The Thought Of God In Statecraft

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

There is in this breathing world one authority and strength: the thought of God. Now and for the foreseeable future, that authority and strength, incorporates geo-politically as three sovereign nation states — India, The United States, and Russia. These nations embody and manifest in unique ways one and the same authority and strength: the thought of God.

The thought of God is the single and plenary source of global order. The thought of God operates authority geo-politically through a triangular multi-national structure comprising India, The United States, and Russia. The thought of God self-manifests as authority and strength from countless intricacies and idioms unique to these three countries.

If you have a doubt, ask one of these countries for an assurance. Each has authority plenarily to settle any dispute. If you are dis-satisfied with an answer given, ask the three to prepare an assurance en banc.

  • An assurance should come from one or all three and never two because the latter would imply against one. India, The United States, and Russia comprise and operate a single authority. Majority-Minority configurations do not exist as between them. Statecraft for these three is decisive, not volatile.

If you do that, however — appeal a decision for en banc settlement — be prepared to abide the answer given, because no one in this world or outside it has authority to overrule a decision or resolution from those three countries, whether they sit singly or as three en banc. Their very being is the thought of God self-manifest. No higher authority has presence, much less existence.

Be very careful regarding what you seek.
Hint: More precious than the gift is the giver.

We expound here upon theological components of inter-nation behavior and geo-strategical realities. The thought of God, constant and meticulous, and it alone, yields authority and strength necessary and sufficient to conduct with success the difficult art of statecraft.

For example:

University Of The Professional Guilds
National Sovereignty (not national security . . . there is no such thing)
Three Brothers Doctrine
Civil Defense Battalions

Academics despise Americans because they keep the thought of God in mind. The thought of God in the mind of Americans is hateful to CCP / CIA / Academe and their minions. The thought of God in his mind makes a man strong and free.

The active marker of the middle class is that in their mind they keep the thought of God. That thought is their authority and strength. It generates the visible markers of a peaceful life. Remove the thought of God from the minds of the middle class and they retrograde into Heinlein’s bad luck.

The minds of statesmen are filled with the thought of God. They greet the sun saturated with the thought of God. They greet the moon saturated with the thought of God. They discharge their duty saturated with the thought of God.

The thought of God continually in their mind enables statesmen to see what is happening on the intra-and inter-nation stage and wisely react to the acting. The thought of God in their mind is the light referenced when someone asks God to show them the way to proceed through some circumstance. The thought of God is the light which ejects confusion and subsides vacillation. The prayer is for God Himself. He Himself is the light, quite literally, which keeps us on smooth, even ground, avoiding precipices.

When the mind is occupied with the thought of God, the world sees clearly and is clearly seen. Emotions subside, calm spreads, wealth flows in as the mind claps ever more eagerly onto the refreshing elixir that is the thought of God in one’s mind.

We experience a change of era and with that a change of mission: from Industrial Era generating Prosperity to Mother Era generating Peace.

The Mother Era

  • children raised in love, taught self-confidence
  • physical abundance matched by spiritual splendor
  • spiritual practice protected by familial and national strength
  • education and religion de-industrialized
  • peace earned through service to others

A statesman adapts and adjusts to this change of era and mission. Statesmanship operates from the thought of God, not from personal visions, group aspirations, personal or group assumptions, ideologies, inter-agency assessments, or information operations. The thought of God, and it alone, guides the mind, intellect, voice, and hand of a statesman along roads that are peaceful and generous for all, whatever one’s station in life and especially so for a statesman himself.

The thought of God, and it alone, also supplies strength needed to survive the blasts of fate, the lascivious pleasing of a lute, and the effects of exhaustion brought on by duty well-performed.

Vyasa wrote the story.

Machiavelli wrote half of it.

Codevilla wrote a quarter of it.

Statecraft is the recognition of opportunity and the summons thereto of assets already presciently brought to readiness. The assets of statecraft are: Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting. Details of their forms, energy quotients, and readiness estates populate the to-do section of a statesman’s remit.

Imposing pre-fabricated plans on individuals and groups is foolish and tyrannical. The opposite of statecraft. For example, the sweetness of peace that attends wise government, such as is produced most consistently by republican polity, emerges from seeds of culture eons old, centuries germinating in the nutrients of self-confidence, self-satisfaction, and self-sacrifice, and full of God.

The French could and did float far more fighting ships than did the English, but but their officers and crews, usually new to their duties and riddled with nepotism and criminality, were no match for English officers and crews, who were steeped in long service and promoted for having indefatigable fighting spirit as well as practiced skill. Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar followed upon (1) his recognition of opportunity to split the French-Spanish line of battle and (2) the readiness of his commanders and crews to make that happen.

Pandava Brothers could triumph over Kaurava Brothers, even though outmatched numerically and politically, because (1) they chose to die in battle rather than servility and (2) they had prepared themselves for war with prior training and then again by securing the aid of Lord Krishna.

Joan led her Soldiers into the Confessional before she led them into battle. This had the obvious purpose of making them shriven in case they died in battle. But it had a more subtle purpose as well: to instill in their minds the thought of God so that they should recognize opportunities and use them to prevail in battle. The thought of God gives a man super-human powers of mind, body, and spirit. Joan knew this asset and deployed it to effect. France to this day thanks her for that knowledge.

Napoleon too recognized the active and generative power in human affairs of the thought of God when lodged in a man’s mind. He put it this way: In the delicate art of war, the moral is to the material as three is to one.

Attention to opportunity and readiness. This attention is the touchstone of a statesman. The thought of God in a statesman’s mind quite generates this most precious attentiveness. People’s lives are protected and improved because of it. Therefore, a statesman’s first duty is to ensure that the thought of God is fixed firmly in his mind. Everything good comes from that fixation.

Now, some details inside a Godly view of statecraft for contemporary conditions.

Two pests discomfit the nation: Chinese Communists and Euro-American Socialists. It were time Karl Marx disappeared. These pests attack two supports of happiness: fair trade and national sovereignty. Each nurses an hegemonic dream of global economy, intelligence, and politics mastered by themselves alone.

  • Euro-American Socialists, who are school-based, include among their cohort — at least provisionally — two sub-groups: Jihadis and Afro-Caribs.

The objective of statecraft, therefore, is to maintain fair trade and national sovereignty come what may. Means adjust to conditions, but fundamentals remain constant:

  • Maintain open, safe, reliable global comms by cultivating open access for non-hegemons to sea, air, land, space, and cyber spaces; inspire everyone to bring forth their inner necessity.
  • Maintain national sovereignties by cultivating personal, local, state, and national theonomy; inspire everyone to fix their mind on the thought of God.

The Rev. Dr. Paul Tillich describes theonomy this way:

Autonomy and heteronomy are rooted in theonomy, and each goes astray when their theonomous unity is broken.  Theonomy does not mean the acceptance of a divine law imposed on reason by a highest authority; it means autonomous reason united with its own depth.  In a theonomous situation reason actualizes itself in obedience to its structural laws and in the power of its own inexhaustible ground.  Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, p. 85

Theonomy is not this!  Instead, think European High Middle Ages — 1100-1300 AD — the happy, insouciant, victorious matrix of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Dominic of Caleruega, and — earlier, in preparation of them — Sage Adi Shankara.  Remember that Godliness, like oil, is a global economy.

Specifics of maintaining open comms — by way of open access — and national sovereignty — by way of cultural theonomy — adjust from times to times. Budgets, acquisitions, schooling / training, deployments, and logistics should follow rationally from decisions in response to opportunities found inside the indomitable teleology of circumstances — Bucky’s minmaxfamfax (minimum and maximum family of prime variable factors) — and recognized as usable at effecting these objectives: fair trade and national sovereignty.

  • SwamiThe cosmos is not one continuous flux.  It progresses persistently toward achieving a totality in the qualities and circumstances. Teilhard employed neologisms to make this point.

Really, only a mind infused with the thought of God is grand and strong enough successfully to discharge the duties of statecraft. It seems the approach to statecraft is more consequential than a certified expertise in the profession. Lord God Almighty, deliver us from the vagaries, bad aims, and fulminations of experts.

A statesman has regard for the peace of his nation and every citizen of it. He is impartial to this group and that. His view takes in a whole who self-organizes dynamically, namely, his nation. The truth is the whole, Hegel said, and rightly.

A statesman’s core duty is to administer penal authority. He holds a loose rein. He cultivates the innate common sense of his countrymen themselves to guide their own affairs, regulating here and there, lightly as possible, to punish unfairness: liars, cheaters, and thieves. Manifest malice he punishes with swiftly severity.

Statesmanship is a re-active force, not a pro-active one. A statesman does not compel or nudge his countrymen to adopt one course of action or another. Who is he to know what is best for them? They do. That authority belongs to their humanness and is inalienable.

His countrymen are the nation. A statesman is a shepherd, and a hired one at that. He keeps the sheep out of trouble, protects them from bad actors from within and attackers from without. He keeps the thought of God in his mind or he cannot do his job.

How the nation should evolve and flourish is known only by what in fact manifests out of the lives and labors of her citizens themselves, as a whole. No one knows or sees that until a nation’s citizens as a whole have made it happen.

A statesman addresses what has already happened and then only to protect his country’s trade and sovereignty. He is reactive. He does not make things happen except to protect his countrymen, as mentioned. All else his countrymen throw into existence from inner necessity a statesman observes, enjoys, and protects as needful, and as is his duty to his countrymen.

We should have the thought of God always in mind, but we do not know thoughts in God’s mind. Humility, dedication, faith, and sacrifice, therefore, are touchstones of humanity and their statesmen.

Blackstone is buying up property all over the country, notably residential property. Gates and CCP are buying up farms. The Party are swamping the big river drainage basins with foreigners, crushing Americans. City dwellers are stoned, high, and strung out. The thought of God is far from the minds of many. Yet, God has not moved away.

What is going on? I do not know. But I can face whatever it is with far more equanimity than not with the thought of God in my mind while embracing the uncertainty itself as God.

I left the big cities — Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, and Seattle — because of dirty air, low achievement, drugs, and promiscuity there. Now that I think about it, the low achievement was the sharpest spur to get me to leave. I just do not like being around affluent people who waste precious time being affluent. I prefer moving to contact with life and following up on opportunities I come across. One has no fun living becalmed.

The Vedas teach us that there is One sovereign behind all rules and restrictions in the Universe; The One who is the core of each object, each unit of energy, each particle, atom, One under whose orders alone the five elements – ether, air, fire, water, and earth operate. Love Him, adore Him, worship Him – this is what the Vedas teach us. This is the grand philosophy of love elucidated in Vedas. The supreme secret is: people must live in the world where they are born like the lotus leaf, which, though born in water, floats upon it without being affected or wetted by it. Of course, it is good to love and adore God to gain valuable fruits here or hereafter, but since there is no object more valuable or worthwhile than God, Vedas teach us to love God with no desire in our minds. Love, since you must love, for love’s sake; love God, since whatever He can give is less than Himself; love Him alone, with no other wish or demand!

– Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 1

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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