From this moment on, everything D-R UniParty do, directly and through elements of US federal, state, and local governments (USG), are punitive operations directed against Americans, to disabuse Americans of love for their personal and national freedom and sovereignty.
D-R UniParty USG chafe against Americans’ having authority to abolish their jobs and agencies whereas they do not have authority to abolish Americans.
D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) are driving Americans to atonement by softening their hearts in sympathy for one another.
The word itself is straightforward and because of that often spelt at-one-ment. At-one-ment is a basic human want because, basically, we feel connected somehow to everyone else, to all creatures, and even to the universe in full. We want to feel that connectivity, and when we get even just a little feel of it, a little taste of how it feels, it feels and tastes very sweet and good in the sense of strong and reliable. Love, we know, is the feeling we have while experiencing that connectivity. Sometimes we call the experience unity, and it is that, if only in foretaste and fleetingly. But it feels right and good because it is right and good (strong and reliable), and also very sweet and consoling the deeper one feels it.
A theologian says God is that sweet feeling of right and good that we call love. A theologian also says we can experience God as love ever more delightfully, lastingly, and comprehensively by expanding our practice as God practices love, which is to say, impartially, universally, unselfishly. Love that God desires is like the quiet but persistent sun in this respect, shining light on one and all alike, being the warmth they embody and share with one another through that light of love.
Often I have been at pains to reject a persistent, and I say pernicious, so-called Christian doctrine of atonement. This is the one which claims Jesus the Christ was sent by God, but also volunteered, or at least acquiesced, to die on a cross in payment of debts owed to the justice and majesty of God for humans’ sinning. The doctrine is named Substitutionary or Satisfactionary Atonement and is associated with the Italian Benedictine Anselm of Canterbury. In place of each person suffering punishment for their own sins, God sends a non-sinning man, disguised as Himself, to take on the horrible and terrifying punishments due each and every human being from the deepest past to the farthest future.
It’s all accounting and ledgers. Cold as a reptile.
The Latin Church, on account of their obsession with sin, is wracked by this nonsense more than is the Greek Church, whose obsession is eternal life. Origen of Alexandria injected a version of substitutionary atonement into both Latin and Greek Churches — an allegory wherein God and The Devil haggle over the destiny of individual souls, an allegory used, interestingly enough, by Blake Edwards as the plot engine of his film Switch. However, that turned out to be too fantastical for Latin taste in piety — forgiveness of sin — influenced as it is by sensibilities imbibed from Republican and Imperial Roman law, and insufficiently amenable to Greek taste in piety — avoidance of death — influenced as that is by sensibilities imbibed from Pythagorean and Stoic philosophies.
Love is the core presence in Christ’s atonement on the cross. No silly debt payment or destiny bargaining. Is God an accountant? Does God grant leave to haggle or otherwise condition His Will?
Atonement occurs, in context of Christ on the Cross, when His plight and condition arouse sympathy and compassion in the hearts of onlookers and auditors. That softness of heart is the dawn of atonement because it arouses love for another creature. That love is God. In this way is at-one-ment achieved, and with God as love, sweet specifics of love. Where there is love, there is unity. Unity is God. God is unity. Where there is compassion for Christ on the Cross there and then is one in Christ, as St. Paul puts it, in the effulgent Love of God.
The atonement of Christ is the arousal of love in the hearts of creatures human and even otherwise. A horse cannot tell when something is amiss and someone needs nuzzling? A wolf cannot refrain from eating a man and instead listen, in eager attention, to his homily on God and offer of food not harmful to humans? That softening of the heart in compassion and sympathy is atonement with God in God as The Christ. That is what took place in Jesus the Christ on the Cross at Golgotha. The horror of that event, breaking the heart into sweet but aching softness, is the Atonement of God and man performed by The Christ of God.
Scaled up to personification in the universe, that sweet but aching softness of love St. Francis beheld as a dark, giant winged creature in the skies above Mount Alverno, in pain. That was God, of course, seeing so much of Whom advanced blindness and death for Francesco Bernadone. The pain is not that of being harmed (crucified), not that of feeling remorse for harming (causing a crucifixion), not even that of feeling helpless to stop a harm (weeping at the base of a crucifixion). It is the pain love itself is when thrown into existence amongst this breathing world. THIS inconsolable sweet pain makes at-one-ment in this painful world.
Some intellectually trivial and pietistically
absurd theory of debt resolution just don’t cut it.
The Christ of History can only be the Center (Tillich), the Pivot of History if His Career is the Core of History, the soft, sweet, supremely attractive — even to bad guys — always painful, and not infrequently abrasive Love of God. And that oh my friends and ah my foes, in a nutshell, is the Doctrine of Atonement in Christian theology and the Christian religion . . . and every other religion.
Atonement Helps All And Harms None
Now, we seem to have gotten into this position where D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) — D-R UniParty and federal, state, and local agencies and bureaucrats identifying as them — have found that they enjoy and can get away with conducting active measures (aktivnye meropriyatiya, also here and here), direct actions, punitive operations against American citizens. The pace of these punitive operations appears to have quickened since, say, about the year 2000. Also, concealment of them appears to be less and less a concern of their perpetrators.
They enjoy it!
Altogether, we have a very un-pretty picture of some really nasty G-Men — to use an historic phrase, American slang for FBI Agents — and local partners carrying some pretty heavy tools into punitive operations against some pretty large cohort of persons — 80% or more of Americans — they don’t even know and really don’t like and are happy to make dead and gone, or at least terrified and quiet.
This is strange!
Now, apart from the monstrosity of this thing on its face, what could these D-R UniParty USG, these G-Men, have against Americans, to drive them to imagine they are duty bound — and will find it fun — to burst out of their just and legal roles in order to maul Americans to bits and pieces wherever and whenever they want to? There are other questions too, such as how could personalities such as these get into positions to do that to Americans? But the question of focus here is, what have D-R UniParty USG got against Americans such that they feel justified in wanting, essentially, to eliminate Americans from the face of the earth?
Government authority and power is penal. Societies set up governments in order to punish individuals and groups who harm or threaten to harm those societies. Government power is negative, destructive, not positive, constructive. This is comme il faut. Governments take things down and prevent things from setting up. Governments do not set up things. That’s the ideal, anyway.
Now, exercising penal authority, which derives from society at-whole, and deciding on one’s own recognizance to lord it over individuals or groups, are altogether different things. Americans do not lord it over people. We self-defend, but we do not lord it over others. Someone who lords it over us in the name of, say, our own or another government is ipso facto not one of us and certainly not representing our government. They are illegitimate trespassers, invaders, aggressors, and insurrectionists deserving the weight of our penal authority descending right down strongly and sharply on top of their heads until they are crushed and cut entirely out of our affairs of state.
So what do these G-Men have against Americans? And it isn’t just FBI. It’s CIA first and foremost because they can operate entirely dark side — and usually do — protected by terrified Senators and Representatives. Then it’s FBI. Then the likes of ATF and DHS who-knows-what. Then the myriad private executive department armed forces created by Fraudulent Team Obama. What do these agents, and the agencies they believe they own, have against Americans?
Authority to abolish them.
Thus, whenever Americans come near to abolishing or even merely scrutinizing them, these G-Men of CIA, FBI, etc. rampage against Americans to punish them for what they, the G-Men, see as Americans’ impious and improvident impudence, their unwarranted and dangerous self-confidence, which is in fact a spiritual strength. D-R UniParty USG absolutely abominate spiritual strength. They are become government penal agency thrown by government penal agents — D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) — against government actual authority (Americans) . . . or, what Blake Edwards might call . . .
A Fine Mess.
We see the D-R UniParty Junta’s hearts, minds, and hands making this unfine mess as early as CIA’s assassination of two Kennedy Brothers through mercenaries from multiple sources. Contracting mercenaries is a modus operandi The Agency still employ (see below, Las Vegas 01OCT17). Overseas at least, SEAL Team 6 are CIA’s contract kinetic force. FBI and ATF also hire or intimidate mercenaries for their arousals, annoyances, and assaults against Americans. However, all these agencies employ to that end — direct action, punitive operations against Americans — their own agents as well (cf., Ruby Ridge, ID 21AUG-31AUG92; Waco, TX 28FEB-19APR93; Washington D.C. 06JAN21 and continuing).
Provocation, persecution, and prosecution of Americans by D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) for no better reason than to conduct punitive operations against Americans for being Americans is now baked into operations of all three branches of the US federal government as also into many state and local government operations. It’s something almost everyone assumes goes on, is going to continue, and cannot be stopped or obstructed.
Congress are terrified of armed Executive Branch departments and agencies with intelligence files.
Presidents expand those agencies’ numbers, lethalities, and reach physically and by surveillance — starting with FDR, all except Kennedy and Trump — or fail to acquire leverage on them sufficient to eliminate their business or invert their business model — Kennedy and Trump.
Judges are terrified of mob and media violence incited by D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) against their persons and properties.
- If, as Senator Schumer claims, intelligence agencies have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you, then, intelligence agencies, not POTUS, Congress, and SCOTUS, are the D-R UniParty USG (The Junta). The servants effectively own the house, home, gardens, stables, fields, livestock, crops, and banked savings while just letting the master live, at least awhile, on what they consider now their own property.
And big media are whose fronts? D-R UniParty USG’s, The Junta’s — CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS et al — of course, who also own the assaulting budgets, intentions, and firearm, surveillance, and cyber assets. It’s a big pack of perverts pounding perfervid patriots. And openly now, with official cover, even for a controlled massed ambush using direct and diversionary fire, with fully automatic rifles, to channel elements of a large crowd into multiple kill zones each covered by enfilading fire. This to punish American patriots for electing Donald Trump POTUS.
In 2020, Americans reelected POTUS Trump. D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) — principally CIA but also FBI, DOJ, and DHS — in coordination with elements of foreign governments as well as US Secretaries of State and County Election Commissioners, whose allegiance is to D-R UniParty USG rather than to The United States of America and Americans, fraudulently and illegally made it appear that POTUS Trump was not reelected but that two characters they knew were loathsome to Americans were instead. Again, the motive was punitive operation against Americans for reelecting POTUS Trump, which is to say, for being Americans.
On 06JAN21, shortly before those same D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) installed their two loathsome creatures as, allegedly, POTUS and VPOTUS, Americans gathered in their capitol city to urge the U.S. Senate to decertify the alleged electors and their alleged certification of the loathsome creatures scheduled to be installed soon in the offices indicated.
While Americans were so engaged, the same D-R UniParty USG — principally CIA but also FBI, DOJ, and DHS — again planning to channel a crowd of patriots into, effectively, multiple kill-zones — in this case arrest-and propaganda-worthy activities — deployed mercenaries and their own agents to conduct punitive operations against those patriots by provoking them into illegal acts, persecuting them then and later with hunting expeditions and incarcerations, and then prosecuting the arrestees because they can. Some innocents died and many suffer in this unfine mess fabricated by D-R UniParty USG (The Junta), using their mercenaries and agencies, in order to conduct punitive operations against Americans for reelecting POTUS Trump.
Donald Trump represents the authority of Americans to remove and replace political parties and government agencies and agents they have authorized to protect them from domestic and foreign actors who would harm or are harming them. It’s not Donald Trump The Junta hate and want to punish and make go away. It’s that authority Americans have over them, to retain them for employment and opportunity or not. That’s the problem The Junta (D-R UniParty USG) see that they have to solve — by eliminating it, er, Americans. They’re thinking, if only they can conduct punitive operations against Americans sufficiently odious to make Americans forget and forsake who they are, even subjecting them to automatic rifle fire out in public view, cameras rolling, Americans will cave on trying to make their authority and wishes felt vis-a-vis political parties and federal, state, and local government departments, agencies, agents, boards, offices, and committees.
This Is Not Happening
What is happening is atonement. D-R UniParty USG (The Junta) are driving Americans together in mutual sympathy, which is to say, unity in love. This outcome is divine and not unexpected by anyone loyal to Dharma.
Americans were well-met to fire and throw away their current think tank and government servant class. Those ones are insolent, pathogenic garbage. Make and hire a fresh set of servants to manage Americans’ affairs using levers of power Americans provide their government employees. Brookings, AEI, US Chamber of Commerce, Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, and MacArthur foundations come easily to mind as candidates for permanent banishment from councils of high national responsibility. There is no redeeming those organizations. They work against Americans’ prosperity and happiness.
Try as they may to take control of the master’s household and properties, the servants are not deserving of the same and are far too mercurial to qualify for ownership of the master’s wealth. Servants are servants however much they chafe the limits of their duties, authorities, and powers.
And speaking of our ebullient POTUS Donald and beautiful FLOTUS Melania Trump, some salient statements of his about the collapse, straight down (!), of the Twin Towers and their siblings:
Principle I
Principle II
Principle III
Dedication of all activity to God and surrendering to His Will is called Bhakti Marga (path of devotion). Bhakti has to be built on conviction, not on blind unreasoning belief. That‘s why I always emphasise the role of intelligence. Intelligence is a special gift from God to man; it confers the power of discrimination between right and wrong. Peace or happiness depends on the choice of the right means and this is a matter to be decided by intelligence. Prosperity too depends on the intelligent exploitation of resources available, human and other. The wavering ‘intelligence’ of man, that has lost its one-pointedness and purity is responsible for all the conflicts and quarrels that are prevalent today. So, I ask you to pray to God to grant you the capacity to think straight and right, and to stick to the correct decision once decided on, without being affected by egoism, greed or hatred. Pray for a balanced mind unaffected by prejudices and passions.