Grand National Strategic Objective: Colonize And Culture-Splice

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.




I believe in world peace.  I believe in America.  I believe in Russia and India as state-brothers of America.  I believe the only way to earn world peace today is this: America, India and Russia lead a multi-nation project to colonize and culture-splice lands traditionally of interest to them and from which are coming now disruption or upon which have settled tyranny.  I believe the objective of this colonization is not to extract resources, as of old, but to settle strife and open communications through settlement itself and splicing together in colonized countries or areas living habits of indigenous and colonizing cultures that promote energetic, industrious and vigilant quiet.

Let ships and planes and trains and cables run without interference.  Let roads be open and busy.  Let neighborhoods be clean and charming.  Let monasteries raise hymns to heaven and proliferate learning.  Let children play, invent, laugh, dance and sing.

Now, given this multitudinous mess cultivated by multi-culturalists, peace is possible only if the nations’ finest settle strife and remove unhappiness by colonizing and mixing in situ the best of troubling cultures with their own, which must dominate because they are the more skillful and just.  A general, busy quiet is the desired end-state for all nations and areas of the globe.  Let the vitality of human life expand in safety guaranteed by America, India and Russia seconded by Poland, Great Britain, Germany, Philippines, Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Canada and such other European countries as wish to join in.

First, real pacification by coordinated, full-spectrum military operations, based on Armies, full-spectrum political warfare, based on Diplomacy, and full-spectrum economic warfare, based on Finance; then, emigration, intermarriage, education and commerce, ensured by protected opportunities, in colonized countries and areas.  This is the way to kill a wretch with kindness.

Eagle Landing
Eagle Landing


What is the fundamental posture of a nation?  When all peripherals are put aside, the layers of habit and hope peeled away, if only temporarily, what is the core of a nation’s being?  What does it do, what is its will, assuming that will implies act?  That is another way of asking, what is a nation’s deepest outlook on the world, its intrinsic frame of reference, that without which it ceases to be?

Why should Machiavelli bother advising his prince and why should his prince bother to consider advice?  Because the nation, even if only a principality, nay, a city, is an entity made of will, made by will and sustained by will.  A nation is driven by will to be.  Where there is creaturedom, there is will.  And where there is will there is action in the same way that “Where there is Being, there is the Logos of Being” (Parmenides).

Will implies a posture of seeing and acting.  Now, nations, although they see and act, do not see and act as a unified entity.  This is because a nation is not a centered self.  An individual is a centered self.  A nation is not.  No group is.  A nation has a core but not a center.  It is an entity but not one unified.  It is not a self.  It is a group.  A person is a self.  An animal is a self — a centered self — although not a person.  A nation is a core but not a center.  This is why tyranny and tyrants, no matter how soft, are both hated and stupid.

What is centered — an individual, such as a person (human) or an animal — demonstrates a unity of polarities.  What has a core but not a center — a group, such as a nation — demonstrates the disunity of politics.  Politics is a dirty business but inevitable to a nation.  A nation is an entity but not a personality.  A group, not a centered self.  It has characteristics but is not a character.

The fundamental posture of a nation, the core of its being, is will to protect its Land, Families and Constitution and to cultivate its prosperity.  Protecting its Land, Families and Constitution and cultivating its prosperity is what a nation sees and does.  That is the action its will throws into existence (Heidegger).

Dance Of Shiva
Dance Of Shiva


Several times in recent years, since 2009, when for the first time the Anti/Un-American force got commanding position on the United States of America, I approached the subject of grand national strategic objective, of United States posture and purpose (also here) in the world/to the world.

One could ask, why uptake this weighty subject during apotheosis of its anti-type?  Why ponder USA grand national strategic objective when USA is overrun by her enemies?  Answer: because Anti/Un-American force is partial, senile and transitory and USA abides despite such; and therefore, discussion of her particular and on-going requirements, to include especially grand national strategic objective, is both appropriate and indicated.

So, what is United States of America grand national strategic objective?  (In this context, one attributes to is the sense of ought to be.)  The being of the nation, her is-ness, indefatigably implies her strategy for self-defense, her objective.

On The Justification Of War develops answer to that age-old doubt.  Re-Forming Western Civilization (The Christian Church), In Partes Tres, develops the strategic concept of vigilant quiet.  Evoking the title of the song by The Cowardly Lion in MGM’s The Wizard of Oz, If I Were King Of The Forest treats of solutions to the “crisis in the Middle East,” which is a kind of perpetuum mobileTarget Information identifies the roots of Anti/Un-American force in the USA.

Colonize Afghanistan is for me the second exploration, so far as I recall, of colonization as an implementation of fundamental United States posture and purpose, a strategic consequence of protecting its Land, Families and Constitution and cultivating its prosperity.  Really, the reason for war is occupation, short or long.

Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

The first such exploration, so far as I recall, was during my Junior Year  —1965-66 — at The Union Theological Seminary, New York City.  It comprised a paper I wrote for The Rev. Dr. Roger Shinn in his class on Christian Ethics.  Referencing a recent essay by an Englishman in The New York Times Magazine — he argued for Pax Americana as legitimate successor to Pax Britannica — I argued for the ethics of what was in effect United States colonization of Vietnam.  Sentiment at Union mostly disapproved that argument and still does, probably now totally.  Dr. Shinn thanked me for my honesty.

The Army And The Nation explores the three elements of a nation – Land, Families, Constitution – and the reason a nation fights if it does fight.  The Nations Stand notes the persistence of nations and the reasons for it.  The Military Mission explores and highlights exactly that.  Law Of Expansion: How To Get A Handle On This Situation echoes If I Were King Of The Forest, presenting some tactical observations and recommendations consonant with the gist of the present exploration.  The Underlying Question examines the three elements of a nation — Land, Families, Constitution — and their roles in maintaining national strength as well as being potential avenues of national subversion.

Sovereignty is the floor under grand national strategic objective.  A nation is a sovereign entity, or should be, and because of that is obliged to decide, pursue and defend a grand national strategic objective.  Self-defense for the purpose of maintaining freedom (sovereignty) inheres inalienably in a nation’s being.  The purpose of national strategy is to maintain national sovereignty.  The essays linked above examine aspects of that truth.

Why is colonization necessary and why is culture-splicing also necessary?  Short answer: to stop the array of attacks on the USA homeland and others.  Long answer: to preclude their starting up again.

Is punitive action — assassination by drone, poison, bomb, etc., “shock and awe” bombardment, lightening-like ground thrusts followed by rapid retreat — sufficient to stop the array of attacks on the USA homeland and others?  No, because the finance, diplomacy, arms supply, ideology and above all lust for wealth, dominion and women driving the attacks are endemic to their areas of origin and not superficial thereat.

Brother And Sister In Russia
Brother And Sister In Russia

Unconditional surrender by the belligerent, only, will stop the array of attacks.  And then only if their entire frame of reference is permanently … updated.

The belligerent is not individuals, it is a group-held outlook on life with deep roots in identifiable deformities of religion and culture.  And it is heavily — and nationally — financed and protected in the world’s schools, chancelleries and courts.

And by this I indicate arrays of attack not by Caliphists only but by Chinese as well.

The multi-culture frame of reference — they call it a philosophy or a project — has gotten us here.  Its first stupidity is taking culture as a stand-alone, as something that can be made and lived apart from religion and morality.  It is not and can not be.  Its second stupidity is taking the nation state as inferior and therefore obsolete.  Inferior to what, by the way?  To that of which multiculturalists dream?  Multiculturalism has no external referent.  A non-dialectical … love? … imaginary but pleasureful for the imagineer.  Really, as is known, multiculturalism is verbal cover fabricated for itself by an effete corps of rent-seeking, power-junkie intellectual snobs, to coin a phrase or two.

Culture is the form of religion and religion is the substance of culture.
The Rev. Dr. Paulus Johannes Tillich

The electronic communications network distills, focuses and amplifies belligerents’ will to harm.  Furthermore, since that will is endemic to specific lands, families and legal structures, preventing its manifestation requires fundamental transformation of its homeland, first by creating preeminence, then by bleeding-in peaceful culture, religion and morality through permanent colonization (= forwards and upwards religious, cultural and moral transformation).

Should that activity occur only if the homeland is directly attacked?  No, that activity should occur because of the intrinsic, long-observed belligerence of the attacks’ origin.  Whoever of the family of sovereign nations has means to stop an array of attacks as outlined above — war to unconditional surrender, not punitive action — is right to go in there and do it.

Sathya Sai Baba
Sathya Sai Baba

The welfare of one is the welfare of all.  That is why there can be such a thing as a world war.  Not ready for world-wide war?  Human Eliminationists are.  Caliphists are.  Chinese are trying to be and have considerably more capacity and potential to that end than do either Human Eliminationists or Caliphists.

Let us contemplate two illustrations of colonization and culture-splicing in pursuit of USA grand national strategy.  One of the Middle East and one of China.

First, be it assumed that the USA grand national strategic objective is USA freedom embodied as USA sovereign nation status.  The only peace is freedom.  The only freedom is sovereignty.  The USA grand national strategic objective is to foster USA freedom and peace by protecting USA sovereignty.  If you want peace, foster freedom.  If you want freedom, protect sovereignty.  If you want sovereignty, be able to win any war, any time, any where — and either win or detach, never manipulate.

In this world, there is no security, only opportunity.  Just so, there is no national security, only national opportunity.

Now, respecting the Middle East, what would colonization and culture-splicing entrain, and what might one anticipate seeing in running estimates of implementation and effects?

I have studied this question in several posts, already mentioned:

America, India and Russia

If I Were King Of The Forest

Colonize Afghanistan

Law Of Expansion: How To Get A Handle On This Situation

The Underlying Question

Now (08SEP15, going on two years after I started this post), there is an opportunity to expand colonization and culture-splicing in the Middle East by triangulating the entire region with superior culture and power, diplomatic, financial and military.  Russia has invaded Syria and engages in combat operations there, ostensibly to support Pencil-Neck Assad, but that is unlikely.  More likely is to maintain a good Western Mediterranean port and to swipe a feather duster against Emperor Erdogan’s nose.  It certainly is not to help the Iranians and certainly is to harm the Caliphists (ISIS/Salafists).

Now (29FEB16, five months after writing the foregoing paragraph), I am concluding this post because its theme is undergoing dilation and expansion in a recent one, dated 15JAN16).  The title of that post is Three Brothers Doctrine: USA, Russia, India, Vanguard Of The World In New Being.  That post is on-going, so please refer there to continue what is here.  This post, here, is completed.

Update 1: My friend Brice Wilson at Sirius Community responds to this question of mine:  When/if you have inclination, I would be improved by your thoughts on USA Grand National Strategy looking forwardly.  My self has essayed the task several times of late and still feel uncertain as to the posture fundamentally indicated, especially how to describe it succinctly.  This is not, obviously, a contemplation of “how to get from here to there” but rather one of “what is there?”  Which may be a valueless question considering today, not tomorrow, is all we know even just something about.  Perhaps think of it as an “over-the-horizon-radar” contemplation.  There are such devices.  I think Benedict used one such when he wrote the Rule and set about to safe-guard the agricultural and intellectual roots of civilization.

It appears to me the Union’s Vaisya usurpers long ago abandoned the American populace, leaving it to sink into third world status, while attempting more or less haplessly to address an unraveling that is clearly beyond them. Kali appears to oversee the ascendency of Vaisyas and shudras, with the Kshatriyas marginalized and Brahmans hunted to near extinction if not discreet. Religion’s original definition – returning to wholeness – can only be seen in the word’s linguistic roots, but in these days means the opposite – separation, good/bad, holy/profane, virtuous/sinful, all the dualistic bases used by those partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and therefore engaged in constant war. The methods of science, which in other ages may be left to those embracing wholeness, have been presented to the ruck for base destructive purposes in order perhaps that they may once again directly experience what happens when you barter heaven for earth. I say ‘once again’, since the one thing I feel fairly certain about in terms of human cultures is that in two million years, none have lasted especially long. I don’t know how far this one is from freefall, but the stress fractures in plain view prompt me to alert my children to the rising waves far more often than they might wish. I do my best, aware of my own looming departure, hoping at least that I remember to bring Krishna his freaking glass of water.

I responded to Brice:  Since Korea, that I can remember, the subject of grand national strategy has exercised me. That would make it 60 years. That is how long there has not been one, excepting Kennedy, who was working to make one — part of why he was shot, I believe — and of course Reagan, who merely applied an implied but never formally held old one: actually defeat the Soviet.

Several posts in theo-geo, some recent, have essayed the matter. The intersection of Brahmin and Kshatryia duties has been my life-long professional interest. No idea how that happened. But it seems “original.” A prius of this career. Even the subtitle of theo-geo said it before I realized how telling of me it is: intersection of mystery and power — before I knew to say that this has always been my inner-most interest. Mystery stands in for Brahmin and power stands in for Kshatryia, of course.

Well, your paragraph below plus my ceaseless efforts to say what I want on this matter produced, finally (of late, at least as of now), what all these years I have been trying to say.  So, thank you!!!

I think we live in an epoch similar to that of St. Benedict, wherein we Latin-ates (as compared to the Turanian/Mongol hordes) concentrate on preserving the lineaments of culture: agriculture, hydrology, mathematics, architecture, theology.  Upon these depends the creator of civilization: the family comprising man, woman and children. Intra-nationally we are in a preservation mode.  Extra-nationally we are in a creation mode.  Devolution (destruction), I suppose, takes care of itself. 🙂

The nation is perpetual, but the skein of associations comprising nations is not.  We Latin-ate students preserving that which is good and remarking how to concretize it modernly can set in train a reordering of the skein of national associations that reflects our actual national interest rather than a superannuated burlesque thereof.

Update 2: Walter Russell Mead, Is The Neo-Isolationist Moment Already Over?

Update 3: Tom Rogan at Washington Free Beacon

Update4: Matthew Continetti: Power Precedes Politics

Update 5: Global Divestment Day

Update 6: Collected here are essays and articles by authors reconsidering — positively — the value of colonialism and imperialism:

European Colonialism Is The Only Thing That Modernized Islam

This African Country Was Once the World’s Third Poorest. Here’s How It Turned Things Around.

Sacrificing Africa For Climate Change

Africa To France: We Want You Back

What Realists Get Wrong About Niebuhr

A Morsel Of Goat Meat

Pictures Of Afghanistan In The Fifties And Sixties Are Totally Depressing

A Small Note on Teju Cole’s “White-Savior Industrial Complex”

Christopher Columbus Was The First Zionist

Update 7: On 27 January 2015, Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis addressed the United States Senate Armed Services Committee on the subject A New American Grand Strategy.  At Hoover Institution, who published an adapted version of General Mattis’ address, I commented — with edits here — as follows:

Not that it matters, but, I both appreciate and despond over General Mattis’ address here. Appreciate because (1) as a genuine warrior he says what he sees and eloquently and (2) his heart is unalloyed courage and compassion. Despond because (1) his address reflects lack of situational awareness — half his auditors at least regard the nation state, including USA, as obsolete and perishing — and (2) his address, although latterly specifying or implying serious tactical weaknesses of current operations, transits the periphery of his title: grand national strategy.

It is rare for a military leader to grasp and execute the several strands — principally diplomatic, economic and military, but others as well — of grand national strategy sufficiently to create a rational grand national strategic *objective* that is also inspirational. It is rare for anyone to be able to do that. General David Petraeus has that ability, which is why the Anti-American, Globalist-partisan [so-called] US Justice Department is persecuting/prosecuting him. Asking Congress or a bureaucracy to develop that ability and execute with it compares with asking a herd of cats to organize an expedition to summit Annapurna. Distilling and serving a happy grand national strategic *objective* is a personal, leadership thing few can do, but some definitely can and do accomplish. Their thoughts merit discovery and attendance.

The cynosure of a nation is not her grand national strategy. It is her grand national strategic *objective.* Given what we see now, project and anticipate — always expecting the unexpected, as General Mattis mentions, thankfully, in his address — where and what do we want to be as a nation three, five, ten, etc. years hence? What is our objective? What do we really, truly — as a nation — want for and of ourself to be, to do, to think? What is our inner necessity as a nation? What are we on this earth to accomplish as a national presence? And why do members of Congress not live in the states from which they were selected for office?

Related: On 04 March 2015  Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis wrote for Hoover Institution under title Using Military Force Against ISIS.  I commented:

I am content that GEN (Ret.) Mattis’ thinking, clear and compelling, be expressed in public.  Thank you, General!  Our countrymen are working their way towards how they will think and what they will do when they are quit of the hag riding their back.  And they will be that.  This exercise in preparation for the restoration of national sovereignty and wealth flowing from national moral and intellectual strength is what should be happening and what is happening.  I am content.

Update 8: Ed Driscoll on Americans who are not anti-war, just on the other side, the Communist side, anti-America.

Update 9: Stephen D. Krasner embodies the bathetic stupidity of America’s ruling class.  I commented:

Good enough governance. Sounds micro-managerial, timid, sophistical/Solomonic and Ivory Tower. And a military not tasked with winning a war/conflict? … words fail and casting aspersions is unmanly. I prefer colonization and culture-splicing. Solve the problem, don’t manage it. It is unmanageable. Defeat it or detach from it. Do not manipulate/manage it.

Update 10: Michael J. Totten reviews ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror

Update 11: Scott Johnson at Power Line links two videos of Senator Tom Cotton discussing USA foreign policy.  These are instructive, depressingly so.  I commented as follows:

I have attended, carefully, both videos mentioned here. Senator Cotton is a good man, a fine man. His intellect, heart and bona fides are unimpeachable. He walks point for the best intentions and thinking our nation’s official leader cadre can produce at this moment in time.

His grasp of American strategic objective, strategy and tactics so lags the need as to arouse disconsolation.

This is not a personal failure of Senator Cotton’s. It is a corporate failure of America’s leader cadre. And behind them it is a failure of America’s parents (in particular, mothers, but also fathers), schools, churches and synagogues to foster spiritual, cultural and moral infrastructure that builds and protects our mother country.

Update 12: Regarding developments in North Korea.

Update 13: Bruce Thornton: The Truth About Colonialism.

Update 14: Waller R. Newell: Understanding Tyranny And Terror: From The French Revolution To Modern Islamism.

Update 15: Something to consider: Could Russia Breakup After Putin?

Update 16: Multiculturalism: Something Rotten in the States of Europe and America

Update 17: Murphy’s Law: The Realities Of Defense Spending

Update 18: Papa Francis is Exhibit A of someone who has the nub of a good idea and spreads it out into a bad idea.  Out of his depth and, more importantly, his remit, commission.  Pity.

Update 19: John R. Schindler: How To Defeat The Islamic State

Update 20: Franklin C. Spinney: Introduction To The Strategic Theories Of John Boyd

Update 21: Austin Bay: On the Anniversaries of Benghazi and 9/11/2001

Update 22: [The Fraud’s] New Middle East

Update 23: Why It’s Time for the Carrier Battle Group

Update 24: Bruce Gilley: The Case For Colonialism

A shame Gilley retreated.  The benefits of much colonialism — especially British — to colonized areas or countries has been noted before now.  I am but one of those noters.  I am also, with original-Gilley, a proponent of recolonization, especially in MENA, as one vector for quieting the joint.

Update 25: Sarah Hoyt: Rendering Unto Caesar

Update 26: John Quincy Adams, July 4, 1821: Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will be [America’s] heart, her benedictions and her prayers be.  But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.  She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.  She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.

Update 27: Xi Jinping wants to co-opt Three Brothers Alliance

My comment: Xi is a smart cookie, bent version.  He sees the Three Brothers global authority rationale and wants to be one of the brothers.  Not possible: his people are not Christian and he has the wrong geography and ethnography.  His three brothers would rest on economics, not geography or ethnography.  Sand, not rock.

Update 28: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks


Jesus The Christ After Resurrection
Jesus The Christ After Resurrection

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