Possessed By The Ghost Of A Tribal Woman

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

These people, these Socialists and Jihadis, these self-styled elitists, these academy-clinging minions, these meretricious globalists, these mewling sycophants, these pezzonovante . . . they are way beyond Communism, Fascism, or Islam. They are way beyond psycho-social pathology. They are way beyond criminal insanity. They answer to possession. Their condition begs exorcism.

Empty-headed describes all-around the academic social circle having hands on the mechanisms of government today. They are at the end of running on the fumes of WW II frames of reference. There have been two efforts to create and exploit opportunities, Reagan and Trump, with the latter the strongest. Much was done during those times to bring the country into facing modern circumstances, as both running before the wind and beating to windward, so to speak

Biden-fronting people are in fact using Trump Administration plans and budgets because they themselves have no idea what to do, where to go, how to get there, other than to suppress, suppress, suppress, which is a losing posture, and well they know it. So many women careening about without masculine guidance, bereft of sense. It is as if men abandoned them to self-destruction for their own good.

Biden and Harris do in fact represent perfectly UniParty minions: empty zeros, demented. UniParty minions are an academic social circle, a frater-sorority. They picked their very best, their veritable mirror, to install in the Oval Office. They did it by the only means they know how to do it: lying, cheating, and stealing. They do not know how to win an election. The very thought of having to win an election terrifies these shameless demoniacs. They know they cannot do it. Elites, they call themselves! Ha! Possessed are they.

Biden-Harris minions are not an administration. They comprise a junta installed by the same CIA-skippered academic frater-sorority who installed the Obamas. They are running on fumes, and really not even fumes, just force-of-habit-of-thought.

Even Althouse and Greenwald, their friends, have figured it out. The minions are using Trump Administration ideas and budgets to perform the most basic governmental functions, and they have no idea, zero, what to do next. Intellectually, morally, religiously, culturally, and even politically they are sh*t out of luck, and they know that they are. Suppression is their only go, a losing line if ever there was one.

Their cherished re-imaginings, dreams, visions, ideals, resets they have no ideas how to implement because there are none. They are empty suits, just like their next most recent install, the Obamas. All lies, all cheating, all theft, in, over, under, around, and through.

Military almost never vanguard tyranny movements, rather like cats not really wanting to brawl: win or lose, they personally pay the price of actual fighting. Usually the van of a tyranny movement comprises medical doctors, philosophy and law professors, and clergy. Stalin was a seminarian. Al Zawahiri is an MD, as were Guevara and Fanon. Guzmán is a philosophy prof, as were Sartre and his mentor, Abelard. Lawfare is chock-a-block with law profs and litigators. It takes a big brain and special charisma to run a revolution.

During the late 1960s, pictures honoring John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen, both Republicans, hung prominently on the wall of a main thoroughfare inside The Union Theological Seminary In The City Of New York. Union was already wavering with sedition during those years and fell fully possessed in August of 1969.

NYT will always scream against mil, never against medical doctors, philosophy and law professors, or clergy, unless they are patriots. Ellsberg hit DOD, who were / are essentially guilty of fear and non-candor, but not sedition. Ellsberg did not hit CIA, State, or DOJ, each of them very evil doers in every conceivable way. Did CIA, State, or DOJ document their screwups? DOD did and got screwed for their effort by a self-promoter.

Again, it is a social club thing. Mil guys can earn Ivy degrees but they will never be in the Ivy club because they are mil. Exhibit A: Marine Senator James Webb. CIA, State, and DOJ are Ivy club par excellence. West Point leaders’ zeal to be Ivy-acceptable is the dernier cris of academic / military whoring.

Milley is practiced at terrorizing subordinates and counterparts. It is his style. He is not respected. WaPo and NYT lie, misrepresent, twist, and exaggerate to hurt mil. It is what they do

Do not attend or support the seminaries, any of them, all denominations and all religions. The bad things start there, in the seminaries, then ooze out from those into other institutions, as a lethal polymer. Stalin was a seminarian. I was a seminarian. When KGB resolved to subvert USA via her back door, Latin America — militarily a wise move — they enlisted the energies of Latin American clergy and philosophy professors — militarily also a wise move — pitching a program eventually named Liberation Theology.

Ignorance (maya) is like the ghost of a tribal woman, which once possessed a great pandit in a Himalayan hermitage. The unfortunate pandit sang and danced like any tribal damsel; he swore and cursed in the Paisachi (ghost) dialect, and everyone in the hermitage became ashamed of his company. At last, when the ghost was exorcised and the pandit was freed, he became his original self. He remembered nothing of his pranks and blabberings. Humanity is similarly possessed by the ghost of ignorance (maya). The ghost has to be driven out. The mode of exorcism of this ghost is taught by the Guru or the Gita. Do not despair; it can be driven out. Confidence adds the required courage and strength. Do not doubt or give vent to despair. It must happen whether you welcome it or not, whether you strive for it or not — that is your reason for taking birth, the goal you have to reach. You have not come to be a tool in the hands of a ghost.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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