The Nations Stand

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Socialists have been attacking the nations since before my birth. The very thought of nations they find hateful.

The nations are still here and the socialists come and go, with their perverse Christianity. Russia is here, Cambodia is here, Vietnam is here, Germany is here, France is here, Greece is here, Great Britain is here, Congo is here, China (and here) is here, Nicaragua and Venezuela are here, and the United States is here. Even Cuba is here. Yet socialists keep attacking these and other nations. They are never content, never see their visions in concrete, never have enough power or fulfillment … their mouths ever open, screaming for more.

They cannot hold what they gain. Nor can they resist impulse to attack. Perverse Christianity, socialists’ heart, is a cruel mistress. She loves the taste of infliction.

Yet the nations stand, sometimes bent or hobbled, yet standing. When this generation of socialists goes a new one will take its place. And the nations will stand after those socialists’ attacks against them, too. The nations are here. Socialists are passing through. Pivot, roll with the punch, they must not turn you.

It is the nations socialists hate. Nations are their enemy. A nation’s being itself challenges socialists to fantastic visions of “fundamental transformation.” They cannot abide being.

A nation is a land bearing a unique and persistent identity. A land is a specific, special and peerless. A land aggregates and enfolds specific space, time and creatures, including especially human creatures with their activities of religion, culture and morality. These lands called nations are unique to themselves in habits of language, thought, speech, behavior, design, government and religious expression. They self-perpetuate, reflecting from their nature the power of life itself. Nations cradle the freedoms, the grandeur inhering in creature-hood. That is their purpose. A nation is a mother to her creatures.

Socialists do not see nations. They see a regime, a reich, a wealthy ruling class overbearing a force-integrated field of permitted thoughts, words and deeds on the one hand and dominated spaces on the other. Nothing unique, no peerless existence, no inherent or inalienable nature of freedom, no land, no identity, no mother and no child (unless ordered/permitted). Socialists see a ruling class and its possessions, which comprise every other.

The dream of socialists is to lay hands on nations, to deconstruct them to spaces without time or creatures, to de-land them. While that cannot be done, socialists’ dream of doing it does not die from frustration. Perverse Christianity is a cruel mistress.

Nations have no mistresses.


Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

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