Webb and Wolfowitz Enfilade Americans

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a Declaration of Unconditional Surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America.

Recent essays by Paul Wolfowitz in WSJ and James Webb in The National Interest illustrate the depth of D-R UniParty hostility towards United States sovereignty and Americans’ happiness. They remain committed to enfilading Americans with foreign wars.

Paul Wolfowitz, UniParty,
Democrat Turned Republican:
The ‘Forever War’ Hasn’t Ended

I could go point by point through Paul’s essay to refute each one, but the exercise is unnecessary. Events are way ahead of his and his neo-con cohort’s understanding. WSJ is an ember on an old camp fire, reduced now to pass-through for IO by various McKinsey-fied federal agencies, mainly CIA, who own big media, philanthropy, law, academe, church, and crime.

James Webb, UniParty,
Republican Turned Democrat:
Afghanistan: A Requiem for an Avoidable Disaster

Jim Webb, he of Born Fighting, published lately under title, Afghanistan: A Requiem for an Avoidable Disaster. It is a serious essay that reflects Jim’s desire to stay the D-R UniParty’s (CIA’s) social-publishing circle. It merits close reading, both for what it says and what it does not say. Ultimately, to stay his comfort zone, inside CIA’s social-publishing circle, Jim pulls his punches, several of them. Analytical review is therefore worthwhile. Know your enemy.

A comment on Jim’s essay at InstaPundit’s post regarding it got me thinking. I copy out below how this thinking evolved over the course of responding to several commenters there.

The Drill SGT
Jim Webb: A Democrat, but not an anti-American idiot.

David R. Graham to The Drill SGT
True, but wants much to be accepted in the UniParty social circle — CIA-Philanthropies-Publishers-State Dept.-Academe — which fortifies the perception of him as an anti-American idiot. He’s not anti-American, but he’s not gut-friendly American either. Were he, he would not have taken a swipe at POTUS Trump, a risibly cheap one at that. He saw a lot of blood and guts. He fought hard, well, and successfully. He wrote inspiring books. His wife’s family and pacifism have had a lot of influence on him, understandably and certainly not as could be disdain-able. He is unready now for the fight that in his Antrim gut he knows he has to make. In my mind, Jim is an American hero who became a tragic figure. Call it destiny, I do not know, but I think that is where he is. He certainly cannot be relied on to lead a battle element, and not just because of his age.

skyzyks to The Drill SGT
Then, why is he a Democrat?

David R. Graham to skyzyks
Exactly. He’s a UniParty man, and this essay illustrates the point.

notanotherskippy to David R. Graham
In a perverse way, perhaps we should look at the calamitous blunderings in Afghanistan as an opportunity to demand a true turning point. Americans know that a great deal of our governmental process is now either institutionally corrupt or calcified. They want change, as evidenced by the election of Donald Trump in 2016, no matter his empty credentials in government. Lacking clearly expressed options, most don’t really know how to articulate the specifics of what that change might encompass.

Something must be done! Just not the something that was working before I voted for the idiot currently in office which I won’t squarely blame.

Ann(e) to notanotherskippy
That quote is so patronizing. Trump was articulate about his agenda and the American people had renewed hope there was some one actually representing them in DC.

David R. Graham to notanotherskippy
Yeah, and actually, enough do know how to articulate the specifics of what that change might encompass. And in any case, a mass of people do not make ideas or movements. Leaders do. The military services do in fact have leaders in the current O5 and, a few, O6 cohorts as well as their corresponding Enlisted cohorts. More even in higher and lower ranks in the retired cohort.

We are in early stages of a sea change in leader cadres. The ones poking up sun-ward through the muck of the swamp include intelligent patriots.

I think it best the rest of us exercise as best we may, in whatever our situation in life, such articulations of proper conduct in this area of life and that as we can muster and put those articulations into public view as occasion occasions, there to be examined, ruminated upon, improved, polished, discarded, and such like. If we can think we can talk, and if we can talk we can heal and create.

David Gillies
The dek on that article says, “[What Americans are] seeing time and again, domestically and overseas, is not good government, despite honorable intentions among many dedicated people.” That’s petitio pincipii. Were these people honourable but incompetent, the Law of Averages would indicate they’d occasionally get something right, albeit inadvertently. But when every single action they take redounds to the benefit of our enemies and to the harm of our own side, a less charitable explanation must surely be favoured.

David R. Graham to David Gillies
Indeed. Webb’s analysis is accurate so far as it goes. But it does not go far as can be, to this point you make. Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Libya, Afghanistan. These are domestic, not foreign wars, domestic here, inside USA, not foreign over there, across the seas.

American Leftists use overseas wars as flanking maneuvers against the American homeland. In effect, they have been calling in artillery on their own domestic positions from perimeter forces they consider their own at least for the purpose of shelling the homeland.

Interesting insight. Your comment broke away some layers of cover so I could see it. Webb wants to stay in the UniParty, even takes a swipe at POTUS Trump to verify his allegiance to the same.

Nailbanger to David R. Graham
I’ve wondered if the Uniparty, Deep State…Washington…doesn’t also use wars to burn off martial spirit amongst males, deplorable males so that these energies, and males, are used up overseas.

That besides the MIC [Military Industrial Complex] profit, grifting, Officer Corps bureaucracy playing, there is a planned, social scheme. That patriotic myth holders are dangerous to the Washington power structure and must be kept busy, over the Rubicon of the Pacific and Atlantic.

If so looks like some place like as was Grenada post Vietnam/Iran Hostage is going to get a easy win/ curb stomping. ‘America’s’ (MIC) back!”.

David R. Graham to Nailbanger
Wolfowitz promoted that project a day or two ago in WSJ.

I think it is not a cabal of specific persons plotting this and that against Americans. Rather, it is a wide-arc social circle, CIA its central clearinghouse, who share a common attitude of disdain for Americans and America and then concretize that disdain wherever and whenever they they see a chance to do so. They self-organize through cocktail circuits and philanthropy grants then come together without much planning to accomplish this or that assault against Americans when opportunity beckons, which, given their superior elevation now, is frequently.

An answer to enfilading fire is covered in a common military battle drill. SOSRA: Suppress, Obscure, Secure (on the far side of a breach), Reduce, Assault. Then repeat at the next blockage, etc. Another answer is counter-battery fire, which some use Twitter as, others blogs, others daily conversations, etc. In any case, it helps clarify to think of American Leftists as conducting self-organizing military operations against Americans and America, the foreign wars component thereof comprising specifically enfilading fire on the homeland.

They enjoy great success with that operation at Kabul, assisted willingly by GOFOs. Look at the demoralization, sorrow, fear, and confusion they have wrought here, even through facilitating direct and brutal death there and here. That has to be deliberate and man-made. The scale of effect is unnatural.

David R. Graham
In the case of Vietnam, there were enough patriots left in DOD and White House to hold the American Left — CIA and State — at bay long enough to make a mostly successful retrograde out of country. In Afghanistan, no such residual patriotic force remains at the senior command levels of the services or JCS, and the COCOMs, except for one, are in a like condition.

Thus in Afghanistan, the American Left get to do it the way they want, unimpeded: maximum damage to US morale and sovereignty. They use apparently foreign wars to, in effect, rain flanking (enfilading) fire on the American homeland even though they reside still on it. Their jealousy and hatred of Americans (domestic terrorists, white supremacists) is blinding even as to their own survivability. But they know an opportunity to harm when they see one and cannot think to do other than take it while it’s there.

What ordinary people call a mess in Afghanistan, America Leftists call lots of fun and a job well done. They will be handing out ribbons and awards, contracts and deals galore to themselves very soon now to celebrate their success.

Americans are better than their leaders: Alone in the Sky, Christian Pilot and Fiancée Save 17 from Tennessee Flood

Very different from Vietnam: suits are getting blamed now rather than boots. For Vietnam, boots got the blame. For Afghanistan, suits get it. Actually, for both it was the suits. Progress occurs: this time blame is rightly fixed.

I surmise the difference is the internet, for which we must thank U.S. Armed Forces! Everyone can find out now what is going on rather than depending on CIA’s legacy print and broadcast media — which is all of them — to ladle out their information operations.

Robert Theobald, Jean Scott, Glenn Reynolds, and others saw that this could happen, would happen, and was happening many years ago.

Decentralization of authority — always the issue in statecraft — by way of decentralization of comms is the ground of assets useful for flushing away tyranny. Resolve local problems locally. Do not ask national institutions to resolve local problems. The interest of local institutions is local interests. The interest of national institutions is national interests. Few problems rise to the level of national interests.

Sundance: Hillary’s Favorite CIA Spook Admits The Taliban is al-Qaeda
Kyle Morris: Milley, Army chief displayed ‘pattern of behavior’ defying authority: former senior military official
Agenda 21, UNCED, 1992

Every activity of man is dependent on the energy one derives from the intake of food. The sadhanas one ventures upon depend for their success on the quantity and quality of the food taken by the spiritual aspirant, even during the preliminary preparations recommended by Pathanjali. The most external of the five sheaths that enclose the Atmic core, namely the Annamaya kosha (food sheath) has an impact on all the remaining four. The Annamaya Kosha is the sheath consisting of the material, flesh and bone, built by the food that is consumed by the individual. Food is generally looked down upon by ascetic minded aspirants and seekers, and treated as something which does not deserve attention. But, since the body and the mind are mightily interdependent, no one can afford to neglect it. As the food so the mind, as the mind so the thought, and as the thought, so the act.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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