Low And High View Of Man

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Socialism — both varieties, Communist and Fascist — is an excuse for a low view of man.  It appeals to scholars, who are promptly exterminated by their power-lusting students.

The Church has a high view of man.  She appeals to warriors, who promptly crucify their egos on her behalf.

By believing man educable, socialism takes man in his essential nature and in his existential condition as down low bad.  By believing man redeemable, The Church takes man in his essential nature as up high good but in his existential condition as fallen.  Socialism aims to improve man.  The Church aims to free man.  Socialism wants to mask man’s essential and existential badness with a veneer of habits of civility.  The Church wants to free man from attachment to his existential condition so that his grandeur, his essential nature, is freed to shine forth.  Socialism is terribly pessimistic about man because it takes man’s essential nature — bad — to be his existential condition, however well-masked by education.  The Church is wonderfully optimistic about man because it takes his existential condition — fallen — as fleeting and his essential nature — good, divinely good — as eternal.

Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit.


Rosace nord de la cathédrale de Chartres
Rosace nord de la cathédrale de Chartres

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