As I See It II: American Domestic Responsibilities

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.


Speak the truth.
Speak pleasantly.
Be united in prayer.

GOA Douglas MacArthur Statue, West Point
GOA Douglas MacArthur Statue, West Point
Rama Greets The Ogres, by Mary Graham

American domestic policy — the province of structures of government — can be adduced only from American domestic responsibility – the province of Americans united. To be legitimate, American governmental policy must and can only reflect Americans’ resolve regarding their own united responsibility. Their government cannot lead Americans. Americans can and must lead their government. In their domestic (and foreign) affairs, that means Americans united must decide what is their responsibility and what is not.

Thinking our problems are political is a distraction cleverly conjured by foreign lodgments in Americans’ structures of government. Our problems are of our own making: that we neglect to ponder and resolve what are and what are not our responsibilities. In the absence of that labor, we expose ourselves to desecration by connivers and opportunists, as today grin rampant over us. Falling victim to such is our own fault. We Americans have been derelict in our duty to resolve upon our own responsibilities and non-responsibilities and to put up structures of government which make and execute policies accordingly.

What are our responsibilities as Americans? What are not our responsibilities as Americans? Answering these questions and putting those answers into practice determine our politics and resulting structures of government and policies. This is a never-ending process because conditions are never the same. AEI and Brookings have no competence making policy for Americans’ structures of government, much less creating those structures.

Making our lives about political parties shows colossal stupidity. Long, long before we get to politics, which have their place, we have to face and resolve the matter of our own responsibilities, over and over again, what we want and do not want them to be. This truth compels our response to matters foreign as well as domestic.

What we Americans, united, want our domestic responsibilities to be — and not to be — trumps what we may be told our responsibilities are. In fact, no one can tell us what our domestic responsibilities are because, whatever they are, they are ours inalienably and we undertake them as sovereign persons and states. Or, we reject them as not us. Responsibilities come from within. They are co-terminus with our human nature, which is divine. We can agree what our united responsibilities are, based on the divine nature we share as humans. No external agencies — such as lodgments within a structure of government — have authority to tell us what our responsibilities are. Quite the opposite: structures of government have responsibility, delegated by us, to implement policies — foreign as well as domestic — that reflect united responsibilities we Americans agree we share.

Studies, polls, focus groups, and big data are run so that someone(s) avoids responsibility for their decisions, or lack thereof, after consequences heave into view. Sages do not need or want studies. They consult their own experience to grasp what is going on and are content with consequences of their decisions.

The fish rots from the head down. The head of every fish / culture is the religious institutions. Cut that off from the body of the fish (the other institutions), the body drops to the ground, whence can be put the head, and both in the deep bosom of the earth buried. Then new construction goes up over the grave, the fish carcass, including the rot, nourishing the rising whatsit.

This is something everyone can do personally, and right away, without waiting for mass movements or politicians, bureaucrats, or judges to act in one’s favor, which everyone knows they will not do. Defunding and not participating in religious institutions is an immediately available — to everyone — means of hastening the burial and replacement of the fish / culture everyone knows is under irreversible rot, starting with those religious institutions, the fish / culture’s head, who were the first to lose faith in man’s divine dignity and then spread that dis-ease to the other institutions.

Without support from the religious institutions, the other institutions quickly turn to mush and manure, which is a useful commodity for what comes next. Only one religious institution is needed now and forwardly, and that is the prayer hall for all believers, all faiths, all together, in one prayer hall, say, one per neighborhood, or thereabouts. Anyone who cannot stand that practice cannot stand the truth and will not stand the spirit of the age.

Karl Marx is regarded as more than a pompous prat because theologians and clergy of all faiths lost confidence in themselves and their Sacred Scriptures, giving themselves occasion to abjure speaking the truth and speaking pleasantly, occasions they promptly multiplied.

So, no need to fret. Abandon the religious institutions, let the other institutions collapse in consequence of that abandonment, bury the corpse, and rebuild. It is an ancient ritual that lies easily to hand, that works, and without doubt will be necessary again at some time hence. All part of the rich pageantry of life.

Trust me,
I do not know what I am doing.
But I am doing the right thing.

There is a lot of I between you and God.
That will help you not a bit.

Watching items such as these come through day-by-day leaves me with the impression that for long — and excluding until now the military — USG agencies and branches must suffer these indignities, these self-disgraces, because they have so long tolerated such behaviors that decent people would not think to apply for employment with them.

I know it is long that way with the churches. No theologian or pastor today would think to serve in the parish church of a mainline denomination or in a so-called super-church. That leaves only con artists, charlatans, and businessmen willing to fill not only the pastorates and teaching / music roles but also the parish councils, by whatever name they are called. Now, businessmen per se conduct an honorable role in society. But as clergy, no.

And look who teaches /admins at schools, colleges, and universities. Again, people of the worst sort, and for the same reason: what genuine teacher wants to serve in a sewer, can serve in a sewer? Respect for each other are carried in the hearts of students and teachers or education be not present.

Ditto law. The genuine attorneys are NOT on K Street, not in Big Law. They are not high-profile, not attention-or money-hogs. Leaving what we see as lawyers to, again, pretenders and scum to fill roles in an otherwise legitimate profession.

I think this general and accelerating unavailability of professional service starts in the religious institutions. Leaders there lost faith in themselves and their faith and / or allowed themselves to be gibbled by bumptious grifters. They passed on their infidelity to their congregants. Now, therefore, so-called religious institutions pump toxic bilge into society as giddily as do schools and governments.

Actions I have taken, would do, and recommend doing include:

  • abandon the religious institutions, all of them, all religions,
  • sell or force their properties into commercial development, then
  • open, on those or other properties, prayer halls for all believers that are government-owned — Religion Parks, I call them — and therefore open to all.

This is an idea in the right direction, at Kazan, Russia. Here are others. Cut off the head (religious institutions), let the body (other institutions) fall to the ground, bury the body and head, build over them a genuinely ecumenical spiritual and legal structure of inter-nation communications, for reliable, peaceful stability.

That is what I think. Particulars of American domestic responsibility emerge organically from unity in prayer. Be quiet, speak soto voce. No one is to overbear another’s prayer.

None of us sees much of anything. We always only deal in transients and incidentals, the best of us trying to suss out deeper meaning from those indications. The last thing a wise person wants to do is assume they see what is in front of them.

Bradlee Dean: “Fighting The Illegal Mandates”: Law Firms That Can Help

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America.

When centuries roll over the land one after another, new problems arise and new situations and predicaments confront one, so the laws and limits of the past have to be altered here and there. Indeed, such adjustments are a part of the design. People have to be shown the path to spiritual progress under the altered circumstances, so that the code of law that suits the new era is declared as binding. Nevertheless, the following has to be borne in mind. The Atmadharma (divine dharma) enunciated in the Vedanta is eternal and unchangeable. It can never be watered down or “adjusted to the needs of the times”. The lasting teaching is: Faith in the Atma as the core, the reality, and the goal is true for all time. The truths of Atma-dharma are based on the eternal foundations of the core of a person and nature (prakriti), which is the projection of the divine will. So, they are beyond the reach of change. They are as relevant and as valid today as they were thousands of years ago.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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