Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
And our courts are unwilling to apply common-sense due process protections.
Then our lawyers have failed us. They are the courts.
This nation was founded by Puritans. And for some strange reason, that influence remains powerful, even among groups that style themselves as liberators.
Correct, but the Puritans became something far more hypocritical, sanctimonious and tyrannical. They became Unitarians. They and Quakers have been bellyaching about the USA ever since Her Founding, and screwing up Her liberty. The only peace is freedom. Unitarians and Quakers believe the only freedom is peace, and by God in Heaven are they going to pin that to your back with a bayonet until you thank them or expire.
The Only Peace Is Freedom
The Only Freedom Is Sovereignty
Update 1: Surf City, NC Police Chief Mike Halstead
Update 2: Jack Cashill on punishment by Neo-Puritans
Update 3: Jonah Goldberg: The Wisdom And Folly In Albert Jay Nock’s Anti-Statism
Update 4: The Witch Hunters
Update 5: Xi Jinping wants to co-opt Three Brothers Alliance
My comment: Xi is a smart cookie, bent version. He sees the Three Brothers global authority rationale and wants to be one of the brothers. Not possible: his people are not Christian and he has the wrong geography and ethnography. His three brothers would rest on economics, not geography or ethnography. Sand, not rock.