In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
Pensieri – I is here.
Pensieri – II is here.
Pensieri – III is here.
Pensieri – IV is here.
The restoration of Islam and the defeat of Caliphists is in the resurgence of Logos Theology.
Trusters and Boomers: Eliminationists and Slavers
Last week, both prongs of the decades-old pincer attack by the vast anti-human conspiracy against civilization received bright exposure: the left pincer, the Trusters (also here) and the right pincer, the Boomers.
Good News for the
Army of Wolverines
And, more good news: bright exposure of the Truster/Boomer allé de convenance with Caliphists.
Now, to pursue the rout and heal the most gaping, life-threatening wound to the nation, who will drive a stake through, incinerate and make windage of the ashes of the Kennan Doctrine?
VDH dithers.
Soldiers say: “There is no substitute for victory.” And, to the question, “What is your plan for winning the war?”: “Kill [ fill in the name ].”
They Need
They need class-warfare and rich people for the same reason the Soviet needed xenophobic imperialism and a strong West.
They need the rich for both shakedowns and envy.
It would be so much easier were there no elections.
But even without elections, they would still need a homogenized client base and a strong enemy, as did the Soviet.
The weakness of their approach, as also the Soviet’s, is the non-differentiation they induce artificially across the lives of their client base, a non-differentiation required to keep the base focused against the enemy, who in this case, because there is voting, is the rich.
Needing the rich to shakedown is also a weakness but not so large or consequential a one as needing to keep the client base in envy.
Societies and other systems work by differentiations of all kinds all throughout them and over against them.
Without internal and external differentiations (i.e., countless kinds, changes and gradients of information), systems quickly collapse.
Totalitarian systems need internal and external enemies to survive at all.
However, by eliminating internal enemies, if not also external ones, totalitarian societies reduce internal differences and simultaneously their own viability.
Totalitarians are queer birds. Dogs, maybe? They want totalism and undo themselves by succeeding.
Differences throughout the lives of individuals and groups keep them viable. It is good that some are rich and some are not. It is healthy that rich can become not and not can become rich. Differentiation is the root of life. Dialectic drives the cosmic dance.
Religion Is
Religion is a set of deeds in response to a gift. Happiness is that gift. Religion does not produce happiness. Happiness produces religion. First happiness, then religion. Religion happens because happiness does. Religion cannot cause happiness. Those who dislike religion are unhappy. That’s why they dislike religion. Those immersed in happiness experience duty as God and work as worship, all duty and all work.
Array of Four Enemies of Civilization at USA Front 2012
Blacks – hate
Progressives – self-loathing
Environmentalists – fear
Metrosexuals – self-mutilation/castration
Best response: go over the top of each, expansion, per their particular malady.
Humanism and
Humanism is a perversion of a truth. At root, it is fascism with the better PR facade of communism.
The truth is we belong to one another. Mineralogically, morphologically, physiologically, psychologically and spiritually we are united. All life is one, directly, without need of mediation.
Humanism throws in a mediator, government, and thereby destroys our unity. Humanism has to throw in a mediator because it won’t accept the truth that we are united. Humanism rests on denial, criticism.
Government is for protection of our unity. Government cannot mediate our unity because our unity is the prius of government.
The failure of humanism raises its antithesis, anti-humanism.
Liars, Christians and Hindus
Every liar in the world knows that only a Christian or an Hindu can frustrate their ambition, which is, always, to subjugate.
The End of Being, etc.
The end of being is personality.
The end of nature is corporeality.
The end of history is humanity.
Christianity is not a Religion
Christianity is not a religion. It is a calling to Religion. Christianity is not a faith. It is a calling to Faith.
Habit does not make a monk nor vestment clergy or prelate. Neither does vow or investiture.
The church is a corpus mixtum. Very many members of the church do not belong to the church. Never take a professed “Christian’s” profession as the truth. They would not know if they are or are not and if they profess to know they lie.
“Rewriting it to ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of an organizing philosophy, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof’ probably gets the issue back to its more original goal. Religions take all sorts of divinity excluding and divinity including guises in our era and the discussions should be changed to reflect this.”
Very astute. Now, trying to think this through a little farther, does government have an organizing philosophy? Is Congress part of one such? Is genetics an organizing philosophy? Is custom? Is law?
I think the idea that needs updating is the establishing bit. As all are aware, that’s not the same as a separation idea.
Where an organizing philosophy seeks to impose itself on one and all – such as taxing the populace to support the clergy, which is what establishment meant – there should be identified a non-Constitutional establishment.
Be refined, be hollow, without ego, so that the Divine Wind blows through you without hinderance.
Enact your inner necessity, do what you feel you should do in each situation, that is your duty, do it strongly and well, the consequences belong to God.
Mary, 17JUL10
The media competes with God over the destruction of the world. The fact is, everybody loses, excepting God.
Enemies of Humanity
We need to restore the policy that pirates are hostis humani generis (enemies of humanity) and therefore may be pursued by “any interested warship” (universal jurisdiction).
The Boomers
The political and economic failures of the Baby Boom generation are nowhere more obvious than in California. The Boomers inherited a golden state of promise and dynamism; as they begin to retire they are leaving it a debt ridden hulk — and the wrecking crew wants fat pensions for a job well done.
To Professor William Jacobson
Thanks for pointing out the racial richness of the State of Israel, a source of her strength. She is also religiously rich, again a source of her strength. Of Arab nations the same cannot be said. Their racial and religious orthogenesis renders them weak and fanatical. Compared to their condition under self-determination, Arab societies were stronger under British stewardship, under French stewardship not so much, under Italian stewardship mixed.
Israel is a cynosure in Arabs’ midst were they but humble and contrite, thinking for themselves rather than cowering and burning at incitements from their scholars/lawyers of the Koran and clerics.
GWOT never has aimed its missiles at the heads of the snake: Asharite scholars and clerics. So the snake’s teeth keep bearing down and its coils keep extending and tightening. That way lies poverty, although not for Asharite scholars and clerics. Israel and the West have a better way, one of richness.
“Population Bomb”
Good. Ehrlich did not offer to euthanize himself. Whenever I hear “We need to ….” I think “You need to …..”
Sathya Sai Baba said that every new person is another pair of hands to accomplish work.
In other words, reality is not a zero-sum game. It is create-able, expand-able, enhance-able.
Nothing is just given, even numbers and quantities. If entropy were an end state, it would not exist. Collectivism rests on zero-sum assumptions regarding reality. It cannot be an end state.
“We have equal rights and equal opportunity. We have never had equal economic outcomes, and very few of us have ever believed in the kind of politics that say we need equal economic status to feel like political equals.”
The second sentence is true, and on an array of interesting reasons. Basically, we’re tough.
The first sentence is not true, not in either part. Furthermore, it cannot be true, ever. There are no equal rights and assuredly there is no equal opportunity. Again, on an array of interesting reasons.
Basically, we’re not born alike.
The cause of contention in the matter of equality as Americans almost uniformly regard that is the financial condition on which comparisons are presumed to stand. Assuming finance as the measure of equality is a treadmill.
Here’s how I see equality measured. Three groups: those who do good thinking it is good, those who do bad thinking it is bad, those who do bad thinking it is good. The first two groups are equal because they have internal consistency. The third group is unequal to the first two because they lack internal consistency.
All the intractable problems of society and history come from that third group; and their inequality with the rest of the population, who do not understand them and are in awe of them, propels them into leader positions. QED
Why We Were Born
The purpose of life is to laugh, to dance and to sing. I watched the ads and they are not that. They are invasions of privacy for commercial and economic benefit.
The “Diversity Industry” is lawyers rent-seeking. So also the “Multi-Culti Industry.”
Federal, state and local governments in more or less large part have become lawyers rent-seeking. That’s what the general upset is about, and lawyers are rent-seeking that too. Works for them.
Centuries ago prelate lawyers were doing this. It was called “Indulgences” and “Relics” and other things. The names change, the intentions and actions do not. And by and large, neither do the actors.
Secular culture teaches to fear clergy – well, Christian clergy – and soldiers. That’s projection. Secular culture is controlled by lawyers. Caliphist “clergy”/”scholars” are, in their own outlook, lawyers.
Diversity Onslaught
Personally, I blame the white femi-nazis, who perpetrated “diversity” starting in the early 90s.
Before retirement, I worked for a large county public transit agency. It had been a great place to work. Very high morale, very fine work done, strong public support, generally responsible financial, construction and purchasing operations, and most important, everyone knew how to drive a bus or knew someone who did and knew that driving people from point A to point B safely and happily is what we did. We knew the duty, we knew our co-workers knew the duty and our passengers were generally pleased. We were proud of getting our job done. We were also an independent governmental agency operating outside of county politics and control.
In the early 90s all that went away. Seemingly out of the blue, every employee was ordered to attend several days of mandatory “diversity training.” That was, literally, our reeducation camp. We were made to feel stupid, backward, ignorant and generally in need of training in how to brush our teeth. 20-something white females initiated our “reeducation” – for all agency employees, including management. These young, “white” females were newly minted BAs and MAs newly arrived at the agency HR, which was then a normal screening and hiring arm and was now to become a social engineering tyrant dominated by a middle-aged female 1960s wannabe on a power trip tasking her flock of young white females to straighten out everyone, show them the acceptable attitudes and behaviors and enforce the same.
Shortly after, the ACLU, using the “diversity” tag, initiated suit and fear-mongering to force the agency under county political control. County politicians promptly looted the agency’s computers and monies. Morale, professional competence – to include in engineering – passenger service and general enjoyment left with the computers and monies. Nor were voices lacking to predict with depressing accuracy the outcome: an agency pleasing no one, doing badly, running off after fads and brainless ideas, self-rather than public-serving and shrinking support.
It started, clearly, with those young white females newly in HR demanding to make their mark immediately and seducing management for agency-wide mandated “diversity training.” At huge public expense. Management agreed for fear of bad publicity from those femi-nazis. So, ultimately, cowardice brought on the degeneration of a fine, respected agency. But the efficient cause was the “diversity” ideology of young white females. They got it at their schools.
Reflections on 11SEP01
At Althouse on this day, my reflections:
1- The Bushies were correct to take down Saddam Hussein because he instigated the attack and hired/supported the crew (KSM and AQ) to carry it out. Proxy war it’s called. AQ never was and never has been a primary player, nor ever will be. Focus or fixation on AQ is stupid and suicidal.
2- Saddam also hired proxies for and supported the anthrax attack that followed shortly after 11SEP11, a one-two punch, SOP.
3- The Bushies never got serious about GWOT, seeing the full breadth and depth of the enemy or measuring his intentions. Nearly their first act was to invite the Moslem Brotherhood and one of their children, Hamas (AQ is another), to act as top-level advisers to all departments of the executive branch.
4- The Bushies refused to vacate the lie that there were not WMDs in Iraq even though they knew full well there were serious tons of it all over the country, much of it in vast bunkers the UN, too, knew about, and tons more trucked to Syria just before US takedown, and still there, including bio (e.g., anthrax, some of which was used in the USA).
5- The Bushies refused to vacate the lie that AQ was the enemy. The enemy has been state sponsors of attacks on the USA, several of them, all along. AQ was, is and will be a proxy only and their power was nullified shortly after Taliban was driven from Afghanistan, which is when USA should have pulled out of that country.
6- The Obamies are so radically Islamist apologists and protectors (as long as Islamists don’t threaten Obami hegemony, including over them), and such secret subverters of USA national peace, justice, prosperity and security, that there is no measuring the extent of the damage they have inflicted on USA and yearnings in the ME and Third World for freedom from Salafist/Iranian/Arabist/Africanist malevolence, all state-sponsored, until their hands are pried off the mechanisms of government.
7- Because not all the nations — all Islamist — seeking hegemony over Europe and the Americas were answered decisively long before the proxy attack in the USA on 11SEP11, those nations, with the exception, so far, of Iraq, have continued their violent and stealthy hegemonistic quests with impunity, and one of them, Iran, with the assistance of a US agency, even managed to install an executive in the White House.
8- It is not clear that the American people as a whole or as a critical mass minority or majority recognize that there is such a thing as evil and that there are nation states who, driven by evil impulses, want them for slaves, ransom and/or dead.
9- In other words, it cannot be said with certainty that the American people are resolved to defeat the hegemonist nation states seeking to subjugate them and theirs and tear them to pieces. It is not clear the American people think highly enough of themselves to want to be themselves, or, think humbly enough of themselves to realize when they are being blind-sided even by a self-announced enemy.
This is depressing, but it is what is. I have no words of comfort. I do not know the future. I do believe that, as an early commentator here remarks, surveying and assaying this scene, one does one’s work. Duty is God, Work is Worship. I do believe that will suffice unto the day, as the saying has it.
The Nations Stand
Socialists have been attacking the nations since before my birth. The very thought of nations they find hateful.
The nations are still here and the socialists come and go, with their perverse Christianity. Russia is here, Cambodia is here, Vietnam is here, Germany is here, France is here, Greece is here, Great Britain is here, Congo is here, China (and here) is here, Nicaragua and Venezuela are here, and the United States is here. Even Cuba is here. Yet socialists keep attacking these and other nations. They are never content, never see their visions in concrete, never have enough power or fulfillment … their mouths ever open, screaming for more.
They cannot hold what they gain. Nor can they resist impulse to attack. Perverse Christianity, socialists’ heart, is a cruel mistress. She loves the taste of infliction.
Yet the nations stand, sometimes bent or hobbled, yet standing. When this generation of socialists goes a new one will take its place. And the nations will stand after those socialists’ attacks against them, too. The nations are here. Socialists are passing through. Pivot, roll with the punch, they must not turn you.
It is the nations socialists hate. Nations are their enemy. A nation’s being itself challenges socialists to fantastic visions of “fundamental transformation.” They cannot abide being.
A nation is a land bearing a unique and persistent identity. A land is a specific, special and peerless. A land aggregates and enfolds specific space, time and creatures, including especially human creatures with their activities of religion, culture and morality. These lands called nations are unique to themselves in habits of language, thought, speech, behavior, design, government and religious expression. They self-perpetuate, reflecting from their nature the power of life itself. Nations cradle the freedoms, the grandeur inhering in creature-hood. That is their purpose. A nation is a mother to her creatures.
Socialists do not see nations. They see a regime, a reich, a wealthy ruling class overbearing a force-integrated field of permitted thoughts, words and deeds on the one hand and dominated spaces on the other. Nothing unique, no peerless existence, no inherent or inalienable nature of freedom, no land, no identity, no mother and no child (unless ordered/permitted). Socialists see a ruling class and its possessions, which comprise every other.
The dream of socialists is to lay hands on nations, to deconstruct them to spaces without time or creatures, to de-land them. While that cannot be done, socialists’ dream of doing it does not die from frustration. Perverse Christianity is a cruel mistress.
Nations have no mistresses.
OK, pessimism:
President GW Bush allowed or enabled (not sure which, conclusively) the Caliphizing of the USA.
He used the US Armed Forces to protect the Saudi Royal Family by taking down or cauterizing their enemies: Saddam Hussein, the Iranian Mullahs, AQ and those elements of what the press calls “Taliban” (a useless taxonomic term meaning, in Arabic, “students”) with which they are unfriendly.
But the Saudi Royal Family on GWB’s watch completed the Wahhabist/Muslim Brotherhood (and here) take over of every major college and university in the USA, became first-tier go-to (CAIR) for every US Government Department and agency, every State and Local government bureaucracy, the US Congress, every ecclesiastical judicatory (including the Roman Catholic monastic orders but NOT including most of the Roman Catholic Diocese) and the US Armed Forces.
Every leadership/bureaucratic cadre in the USA is now controlled by Wahhabists/Muslim Brotherhood (and here), even the prisons, from whence are dispatched the “Muslim” “black converts” who are cheap expenditures for high-profile, high-success jihadi attacks.
The Arabs never had it so good as they do with Africans! They ran the African slave trade, after all. Old hands at wasting blacks, who are old hands at being wasted.
A friend managed TSA at a major USA international airport in 2007. This person told me then that “Washington” was “not serious about terrorism.”
Well, Washington believes Terrorism is anything that threatens the Saudi Royal Family and anything that family and its parallels in the Muslim Brotherhood (and here) do is education protected by free speech.
GWB holding hands with the Saudi Monarch? BHO bowing to the same Monarch?
Nothing has changed.
9/11 was an annunciation of victory by Wahhabists. The USA is now Caliphist. GWB favored the Saudi Caliphist subversion. BHO favors the Iranian hegemons.
Think I’m nuts, don’t you? Well, … attend the outcome and deduce the facts.
Five Kinds of Pride
There are five kinds of pride. All other kinds derive from one of these five.
They are: pride of youth, pride of beauty, pride of strength, pride of wealth and pride of scholarship. Students face a special danger related to their work itself. They are the only people whose very calling entails the risk of deadly sin.
The advice of Gamaliel applies here, IMO.
It’s a new era. Both good and evil are rampant and in forms unprecedented in our experience and our training.
The Spirit is blowing across the land. Across the world, indeed.
It is a time of paradox (Greek, para = outside, docta [doctrine] = accepted/expected wisdom), a time of the unexpected, the un-anticipate-able.
Let’s let the wind blow and meanwhile observe developments. Then assess when we have sufficient justification to know how to.
We have indications, definitely, but they are incomplete and adumbrated in codes for which, currently, we lack the keys.
We don’t yet have methodologies or stochastic structures that would enable us reliably to measure the big picture of national developments at this time.
Let’s watch developments and enjoy the show. All of it is Providential, after all. This isn’t horizontal only, much as we are habituated to assume that it is.
The Army and Dereliction
So when is the Army going to say the domestic enemies of the Constitution — against whom they are sworn to protect the Constitution — must be taken down?
Can they wait much longer without being guilty of dereliction of duty?
You Are Inadequate
Who supports treasons, stratagems and spoils made by Faculties and done through Courts, Congress and White House is inadequate. You are holding the nation under water, to drown her in Caliphist Imperialism.
Signature Lines
I want to be devoted to God, but I can’t do it. Fortunately, God is devoted to me, so everything works.
Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu – May All The Worlds Be Happy
God loves to pet His friends and whack His enemies.
The heights by great men reached and kept,
Were not obtained by sudden flight.
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I want to be devoted to God, but I can’t do it. Fortunately, God is devoted to me, so everything works.
Eadem Mutata Resurgo
Duty is God Work is Worship
Diligentibus Deum Omnia Cooperantur In Bonum
A self is not a thing that may or may not exist; it is an original phenomenon which logically precedes all questions of existence.
The Rev. Dr. Johannes Paulus Tillich, 1886-1965
Every certainty includes uncertainty because every fact involves dynamics, both within itself and with its context.
Fulminacio Escalante, Poet of the 12th Century, 1428-1307
Duty is God Work is Worship
In relation to God everything is by God.
He who knows anything knows something about God.
Salvation is reunion above the subject-object split.
Sound and Reality
Sound does not exist unless it is made, created each moment it exists.
Analogously, reality does not exist unless it is made, created each moment it exists.
Reality, which is sound self-realized, like sound, is made, created each moment it exists.
If it is not made, not created, reality does not exist.
God is whoever, whatever makes reality.
The Messiah” from Hell
The Messiah” from Hell,
Who deserves a big Bell,
That will ring out the Trouble,
When he’s inside his Bubble,
And let the world know, he is Fell.
Dharma supports those who support Dharma and subverts those who do not. Dharma, not numbers, is the power to protect and redeem mankind through the agencies of religion, culture (includes government and economy) and morality.
History is personal, not impersonal. Life is love, not necessity.
The Secret of War
En guerre, l’art ne consiste pas à frapper fort, ni à frapper souvent, mais à frapper juste.
In war, the secret is, not to strike hard, nor to strike often, but to strike at the right moment.
Zuhdi Jasser
Recent essays by Dr. Jasser remind me of an American proverb, sometime called the ten most important one-syllable words in the English language: If it is to be it is up to me.
I share Dr. Jasser’s stated frustration over the refusal of American and European leadership orbits at least publicly to address the doctrinal substance of Caliphism, through I wonder whether
Dr. Jasser is a crypto-Caliphist. Self-described Muslims lie and deceive as a matter of ideological (i.e., world hegemonic) principle.
Whatever the causes for this omission — and there are several, all odious — the result is professional incompetence facing a deadly enemy. Not a happy prospect, as Dr. Jasser and others of all religions see or at least say.
Below the senior leadership levels there is some direct but far from unanimous facing of the problem on its own terms. One thinks of MAJ Stephen Coughlin graduating at NDIC and The Rev. Dr. Mark Durie in Australia.
I think that for the time being, and probably for a very long time given the chances that a Pied Piper/Consort combination of unthinkable intentions is poised to place hands on the mechanisms of national and international leverage, it is below the level of senior leadership that address of the doctrinal issue must be made.
And I think there is none other than thee and me, etc., to make it. Certainly we should not hope that there is or will be others of a higher standing because hope is not only not a policy, it is a poison.
Thus back to the American proverb quoted above.
No One Remembers My Name
(Lyrics By Hal David, Music by Burt Bacharach)
No one remembers my name.
No one remembers I ever walked these streets before.
The people I once knew don’t seem to live here any more.
I feel like a stranger outside the house where I was born.
It seems so small now.
And everything that once looked new to me
Now looks old and not like it used to be.
No one remembers my face.
No one remembers the things I promised I would do.
I came back to show them I really made my dreams come true.
I’m dying to tell them but there’s no one to tell it to.
They just wash by me.
And now I know that the past is just a memory.
I belong where people smile back at me.
They know me and show me they care.
That’s why I’m so happy there.
They all remember my name, my smile, my face.
And that’s the place for me. The only place for me.
No one remembers.
No one remembers.
For Eventide
The mountain tall, the stream so fresh and bright.
The heav’nly star, the mercy filled with light.
The beauteous orb, the precious color gold.
The love that can’t be bought nor can be sold.
Abide with me, my life is fast away.
If you depart, how can the world stay?
O cruel man, your nature know you not.
Your life was made for love and not for “Not!”
Update I: Socialists’ attraction to anti-American strongmen.
Update II: 0 Speaks, The Heart Sinks
Update III: And Al Saud intends to keep it up. See also here.
Update IV: Global Divestment Day.
Update V: An American Renaissance.
Update 6: Richard Butrick, in 2012: It’s The Mullahs, Stupid. And in 2015: The Vast Majority Of Muslims.
Update 7: Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Economic Fascism
Update 8: A statement regarding equating Christianity with Communism:
Several New Testament parables are used, since decades, to equate Christianity with Communism. Virtually the entire “mainline denomination” leadership, to include now Roman Catholics, concurs at least in principle with that equation. Thus the pews empty out, which, remarkably, convinces that leadership to embrace leftist manners and language more tightly: cut loose by God, let’s be saved by politics.
Christianity brightly distinguishes the realm of civil authority and law from the realm of religious authority, which transcends civil authority and law and has no law of its own. Each realm has its utility, powers and necessity (“Give unto Caesar….”) and neither has authority to control or dominate the other.
The relationship between religion and science is the same. They are about different matters entirely, without intersection, confirmation or conflict. Like civil authority and religious authority, however, they are parallel, indomitable vectors of human experience and history.
Update 9: Multiculturalism: Something Rotten in the States of Europe and America
Update 10: The Muslim Brotherhood In America: A Course In 10 Parts
Update 11: David Solway: Misunderstanding Islam Solway exposits why I condemn the likes of Zuhdi Jasser (and here).
Update 12: The Rev. Dr. Mark Durie: Ishmael Is Not The Father Of The Arabs
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