They Lost The Bet

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



I think York does not understand what happened or why.  Obama et al. knew the dossier’s provenance and purpose and gambled they could make it believable or, failing that, use it to stampede Trump Cabinet Secretaries, Republican Senators, D-R UniParty propaganda outlets, and the electorate into forcing Donald Trump to resign, as per Nixon.

York treats them as thinking there was evidence of collusion and failing to find it, but that is not the case.  They knew the evidence was hokey.  They knew there was no evidence of collusion.  They knew their evidence was inculpatory.  They gambled they could use fiction they wrote to effect so they laid it down as a bet.  They lost the bet.

You might say that, thankfully, they were/are a pack of incompetents, the kind the gambling house — The Infernal Region — loves.

Now they are accusing one another of making the bet in the first place.  I would say there is a strong possibility one or more of them will turn state’s evidence, for the usual reasons.

Who really failed in this was Peter, who guaranteed Lisa that Donald Trump would not be President.  Peter is not the man he wanted Lisa to think he is.  He made a promise he could not keep.  And he, too, knew in re evidence of collusion, that there is no there there.  Yet Peter promised Lisa!  He wanted to make the bet using inculpatory evidence.

Probably wives of many if not all of the conspirators see the same now regarding their supposedly manly spouses.  Those husbands are losers and their wives are noticing that, surely.  They cannot help but do so.  That is the real tragedy here, for when a man loses the respect of his wife, when she no longer fears him as he must fear God, he has lost the world.  And those husbands have shown the world that they do not fear God.  God help us, what an embarrassment!

I argue not for sympathy for these devils.  But I note the hollowness they must bear from here to eternity, far more painful and permanent indeed than mundane censure.  To try to fill that emptiness with nourishment, some conspirators may begin telling the truth.  Only that would do it.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: I think a sequestered but salient aspect of this conspiracy is that GCHQ was providing elements of US IC with materials to use against DJT, materials fictional and otherwise.  Point being, GCHQ were protagonists contra.  (So were/are FSB/GRU, as always, which is ordinary, a known known.)

That said, the US conspirators, all of them, top down — as Barr says, a small top-level group, unusual for a counter-intel operation — knew the material was hokey, manufactured inculpatory evidence, yet decided to bet on its effectiveness for defenestrating DJT.

The conspirators lost the bet.  IANAL, but I suspect their conspiracy to lie, cheat, and steal is the major legal jeopardy those unworthies confront, starting at the top, the one who crowed he would continue to live in D.C. so he could cook up stuff.  Their existential jeopardy is beyond remedy.

They are blaming one another now for placing the bet. I think one or more of them may turn state’s evidence, for the usual reasons.  That would be the only way they could restore respect by their wives, who otherwise now view them as losers, not the men they claimed to be.

The only prestige in this world and the next is to be known over the course of a lifetime for thinking and speaking the truth and doing it.  The truth is love.

Update 2: Intelligent guess. It could very well be payback (revenge) for that, making it possible that the impetus to generate the inculpatory evidence (dossier), the aetiology of the dirty-trick operation, came not from Sid Vicious but from Brennan/Obama or one of their minions.  Or, it was originally Sid Vicious but then Brennan/Obama and minions decided they also could use the product (dossier).

I suspect GCHQ/MI6 were involved, for their own reasons, in the operation’s aetiology.

In any case, they all made a bet on the product’s effectiveness in eliminating PDJT and, more importantly, the force vector he embodies, and they all lost that bet.  Now they are blaming one another for making the bet when in fact they all knew and all know they all knew they all made the bet, from Hillary/Obama to all the minions.  They deserve a prize for incompetence.  Revenge, like anger, is a debilitating emotion, pace countless cinematic plots preaching the opposite.  Revenge clouds one’s judgement.  I should expect better of Sid Vicious.  He’s been slipping.

It has been said that DJT decided to stand for PDJT when, at a White House correspondents’ gala, and from the podium, Obama mocked DJT, who was in the audience, for declaring him, Obama, ineligible to stand for POTUS.  If true — and I doubt not that it is — that incident shows Obama nursing motive — revenge — to keep Trump out of the White House or at least make life in it infuriating.

Orson Welles treated of this phenomenon — the dirty cop planting evidence and deflecting scrutiny of himself — in his classic Touch of Evil, with the beautiful Janet Leigh and a young Charlton Heston; also the great Joseph Calleia.

Update 3: Attorney General Barr puts former intel bosses on notice

Update 4: VDH: He Did It, Not Me!

Update 5: WikiLeaks & Assange Exposed Deep State Crimes

Update 6: FBI Informant Fed Media Lies to Smear Flynn, Defamation Lawsuit Alleges

Update 7: Michael Ledeen: It’s Time for a Thoroughgoing Revamping of the Intelligence Community

Update 8: L. Todd Wood: It’s Time To Admit What Just Happened — Obama Was Not American


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