs. We can use that.

Mollie is lost, quoting slogans from the past. Conceiving structures for maintaining peace among the nations, today’s nations, and relaxation all around she has not done.

OK, here’s a thought in the direction of institutions that can actually throw the rascal institutions out.

Follow ons to NATO, Bretton Woods, UN, other inter-nation peace structures she has not considered. What to do about China, Jihadis, Euro-American Interagency (CIA) she knows not at all.

She wants courage, but for what? She has no idea. She says be brave, but for what, on what account, to get what done? She has no answer.

That it takes institutions to defeat institutions Mollie is unaware. That it takes partnerships of nations to defeat a nation or nations she is unaware. What those partnerships are in our case, today, she is unaware. She has not even put a thought in that direction. All of her articles get their steam, as with most Instapundit writers, from outrage, often feigned, at something “The Left” did, thus handing “The Left” always the initiative. Without NYT et al pumping bilge, Mollie would have no idea what to write about.

reed Scott
The problem with Freedom and America is that the system was designed for either classically educated or dedicated Christian people. Hopefully both. What we have now is a nation of ill educated heathen. Three generations deep. How you gonna fix THT?

David R. Graham to reed Scott
How you gonna fix THT?

THT is the proper question. Broadly answered, you relearn to have faith in yourself, in your identity with divine love, in your grandeur as the pinnacle of creaturely beauty and kindness, in your ability to disregard your mind’s antics and summon your heart’s Resident, and in the necessity of purifying your heart of all downward-dragging tendencies.

The short version: speak the truth and speak pleasantly. You need practice no more discipline than that.

You will draw the Almighty to assist you and restore your neighbors to peace and quiet.

Historically, behavior such as this signals
a drop of the Hammer of Dharma.
I think I would counsel preparing for
that occasion more than reviling this one.

Fortis Analysis: Protein and Transpacific Power: China’s Emergent Struggle for Food Security
Sundance: Hillary’s Favorite CIA Spook Admits The Taliban is al-Qaeda

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome partnership with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America.

Nourishing scriptures will promote the nourishment of the welfare of the world. To nourish the scriptures, one must speak the truth (Satyam vada); to nourish the world, speak pleasantly (priyam vada).  If these two maxims are kept in view and practised, no greater discipline is needed. It is only in an atmosphere of peace that such sacred maxims can be put into action. To earn that calmness, steady effort and harmony are essential, in the same manner as for nourishing the scriptures and the world. When peace is acquired, then all is equanimity (sama-rasa).  Equanimity is the very nature of peace. Everyone should be endowed with that peace and equanimity, and should establish an age of faith, devoid of non-scriptural behaviour, attitude, conduct, habits, and character. Devotion is the very fountainhead of this peace, so if everyone plants it in their heart and nourishes it with care and constant attention, a harvest of goodness and harmony can be reaped.

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