Two Civil Wars: A Comparison

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

In 1860, some states try to shred the country and some federals try to hold her together.

In 2021, some federals try to shred the country and some states try to hold her together.

In both cases, the objective and the method of the winning combatant party are the same: unity and war, respectively.

In 1860, honorable, educated men and women, men and women of good character, are found among both combatant parties.

In 2021, honorable, educated men and women, men and women of good character, are found among one combatant party only.

In 1860, Lee and Jackson put their assets in the service of de-unifiers.

In 2021, only Picketts put their assets in the service of de-unifiers.

In 1860, elements of the leader class attack one another, each with high self-confidence.

In 2021, upon pleading from elements of the criminal / demonic class, elements of the leader class cut loose self-confidence and are promptly attacked, in toto and high glee, by combined forces of the criminal / demonic class.

In 1860, the lineaments of unity in the American nation, The United States Of America, are fire-forged into particularity, thereby into view, and thereby into settled law by combined forces of the American people, fighting one another.

In 2021, the lineaments of unity of the American nation, The United States Of America, are force-marched out of settled law, thereby out of view, and thereby out of particularity by combined forces of the American criminal / demonic class, sometimes with acquiescence, and even assistance, from the American leader class.

In 2021, achievements of 1865 are reversed, annulled, denounced, and stricken in a force majeure by American and foreign personalities criminal and possessed waging war — from positions of great effect but not great strength — against the self-confidence of Americans ipso facto.

Countries do not take kindly to being shredded.

Since unity is the ground of existence and therefore of human nature, and since land adheres to itself and is not parted against itself, the winning combatant party in a civil war is the one fighting for unity. In the case of a nation state, the winning combatant party in a civil war is the one fighting to hold the nation together.

The particular nostalgia one can feel abiding still in areas of the American South, the thought that the outcome of 1865 might have been gloriously different if only such and such had happened — a litany of particulars is readily adduced — is not really from anguish over a lost war, much less from forlorn yearning for a victorious Confederacy.

No, this particular and persistent nostalgia is from sorrowful confusion over loss of victory by men and women of honor and character and therefore high repute. How could a Lee, a Jackson, a Stuart, and a Hill lose a war? Do not heroes succeed? How could men and women of such caliber as they, effectively flawless in every way, ever not succeed? Ay, there’s the rub.

This is the nostalgia one feels occasionally still in the American South. It is the puzzlement of theodicy. There will be no such feeling over the fate of Chesa Boudin.

These comparisons instill sympathy for the priority of unity in all things, all times and places. The lesson is unity: that unity must be made and maintained at all costs. It is not the lesson here that good men must win, much less that character is unimportant in life. The lesson here for all Americans — and all time — is that a dismembered body has diminished or no functionality. Therefore, unity is the priority for individuals, families, groups, governments, and nations.

Only men and women of high character and discerning judgement can make and maintain unity in anything. Yet must they fight to make it happen and to keep it real. Unity is not given to them just. Moreover, the fight is meant to be difficult.

Distribute authority and power and do not disrupt unity. Let the force of authority and power arise naturally from the land and from families living on the land. O, let us yet be [united].

Unity is foremost in political philosophy as well as theological geography. Unity is achieved and maintained by distributing authority and power from their natural source, their home generator — Land, Families, Constitution — to wherever they are required as fuel for the earning of peace.

One should want authority and power distributed and unity not disrupted. That way is peace.

Lane Scott:
The Dissident California Right Is the Future

Distribute authority and power
so as to ensure unity and not disrupt it.

In this civil war, the ones who fight for unity — of each person, family, town, state, nation — are the ones who win the war.  Get far ahead of the current action, i.e., behind the enemy’s lines, in their rear areas (school accreditation organizations, school boards, town councils, do not attend or support progressive schools, etc.).  It’s a frame of reference thing.  For example:

Three Brothers Doctrine
Civil Defense Battalions
National Sovereignty

The discipline of the self is the basic foundation for successful living. Through that alone can one attain real and lasting peace. And, without peace, there can be no happiness. Peace is the very nature of the Atma. It coexists only with a pure heart; it is never associated with a greedy heart full of desires. Peace is the distinguishing mark of yogis, sages, and the wise. It will flee away from the selfish and the sensual. It hates the company of such persons. Peace is full of spiritual uplift and the wisdom that is the natural accompaniment of bliss. Genuine peace is won only by control of the senses. Then, it can be called supreme peace. The experience of that stage is the ‘Stream of Supreme Peace’ (Prasanthi Vahini).  Peace is earned and maintained without disturbance by calming the mental agitation that surges like waves, and levelling the swirls and whirls of likes, dislikes, love, hate, sorrow, joy, hope, and despair.

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