Guidance For A Young Person Wishing To Homeschool

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



First, let your parents browse our homeschooling resource site and also the links on that page under Online Education and MOOCs.

Next, see if there is a program in your area whereby you can start a college or college-level tech school while you are actually in high school.

Next, ask your parents if they care more about their careers than yours. If they hem and haw or shine you on about this — meaning they care for their careers more than they do yours — then you know that as soon as the law allows you need to get away from them and work on your own, taking whatever loss that involves. Most parents today are selfish, ignorant and lazy.

Next, make sure that, no matter what else is happening at home or at school, you are putting in 100% on your own self-study, whether your parents help you or not.

If you are working as hard as you can, resources will come to you. Nature works that way. Society works that way. But you have to be giving your all in spite of hardships. Hardships you must learn to bear.  All have them.

You are a minor, you must stay with your parents unless the state removes you from that home or until you are considered by the state of legal age to live on your own. That is your obligation to your parents for bringing you into this world. Make sure you are studying as hard as you can before you ask your parents for help. You must work your weekends, you must not go out on weekend nights or any other night, you must give up all “friends” who do not contribute to your study.

If you cannot do all of that, you will not be helped much by the world.

Your time of life is that of a Student. Student is very hard work. And it does not stop when Friday evening comes. Student is 24 hours 7 days a week 52 weeks a year and it does not stop. If you do that, you will succeed. If not, you will not. You must homeschool no matter what parents and school do. School bores you, then learn to study while boring things are going on.

Got my point? You must go to it and get to work. Never use others for an excuse and stay out of the company of peers who do not work as hard as I indicate here.

Your enemy is not your parents or your school and teachers. Your enemy is your peers, most of whom you can assume are wastrels. Remember this all-important point: a man or a woman is done in by the company they keep. Keep good company, healthy people whose ideals are high and whose work at study and service to humanity never ceases.

If they “go to church” they probably are phonies, but not necessarily. The way you can tell if someone is good or bad is how they spend their time and what goes through their mouth. If they are constantly studying or performing self-less service, they are good people. If they are not doing this, shun them.

And yourself? Are you constantly — and I mean constantly — engaged in study and self-less service? If not, you must be to deserve further assistance.

Get to work. Shun self-pity. Blame no one, including yourself. Just get to work at study and service. Study what is inside you. Serve one and all equally. Draw out what is inside you to be and to do. Then use the all the resources you can find, formal and informal, to help you do that.

There is a huge lot of things you will enjoy at the school and online and with good people you can search out and meet, but you must get to them yourself. You must do the work. That is my main message. I wish it could be otherwise, that there were good parents and teachers today, but that is not the case today except in rare instances and I will not be other than candid about that.

Most adults you meet and nearly all your peers are selfishly engaged and so you have to study and learn to serve selflessly on your own. Do that and resources will come to you, more than you can imagine. That is the nature of nature, the nature of the world. Never be cynical. Cynicism is a sign of cowardice. Be always cheerful and at peace doing your own work, studying, learning from the directions that are inside you, that you came into this world in order to fulfill.  What you need will come to you.

Update 1: Matthew Hennessey: Homeschooling In The City

Update 2: Megan Fox: 8 Reasons Homeschooling Is Superior To Public Education

Update 3: Homeschooled with MIT courses since 5, accepted to MIT at 15.

Update 4The Gift of Marriage and the Proper Role of Parents in the Education and Formation of Their Children

Update 5: Factory Model School

Update 6: First space, then auto—now Elon Musk quietly tinkers with education

Update 7: Are Homeschoolers Over-Qualified?

My comment: Our three homeschoolers were like that and that was 22 years ago.  I made sure none of them went to college or university.  I also made sure none of them asked for a job where they would be told they were overqualified, because it was well-known to homeschoolers then that such situations existed.  Conclusion: this son has had poor guidance from his parents.

Update 8: America’s Homeschooling Mothers Are Leading Our Next Revolution

Related: I’m going to go way, way out — some will say way, way away — and observe that Boris Johnson owes his new-found opportunities to two Trumps: Melania and Ivanka.

Update 9: Mckenna Dallmeyer: Harvard ‘anti-homeschooling’ event ‘cancelled’ amid conservative backlash

Update 10: Sarah Imgrund: Homeschooling scholar-mom takes on Harvard prof who wants to crack down on homeschooling

Update 11: Daniel Payne: Homeschool searches at hits 5-year high

Update 12: J.D. Tuccille: Viewpoint Diversity Gets a Boost as Families Flee Public Schools

Update 13: Misty Severi: Homeschooling on the rise amid COVID-19 pandemic

J. D. Tuccille: Forget Classroom Battles: Homeschooling Is Easier Than Ever


Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond

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