Looking For A Righteous Fight

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.




It takes tremendous courage to resist the lure of appearances.
The power of being which is manifest in such courage
is so great that the gods tremble in fear of it.

The Rev. Dr. Paul Tillich: The Courage to Be

Since just recently when the young man in Denver charged the shooters in the STEM charter school — backed up by classmates, who also rushed the shooters — and died in consequence, I have felt emerging a turn in Americans’ posture towards liars, aggressors, and other oppressors.  Instead of sheltering in place, they are counter-attacking, even physically.  This is huge if it is systemic, and I believe it is systemic, not incidental.

Young men suing accusers and schools for abuse of their persons and obstruction of their civil rights is another kind of moving to contact with, instead of avoiding, aggression.  Versions of this response are gaining currency, thankfully.

It has long been said that when Americans finally turn on their attackers — Socialists, politicians, Moslems, bureaucrats, professors, parents, clergy, psychiatrists, psychologists — they will beat them to a jelly.

Kids today are looking for a righteous fight.  They know they have been betrayed by elders, professionals, and peers and they feel in their bones the want — which is Dharmic — to set affairs in order, so that what is evil is called evil and not tolerated, feared, or ignored for this reason and that, mainly on account of fear.

I think this is the subtlest reason for the hell kids are raising on post-secondary campuses — usually at the encouragement of administrators . . . until just recently.  They want the thrill of winning a righteous fight.  This demonstrates their Americanism.  Their betrayers pointed them in the wrong direction, that is all.

Each of these kids knows fighting is necessary, they know they have to do it.  Each also knows that they are a Child of God, related to Him by ties stronger than blood.  Putting those twin awarenesses together, each of these kids feels in their bones that they want to fight for a true cause.  They want to be heroes, not zeros.

These stirrings, these feelings, are indigenous to these kids, to all kids.  It is their nature to have them and it is their responsibility in life — and they know that it is — to give those stirrings corporeality, to make them patent as living constructions.

No one likes fear or likes to be afraid.  Everyone wants to be heroic, fearless.  A few want also to be cunning in the original sense of skillfully erudite, and those ones are the leaders.

I will go so far as to predict an imminent rise in the number of volunteers for military service.  I know, sounds crazy, against the trend lines, but I think the impulse is there now in the body politic.

Equally, I predict an increase in the number of young men and women seeking admission to monastic orders for the purpose of pursuing an actual education.

Two pieces of evidence just from today, and there are others:

Franz Sanchez (Robert Davi) from James Bond License to Kill:

Hollywood producer booed and physically removed from stage.

In addition, POTUS Trump on China tariffs and national emergency over comms are other indications, subtle and potent all at once.  Finalmente Constanza!  Some bite: Sundance: President Trump Declares National Emergency For Information and Communication Technology, also here.

POTUS Trump and Co. are wringing fear out of the country.  When their fear is gone, Americans are unstoppable.  Anyone is, really, but only Americans have experience and history of being fearless systemically.  This is why people want to flood here.  They want to live without fear.

Who can blame them?  But they have to earn the privilege.  They have to become Americans by protecting Americans fearlessly themselves, living by our rules, which sustain fearlessness and are meant to.

Kids today are looking for a righteous fight.  Their parents, teachers, clergy, politicians, bureaucrats, shrinks pointed them in the wrong direction: towards demolishing truth and institutions rather than towards wringing fear from their souls.  Actions at that STEM charter school in Denver last week, and elsewhere — closing with an aggressor instead of sheltering in place — show kids looking in the right direction for a righteous fight.  I think that posture now is systemic and not merely incidental among Americans.  POTUS Trump leads the way.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: VDH: Our Modern ‘Satyricon’

Update 2: Good job.  I was reading Mises and thinking, What’s wrong or obscure about this?  Makes sense to me.

His error and Socialists’ generally, is assuming that violence per se is undesirable — Heraclitus and Jesus, both, have the opposite view — and that law is different, non-violent, therefore superior to violence and desirable — pace the victims of Rowe vs. Wade.

I think Socialists nurse envy more than they eschew violence, which observation notes they use much and often.

Something happened at that STEM charter school shooting in Denver last week.  Some kids moved to contact rather than sheltering in place.  When Americans turn violence against violence, they are Americans.  When they wring fear from their souls, they become American men and women.

kasandra to David R. Graham
I was just thinking today how divorced most leftist speech is from reality and what is truly important.  What led me to think about this is the very real possibility that Iran will shortly take a big swing at us to which we will have to respond.  Neither side will be concerned with discrimination, hate speech, inequality, gender fluidity, racism, cultural appropriation, micro-aggressions, etc.  It will be a life and death struggle between the combatants.  In other words, while capable of doing great harm to our society, the left is not composed of serious people, only people who want to, but shouldn’t, be taken seriously.

David R. Graham to kasandra
Oh yes, and eloquently put.  Thanks!  And in my probably not so humble opinion, the deep reason Socialists should not be taken seriously is that they are saturated in fear, sort of an omni-directional fear, irrational, not about an actual threat, just about everything in general, the possibility of being discomfited in a trice, upended by reality.

They fear the unknown, the uncontrolable. It comes across as their being control freaks — I want power! [to kill my way out of danger, real or imagined] — but under that, way under, is irrational fear in a bright fog of make-believe.

Fear and make-believe seem to me to have that chicken and egg question about them.

Fear is useful when a threat is present, but harmful when guiding response to it.  Response to threat must be heroic, not fearful.  Socialists show no disposition towards heroism.  Those kids in Denver sure did.

And as for the big swing . . . yes indeed, initially at Saudi facilities, no doubt hoping/planning for strikes on US homeland, but I think another big swing is likely as well, by Israel.  1979 and 1983 have not been avenged and cry out to be.

Jim Bob 1028 to David R. Graham
Ditto here.  While reading the Mises passage, I thought it was reasonably clear as to meaning and infinitely more clear than the flatulent verbiage that appears in academic journals.  Any random quote from Derrida would have been both more obscure than this and utterly devoid of good sense.

Also, the ellipses conceal the fact that Mises is making this concession not to deny the right of property but to demonstrate that tracing ownership back to appropriation or robbery does not offer the slightest proof that the abolition of ownership is necessary, advisable, or morally justified.

Update 3: ‘Gender theory’ is a ‘threat’ to proclamation of the Gospel: Dutch Cardinal

Update 4: Graham J. Noble:  Foreign Policy And The Democrat Dilemma

Update 5: Adam Smith observed that defense is superior to opulence.  Efficiency for its own sake is an unreasonable goal.  Quality of life makes one happy, or not.  That is the goal, and reasonable it is.  It subordinates economics.  Everyone knows that amassing stuff does not make one happy.  Each has direct experience of this fact.  Culture is raising the quality of life, not efficient manufacture of cheap tee shirts.  The standard of living is the happiness of citizens, not an abundance of affordable consumer goods.  We are persons, not consumers.  Adam Smith was a professor of Moral Philosophy, not economics.

Update 6: POTUS Trump and Co. are wringing fear out of the country.  When their fear is gone, Americans are unstoppable.  Anyone is, really, but only Americans have experience and history of being fearless systemically.  This is why people want to flood here.  They want to live without fear.

Who can blame them?  But they have to earn the privilege.  They have to become Americans by protecting Americans fearlessly themselves, living by our rules, which sustain fearlessness and are meant to.

NurseSusy to David R. Graham
As FDR stated, You have nothing to Fear except Fear itself.  He was a Dem.  Now the Dem Socialist party panders in fear:

Fear of the 2nd Amendment,
fear of enforcing laws,
fear of the police,
fear of petroleum rules & coal energy,
fear of nuclear energy,
fear of the Climate,
fear of some species becoming extinct,
fear of babies being born,
fear of a good economy,
fear of White people,
fear of Rich people,
fear of Conservatives,
fear of Closed Borders/controlled legal immigration,
fear of smaller government,
fear of lower taxes & a balanced budget,
fear of Commonsense when it come to terrorists,
fear of meat/cows,
fear of Vaccines,
fear of personal responsibility,
fear of garbage disposals,
and Bigly, fear of President Trump.

David R. Graham to NurseSusy
That is the litany.  Writing it out makes it appear as what it is: insane absurdity.

My pet is the trolls’ line: Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

Fear has a use: to indicate the presence of danger, threat.  But fear itself is dangerous when present in a response to danger or threat.  Anyone who tells me to be afraid is trying to freeze me in place so their attack succeeds.

Update 7: Chinese Netizens Have Fun With the Trade War

Update 8: Michael Ledeen: It’s Time for a Thoroughgoing Revamping of the Intelligence Community

Update 9: Jesuit Chief: No Country Has The Right To Turn Away Migrants

Update 10: Susannah Catalan: Stanford professor who changed America with just one study was also a liar


Claudia Cardinale
Claudia Cardinale

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