Damn The IC / FPE And Re-Monasticize

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole The conceptual error — and implied constitutional error — inside this travesty of politics, law, and ethics is that the Intelligence Community/Foreign Policy Establishment (IC / FPE) is a fourth branch of the USG, independent of and supreme against the other three branches as well as…

The Chinese Communist Snit Fit

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole TEACHERS URGE GOVERNMENT TO REOPEN SCHOOLS BEFORE STUDENTS LEARN TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES If the WWW is thought of as an ocean, one can observe that CCP aim to own it the way His Majesty’s Royal Navy owned the seas, at least awhile.  Ditto space. DJT…

Thandava – XXVII

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole With respect, Kurt, I think you have not thought this one through thoroughly [war against cartels inside Mexico].  If you end on a cynical note, as you have, you have not been an American.  Also, the self-promotion that seems always to end your essays is unattractive.…

The US HPSCI Conducts A Superb Civics Lesson

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA The salient question is, who or what has authority to conduct US foreign policy?  The answer is, without dispute, someone bearing authority to execute as The US Government. A subtle question is, who or what is that someone?  A subtler question is, who or what is The US Government? The US HPSCI…

Fixing Syria — Take Five

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Upon occasion, in human affairs, it becomes necessary to remind the functionaries that they are not proprietors.  This observation has reference to that Euro-American mélange of colossal dummies who self-identify as the foreign policy establishment (FPE) and intelligence community (IC). FWIW, my best inference at this time: CIA-State desired to arm and…

Spengler On China Strategics

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Spengler: We Need Our Mojo Back Vis-à-Vis China Spengler (David P. Goldman, Banker) is cogent as always.  He vacillates between hand-wringing and triumphalism, through the years.  This essay runs in the former type.   Lots of China experience.  Competent theologian.  Strategic interests and wisdoms.  Appreciates Augustine, as I Maimonides. Eight things stand out…

Presidential Executive Order, 10 September 2019

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Executive Order on Modernizing Sanctions to Combat Terrorism Good, the EO I mean.  State and Treasury ordered to work to the same end as DOD and just as assiduously.  Exceedingly late but happily received news.  That rationality can do wonders.  Diplomacy, Finance, and War-Fighting are the three assets of statecraft. (I know,…

Leader Development Discussion Two

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Looking For Trouble The Theologian And The Soldier: Two Fighters For One Freedom Is freedom something you have to take, something you have to make, something you have to earn, something you have to ask for, something someone has to give you, something you have already, something you are already?  Which is…

The Manichaean Madness

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA The Judeo-Bolshevik, The Queer, and The Fabulist illustrate The Manichaean Madness.  Each in their own way conjures The Devil, summoning hosts of demonic force, and leaving in their wake chaos. It is under notice (and here) that the permanent bipartisan fusion party (aka D-R UniParty) is breaking apart if not into pieces under…

Leader Development Discussion One

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Prologue War is an essential human activity.  The great Greek Philosopher Heraclitus observes that war is the father of all things.  His meaning is, everything that comes into existence does so through struggle, through conflict of one sort or another. So, as a Soldier, you are the very root of creation.  What…

Thandava – XXVI

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Everything will be wonderful after I have everybody’s money. Socialism is envy with a mouth and marketing. Joshua Philipp: On Marxism in America, the Communist China Threat, Unconventional Warfare and Hong Kong Dated 03 August 2019, Superb Hour-Long Video Interview Cults obey a definable pattern: a nub of truth and a monster…

Cool Sense And Iran’s Mullahs

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAM In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen. Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICIT SOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUB3zLtPcgI Counselor Paul Mirengoff today commits signature hand-wringing as a post titled Trump’s Dilemma.  As is often the case, creative response occurred: David R. Graham commented This reasoning ricochets about endlessly under the…

On Facing Facts

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAM In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen. Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICIT SOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT There is at least one large-scale philosophical overview of this happening [Moslems’ happiness with Ilhan Omar’s dissembling, deceit, conceit].  Peoples who favor facing simple as well as complex facts are happier and more…

Feedback On A Military Unit’s Draft Mission Statement

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAM In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen. Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICIT SOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT Thanks, looks quite good.  A bit of fuzzy jargon here and there but overall clear and meaningful. The use of the words compete and adversary to describe basic posture towards an enemy or potential enemy implies…

Looking For A Righteous Fight

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000 RAMANAM In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen. Countrymen, ORBIS NON SUFFICIT SOLUS DEUS SUFFICIT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ExoPlNrT2w It takes tremendous courage to resist the lure of appearances. The power of being which is manifest in such courage is so great that the gods tremble in fear of it. The…