Thandava – XXVII

Grey Bear

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

With respect, Kurt, I think you have not thought this one through thoroughly [war against cartels inside Mexico].  If you end on a cynical note, as you have, you have not been an American.  Also, the self-promotion that seems always to end your essays is unattractive.  Don’t go Ralph Peters on us, Kurt.  Your mind is better than that and your heart much more so.  Think it through, don’t be angry, take your time.  I think it is a soi-disant Foreign Policy Establishment Transgressives problem that we face.  Light up the FPE hydra’s tools, their heads: Brookings, CIA, CFR, Ford, Rockefeller, etc.  And light up their belly: the clerical bench, the faculty lounge, and the lawyers’ guild.  It’s an ideology problem — global governance, no sovereign national freedoms — not a political or political will problem that we face.  And we Americans figure out ways to solve our problems.  That is who we are, our Americanism.  Law of Expansion.

Military training programs such as this are diplomatic programs owned by DS and operated by DOD.  Saudi ground forces are mostly mercenaries.  (Brits fill mercenary formations globe-wide.)  Saudi air forces officers are mostly Saudi royals.  Saudi royals, who live hedonistically, send their children to Salafi madrassahs as a sort of penance.

Most Saudi air forces officers are graduates of Salafi madrassahs.  They are Salafi Jihadis trained to the manners and means by their parents through the Saudi madrassahs.  Note Saudi military incompetence facing Yemen/Iran.  Note also Saudi dependence on contractors to maintain their mil hardware and software.

Since US mil training for Saudis and others nationals is a DS diplomatic program rather than a DOD military program, vetting of Saudis and other nationals for US mil training is DS responsibility before it is DOD responsibility.  Knowing this, when Saudi personnel training in US come across something they do not like — such as work — they call their embassy in D.C., who calls DS, who calls DOD, who orders CDRs on station to stand down, let the Saudis have their way, so as to avoid a diplomatic scandal, in preference to ensuring mil force protection.

Saudi air forces officers are Saudi royals.  Almost all Saudi royals send their sons to Salafi madrassahs to lead Jihad, largely in penance for their own implacable hedonism.  Mil training of foreign nationals in US by DOD is a DS diplomatic program that DOD executes for DS. DS vets the visitors/trainees for diplomatic reasons, not for US force protection reasons.  Saudi trainees exploit that fact to get their way on US posts by complaining through their embassy in D.C., who complains to DS, who complains to DOD, who stands down US CDRs on the ground to accommodate Saudi trainees’ wishes.

That is a start on identifying salient particulars.

Some more:

(1) these mil training programs for foreigners are DS-owned; DOD executes only; DS vets the participants,

(2) there are huge munitions contractor, big-ed, big-law, and think tank (Foreign Policy Establishment Transgressives) investments in domestic mil training programs of foreigners and in overseas mil training and maintenance of foreign mil formations and equipment in situ, and

(3) at this time, and for some decades now, and with these DS-owned mil training programs specifically, since they are DS-owned programs, on mil posts diplomatic/political concerns take priority over force protection concerns.

I believe these are among salient particulars driving down mil recruitment and re-ups generally.  Anyone know guys who say, proudly, I want to be an Ensign Joshua Watson so I can be accounted an hero for having the thrill of going into battle unarmed?

All true, especially firing of base commander — and I would add two or three levels up his chain of command.  However, these training programs are DS programs, not DOD programs.  DOD just runs them — badly, self-lethally, as shown — but the vetting of foreigners for the programs is done by DS.  And their vetting concerns diplomatic priorities, not US force protection priorities.  Yeah, punish Navy personnel and even policy makers, but the root causes of this one are over at State, where the heaviest punishment should land.  As with Spy-gate, Impeach-gate, IC, Deep State, the whole seditious mess, all of it traces back to the soi-disant EU-US Foreign Policy Establishment Transgressives, which is to say, the banks of the Charles River.  Those families are who deserve punishment for this and so much other non-teleological killing.

Good points. Three thoughts:

1- Obama shaped the officer corps to favor using the military branches to transform the USA as a whole away from being a sovereign nation state.  He was/is but a tool of ideologues and prominent families, Transgressives, who dream of global governance.

2- Obama shaped the officer corps to favor those disinclined to strategic thought and counsel and inclined to await edicts from DOD lawyers and the National Security Advisor and their staff.  In other words, Obama shaped officer corps to accept military as de facto trans-national police force.  Military leader Dereliction of Duty occurred again, albeit by design of POTUS Obama and Transgressives who own him, and ironically McMaster himself participated.

3- Obama RIFed or discouraged away a huge lot of junior officers and NCOs who learned their art in MENA.  The military of the future, especially Army, Obama, with plenty of Republican help, quite deliberately decimated.  Those trained and talented persons are out in the regular economy now.  And not all the experienced Soldiers who have stayed in are the best who could have remained in the service.  When you want to ruin someone, as Obama, his owners and minions did/do the military, you annihilate their seed grain, their root stock.

The thus-reshaped senior officer corps rationalized their condition — still do, most of them — by nursing the falsehood that tactics alone is their job and strategy is civilian responsibility (aka interagency consensus, aka whatever the National Security Advisor dictates).

A thought: finding now mid-level officers and NCOs for quick promotion to senior ranks, to repair the damage done to US Mil by Obama, his owners and not a few Republicans, is indeed top priority for the nation, a most urgent need.  Who knows if it is being met, even just starting to be met?  This is a priority matter for supplication of Divine Intervention.  In other words, I think you have identified a crucial field for action.

Uyghurs are oppressed Moslems?  Four and more years ago they were Moslem terrorists.  What is our taxpayer-funded system of education doing to our citizens that differs essentially from what CCP does to theirs, to include to Uyghurs?  Both cadres of officials employ the industrial model of citizen formation on an industrial scale.  We should be concerned about, object to, a log in the eye of another nation that is larger than the log in our own nation’s eye?  I think not.

Also at play in this Gallagher/Spencer drama is that SEALs are a fraternity more than a military formation.  Note that after bin Laden (SEALs ST6) there was loud, wide publicity for/against/by SEALs, and on-going to some extent, whereas, after al Baghdadi (Delta/Rangers) there is no noise, no publicity, no photo-ops except instigated by POTUS for canine Conan.

DevGru (ST6) works for CIA, also a frat-type organization.  Even McRaven, a DevGru Trump-hater, tried to professionalize SEALs, i.e., conform them to the military standard of good order and discipline.  He failed.

SEALs are bulked-up muscle men, armed party-boys, noisy.  Delta are Himalayan hiker-type monastics, military professionals, quiet.

The irony here is that the Guaidó and Halaby stuff were the work of faulty intelligence and forecasts by the CIA.  Hmm…and this impeachment effort is the same kind of faulty intelligence and forecasts . . . coincidentally, by the CIA, the very same people who blundered earlier in Iraq and Venezuela.  Sound like the same people?  Seems Pelosi was as vulnerable to their nonsense as previous Republican presidents were.

What will The Met do when a male who claims to be female applies to sing Mimi?  Or a female who claims to be male applies to sing Otello?  Besides consult their lawyers, throw salt over their shoulders, and kick a passing cat?

Sharyl Attkisson on 08NOV19:

On the other hand, in retrospect, the biggest surprise might be that, all things considered, it took them so long to get to this point.

These guys aren’t from around here.  They have their own code, you know.  They don’t just kill you.  They make you beg ’em for it.

NCIS Season 11 Episode 5

The world is bad enough as it is.  You’ve got no right to make it any worse.

NCIS Season 11 Episode 24

Hawley and his allies have the right idea: move the agencies out of DC, decentralize the kakistocracy/nomenclatura.  It is an epidemiological approach to political health, most salutary.  EPA, for example, might work wonders operating from an HQ in Minot or Nome.

Spengler: For the record, I don’t care whether there was quid pro quo with Ukraine or not.  If President Trump used military aid as a bargaining chip to persuade the government of Ukraine to investigate foreign subversion of our political system, he was doing his job as commander-in-chief to protect this country from its external enemies.  The parade of striped-pants cookie-pushers from the State Department feeding information to closed-door Democratic Party kangaroo courts in the House of Representatives is irrelevant.  Trump is fighting a mutiny by the U.S. intelligence community.  If the mutineers succeed, it will be the end of the republic.  If a cabal of bureaucrats nestling in the bowls of our $80 billion a year intelligence bureaucracy can bring down an elected president of the United States, the republic is finished.

At root, all this has been about a corrupt and Socialist Transgressive IC, one working for themselves rather than for their countrymen.  Socialism is a mental disease and its proponents Transgressives are domestic terrorists.  A monitory drama comprising the US IC attacking the US plays out before our watchful eyes.

Socialism is an ideology, i.e., a mental disease, a preference to facing reality.  Its promoters are domestic terrorists.  It’s all about the ideology.  Even power, money, and sex are secondary.  Ideology uber alles.  That is a mental disease and its bearers are domestic terrorists. They belong far from seats of responsibility.

Katie Hill lost power, money, and sex but not ideology.  This is monitory.  It shows what is most important to these sick people and how zero they deserve to be near mechanisms of government.

Special Guest Star to David R. Graham
Not all ideologies are mental illnesses.

David R. Graham to Special Guest Star
Name one that is not.

GalosGann to David R. Graham

David R. Graham to GalosGann
I am under the impression Utilitarianism is a philosophy, not an ideology, an open cognitive system, not a closed kinetic operation.  Am I misinformed?

This is civilian USG anti-military smoke screen, gaslighting.  Praetorianism in USA is CIA/IC-sourced, not military-sourced.  And it is hyper-active, has been for decades, formerly via the Presidential Daily Briefing and leaks, now through lawfare and leaks.  Ike was gaslighting and knew that he was.  The enemy within is the civilian CIA/IC-Industrial Complex.  Oh, a military-industrial complex exists and is no choir of angels.  But they just loot the taxpayers’ wealth.  CIA/IC-Industrial complex wants to control the taxpayers souls by running their representatives and bringing the whole of them under under unrestrained, unresisted, unconstrained global governance by self-selecting IC-Industrial Complex oligarchs.  The last Bond movie — Spectre — had this IC-Industrial Complex aspiration as its central theme.  The phenomenon is fact, not fiction.  Look in the monitor, you can’t miss it.

CIA were collecting and shipping the weapons.  They use SEALs to run their strikes, as at Abbottabad.  CIA and State are the same problem.  They’re connected.

Rob Urie: Impeachment, Brought to You by the CIA

During the Clinton years, American economic advisors were sent to Russia to advise the Russian government on how to reorganize the Russian economy along neoliberal lines.  As true neoliberals, the American advisors looted the country.  The result was the worst economic catastrophe in Russia since WWII.  Lest this come as a shock, this is what America does.  The CIA is the logistical arm of American smash-and-grab.  Out of this crisis, Vladimir Putin rose to power.

Related here and here and here.

Yes, penultimately this is about influence peddling at the expense of Americans’ and America’s sovereign national freedom.

Ultimately it is about the CIA.

The Agency is eating their funders, taxpayers, extorting their marks, politicians, NGOs, corporations, underworld, and conspiring with their leftist counterparts, ChiComs, Jihadis, UN/Eurocrats, to extirpate the phenomenon of national sovereignty altogether.

Although penultimately this is about the DC racket of influence peddling — aka corruption, which every POTUS is sworn to extirpate — ultimately this is about The Agency.

The Agency is eating their funders, taxpayers, extorting their marks, politicians, NGOs, corporations, underworld, and conspiring with their leftist counterparts, ChiComs, Jihadis, UN/Eurocrats, to extirpate the phenomenon of national sovereignty altogether from the human geography.  That is the issue here: statecraft, not cloak room etiquette.

Related, from Sundance, here and here.

At the very least, the conspirators show astonishing unfamiliarity with classical combat tactics.  Sending in single units piecemeal, yet.  It is past time to close the CIA.  They really are spending our money on themselves and against our and our nation’s sovereign freedom.  Louses all.

One would think they knew enough to mass attack up the center while pinching the flanks, but no, they send straight ahead single units piecemeal.

Meanwhile, DoState started in NOV16 and continued through summer 2017, at least, to facilitate Soros/various Ds’ energy business interests in Ukraine, using Open Society/Democracy Alliance jargon to hire a contractor to astroturf public support for Soros/various Ds’ energy business interests in Ukraine.

They may not know combat tactics, but they sure do know chutzpah, and they sure are full of themselves (thankfully).

That’s really not the full of it.  Rs are part of the reason for Congressional inaction against sedition and other criminality occurring in high places.  The bulk of it includes Ds and CIA/FPE (Foreign Policy Establishment).  It’s big, very big.  Thus the now-open talk of shivs and the (1) preceding string of intelligence failures that were successes for the actual as compared to the assumed/declared agendas. and (2) assiduity and persistence of effort contra Trump.

Trump’s sin is being not in thrall to, and wanting to cleaning out from high places and low, the un-American and in otherwise corrupt agendas and activities of soi-disant American — tax-payer paid — officials that have been underway for decades, and very comfortably so for them.

Rs are in the swamp — many if not most, but not all — but do not comprise its most dedicated operators.  That would be Ds and CIA/FPE seniors and minions.

Their anniversary parade shrouded in industrial pollution.  They build more coal-fired power and other industrial plants.  Yet they have nuke.  And easily could have dictated its exclusive use.  Clearing the air for their anniversary parades.  And they did not do that.  We are supposed to fear these colossal dummies?

Related: VDH: How China Woke America

It was the ChiComs all along.  They purchased the corruption and manipulate its consequences.  For many decades, ever-increasing the corruption’s compass.

Even Ds and RINOs now are feeling remorse or at least fear regarding the depth and breadth of their and their bureaucratic minions’ betrayal of USA interests to the ChiComs.

Jacob Nordangard: The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’

The destiny of a nation or community is dependent on the moral fibre of its people.  Their character must be deep-rooted in faith and in truth.  Today, in a world broken into racial and religious units, there is a great need to cultivate a broad outlook and large hearted attitudes.  Narrow loyalties cause friction and conflict.  Jesus emphasised the importance of faith and the danger caused by hypocrisy.  Christ’s teachings must be interpreted, understood and followed from the universal point of view.  Truth must be revealed as unity in Thought, Word and Deed.  Jesus Christ proclaimed that God is all powerful and omnipresent, one without a second.  This is the primary message of Jesus.  His understanding of God grew within him in stages.  First he looked upon himself as a Messenger of God.  Later, developing a closer relationship with God, he announced himself as the Son of God.  Finally, realising his identity with God, he asserted, “I and my Father are One.”

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, December 25, 1986

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