This Is A Street Thing

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

I had this morning what I think is an epiphany of sorts. This bad, nasty behavior we observe among federal, state, and local government-connected personalities (Deep Staters and their information operators, journalists) . . . ? What is it?

In the immortal words of Frankie “Five Angels” Pentangeli:

This is a street thing.

Why do middle-class women voters shun discussion of Deep Staters, journalists, and their activities? Because they know in their hearts that this is a street thing, and they do not want to lose the menfolk who protect them.

Admonitions do not restrain Deep Staters, elections do not stop them, court rulings do not faze them, legal precedents do not caution them, physical restraints do not stop them, threats do not intimidate them, reprimands do not reach them, superior force does not deter them, legislative mandates and subpoenas do not affect them.

Why is this?

They are delivered outside themselves by drugs chemical and ideational and thus behave as street gangs rather than as public servants.

Rodney King, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and George Floyd share some phenomenologies. All were unresponsive to reason and all were delivered outside themselves by drugs and terrible ideas regarding their place in society.

Why do government-connected personalities, to include journalists, respond immediately and completely in favor of the likes of Rodney King and Michael Brown and against persons who must deal with their mindless malice?

Why indeed. Because Deep Staters and their journalists share profiles with the likes of Rodney King and Michael Brown. They are driven outside themselves by drugs chemical and ideational and thus to the behavioral profile of street gangs.

Once I observed three Deputy Sheriffs coping with a Rodney King-like personality. She was diminutive but extremely violent and super-naturally strong. She had been terrorizing customers at local businesses, demanding money, and also entering backdoors to steal cash boxes. To the eye, she was in bad shape all over, quite beside herself. Reason had no effect on her. Threats? No effect. It took all three deputies, large men and trained to this work, a quarter of an hour to manacle her enough to get her in a patrol car. Still, she kicked and spit and yelled without any sense of her condition or destiny.

It was a street thing. That is where we are with federal, state, and local Deep Staters and their arms, legs, and mouths called journalists. Only physical restraint will arrest their behavior and that most thorough. Deep Staters and their propaganda tools have no place in and no claim on polite society. They are thugs, not public servants. The only reasonable response to them is the one a street gang deserves.

Here is an example of how to handle a street thing. The black officer knows with whom and what he is dealing. He does not waste time. He goes straight to the penultimate remedy available to him. The black personality he faces, delivered outside himself by drugs chemical and ideational, is a thug who cannot come to his senses even after meeting restraint. The officer responds to that which he knows, and accurately, that he faces.

This is the reasonable way to deal with Deep Staters and their journalists . They are a congeries of street gangs, relentless and irredeemably lawless crooks and con artists, delivered outside themselves by drugs chemical and ideational. They are not polite society and should not be treated as polite society. Street gangs are street gangs, nothing more, and they cannot do other than what they are.

Turning away from Deep Staters and their journalists is impractical because they pursue anyone who has anything they want, which is everything. Turning toward them is indicated, and that with decisive counter-force. Courts cannot — and many will not — do that. Screeds and exhortations will not do that. Studies will not do that. Committees will not do that. NGOs will not do that.

This is a street thing. Only physical force can stand down Deep State personalities and their journalist minions, and even then, they will not abate until mewed up for good.

That is the epiphany I had today. Contributing to this epiphany was a video of Secretary Pompeo addressing a gala recently at the Reagan Library.

When I hear words such as these:

  • “If we do not [wake up] / [win the next election] / [organize smartly] / [get to work] / [etc.] . . . . we will lose our [nation] / [democracy] / [credibility] / [phony baloney jobs] / [etc.]” . . .

when I hear words such as those I know I am listening to someone who has no idea what to do about the predicament in which they know they are trapped and do not understand.

These are polite people, decent people, people Americans would be happy to call friends. I know them all. I grew up and schooled with their grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles. Secretary Pompeo and his audience have no idea that this is a street thing. They soak in a tub of nostalgia.

They have no idea what to do about what they face. They are not clear even about what they face. They do not see this as a street thing. They see what they want to see: an election, a political campaign, a debate, a seminar, a cause to ponder and discuss.

I have long known this crisis cannot be averted by means of elections and political campaigns. Only today — admittedly very late — am I seeing, as Breitbart I believe did, that this crisis is a street thing and must be addressed there, in street-level terms. Reynolds has seen this reality for some time, as shown in his reference to elites as garbage people and his recommendation to abolish the Ivy League.

Deep Staters and their media minions are of the criminal classes, not the intelligentsia. Whether they started there or fell to there is immaterial now. They are there, and they have no claim on leadership duties. They are usurpers, these Deep Staters and their journalists, men and women of base character and vile intent.

I think this is why our overall condition reminds me of that of Sita in Ramayana before battle to rescue her, Pandavas in Gita before the great battle, and Elisha at Dothan before asking God to blind the army surrounding him.

Deep Staters and their journalist minions understand one language: the language of street warfare. They are met and vanquished on their street because that is where they are. They are not higher up in society. Move to contact puts one there on their street.

No matter where Deep Staters are physically, no matter how richly clothed and appurtenanced, no matter what they carry or how credentialed or how many they pay to protect them, they are right there in that place and time as they are: a filthy violent street gang like any common other street gang in a grungy filthy neighborhood. This is how they should be seen and addressed anywhere, anytime they are encountered.

Strategies and tactics appropriate to professional urban policing and combat are appropriate to call out and uproot Deep State operators and their journalist minions from federal, state, and local jurisdictions.

These are not cultured people.
These are anti-people.

Ford Foundation, Lawfare, Rockefeller Foundation, Ivy League schools, CIA, FBI, public and many private schools, state schools, churches, synagogues, mosques, and the like, no matter how they appear, are street gangs, not cultural institutions. Their members, their families and facilities are gang assets, not national treasures. Their families have themselves to blame for their condition and its inevitable remedy.

Were they legitimate at their duty stations, Deep Staters and their minions would clothe themselves as did St. Francis and Gandhi, in the dress of the poorest of the land, or as did Louis IX, in hair shirt under royal robes.

Secretary Pompeo and Reagan devotees all! This is a street thing. A street thing. Nostalgia gets you and the rest of us nowhere beyond soaked.

Manifest the sacred power within you through self-effort. Do not resort to weak stratagems of imitating others. Instead, absorb the good qualities that others may possess. We plant a seed in the soil. Then, we supply it with the ingredients it needs — water, air, and manure. The seed sprouts, grows into a sapling, and becomes at last a huge tree. You will notice that it does not become soil, manure, air, or water. It makes use of these, but it sticks to its own nature and grows into a tree. Of course, we have much to learn from others. Those who refuse to learn thus declare themselves as fools. You can learn from others whatever can promote your spiritual advancement. Imbibe them to the full, according to the lines laid down for your own progress in your own moral path (dharma).  You must live as you, not as someone else. Don’t allow anyone to divert you away from your innate nature! 

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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