Quintivium III: Development History In Pedagogy

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAMIn nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen. Quintivium I: The Integration of Inquiry, 1986-2010   (PDF)Quintivium II: Call To Curriculum Re-Formation, 2012Quintivium: University Of The Professional Guilds, 2021Quintivium III: Development History In Pedagogy, 2022 Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICITSOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT Quintivium developed from the WWW’s first Homeschooling Homepage. As […]

The System Of Education: Homeschool And University Of The Professional Guilds

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Every person deserves a diploma from a private school. Every person deserves a degree from a university. The private school is Homeschool (HS). The university is University Of The Professional Guilds (UPG). Homeschool replaces public school at the center of the system of education. The system […]

Studies For A University Of The Professional Guilds

One God – One WorldOne Race – One Caste Collected here are links to studies for University Of The Professional Guilds. These below are complete. Others await their writing and addition here. Protect The Professional GuildsRe-Integrate The Professional GuildsThe Professional Guilds Have Seen Their Authority UsurpedThe Professional Guilds Structure A UniversityRepair And Rebuild Bridges Between […]