Melchizedek And The CIA Network / Junta

The old standards are still the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

The nightmare of human society at any time, during any era of history, is a conjunction of civil authority and religious authority in one person or one government. Tyranny by civil authorities is grinding enough: think any number of Fascistic Socialists. Tyranny by civil and religious authorities wrapped together as if one is lethal: think any number of Communistic Socialists.

The CIA Network, which is a Junta, is just such a lethal phenomenon: civil and religious authorities wrapped together as if one, then thrown against American society just for the thrill of it. The CIA Network / Junta comprises professors, clergy, politicians, officers and bureaucrats staffing governmental and non-governmental organizations, chiefs of entertainment and media corporations, chiefs of labor unions, financiers, and industrialists.

The CIA Network / Junta is a social circle of like-minded personalities. It is easily influenced from within because its components yearn to be in rather than out of the social circle. Because CIA are considered the ultimate American in group — because they are on the black side with an enormous black budget — its officers can control their Network / Junta with little effort to get very quick results for any little or large shift in plans or narratives they may deem necessary at any moment.

Network insiders fairly quiver with excitement of expectation for new directives to execute quickly as received. Sometimes this phenomenon is called hive mind. One little busy-body in the middle of the hive can control their entire cohort with one little twitch.

Again, think of a block of jello. A wave pattern within the block can be generated by the merest touch to its surface or from its interior. The CIA Network / Junta works that way. Communication within the block propagates very rapidly and very accurately. When everyone wants the same thing, they hang together like jello, and control of their behaviors and outputs — from outside or from inside — is easy because they are all-together tethered.

. . . well, until not everyone wants the same thing and someone(s) is willing to lead and self-sacrifice if necessary to make a point.

For verbal and image communication, internet reduces distance to zero and the distance / time / comprehension ratio to nearly zero. As distributed networks, juntas can organize and maneuver just as quickly as patriots can, sometimes more quickly.

The key to success for a distributed network is intelligence. Thus, their intelligence branch control most juntas. CIA control the US-based anti-American Network / Junta, aka elites, ruling class, deep state, administrative state, establishment, etc.

Always in human affairs, the point of contention, the rub, as they say, is authority. Where is it? What is it? Who has it? Who does not have it? Why is it at all, and why must one pay it heed much less obedience?

In normal societies, civil authority is recognized as a phenomenon of arrays and degrees. A medical doctor has authority as a medical doctor but not as a tug boat captain.

Also in normal societies, religious authority is recognized as a phenomenon of arrays and degrees. A priest has authority as a liturgist and confidant but not (usually) as a saintly sage.

Also in normal societies, civil and religious authorities are recognized as flowing back and forth between individuals and groups in which individuals participate. A shepherd leaves his town and church to become responsible for his county. A women leaves her family to marry — a religious authority — and become responsible for her husband’s family. A boy leaves his family to become a priest. A saint or sage leaves his or her family and town to become liberated in God.

Likewise, a priest who officiates at an altar is a citizen who needs a license to drive his car. And a judge or sheriff submits to a jurisdiction not their professional one in order to take Holy Communion and even to pray.

Each of us transits between civil and religious jurisdictions and back again many times during a career on this earth.

In abnormal societies, not only is the dynamic of transit between civil and religious authority denied — and the two identified as one — but also, the dynamic of transit between individual and group is denied while one — individual or group — is declared master of the other.

Societies who declare individuals master of groups we call anarchic (not led). Societies who declare groups master of individuals we call democratic (mob-ruled). Both are abnormal societies. In practice, anarchic societies become democratic societies rather quickly because it is easier for two individuals to beat down one than for one individual to beat down two. And in most situations in life, one way or another, beating down is what groups especially do well.

Normal societies are leadership societies.
Abnormal societies are command societies.

Democratic societies are command societies. Groups command individuals. Groups have the right of command, and therefore all other rights, whereas individuals have no rights other than to be delivered into the mastery of a group, there and by them to be sustained for as long as the group shall deem it appropriate.

In practice, democratic societies become oligarchic and absolutist rather quickly because every group produces or adopts one or more individuals keen to control the group’s decisions. They tend to be regarded as leaders. However, such individuals intend command, not leadership.

Thus, democratic societies, already ipso facto abnormal, present as tyrannical. The most ambitious to command present as the group of groups, the chief group, called government, or ruling class, deep state, and by the CIA Network / Junta:

Our DemocracyTM

This is the CIA Network / Junta. Their salient and apodictic characteristic is self-representation as embodiments of civil and religious authorities wrapped together into one supreme authority. CIA Network / Junta solve the problem of the one and the many — aka the problem of universals — in favor of the one — aka a unitary themselves presenting as civil authority that is religious authority. This presentation tracks with common experience across the ages: anarchy and democracy travel to oligarchy and tyranny rather quickly and without fail.

CIA Network / Junta are Socialists. The social trumps the individual and the civil trumps the religious for all cascades of authority. This is Leftism.

About the concourse or transit between civil authority and religious authority I have written several times over the years:

Re-Examining Imperialism, So-Called
Saint James Comey
Churchmen And I
Nature Abhors An Hegemon

Socialism, Leftism, Liberalism, Communism, and Progressivism, are synonymous terms. Across the recent two-century history of political philosophy conducted in both Eastern / Greek and Western / Latin nations, personalities harboring impulses to seize mechanisms of government self-identify as Socialists, Leftists, Liberals, Communists, or Progressives, as they deem occasion warrants. Their objective is plain and simple: control by rule all individuals and groups living in their own and other nations.

Socialism is aptly named. It means, the group — society — trumps the individual, and the most ambitious thrill-seeker trumps the supreme group: government. Authority is entirely in the group, none is in the individual. And in practice, only one group has authority: the one who commands the mechanisms of government.

The impulse to command rather than to serve is despicable enough. It is grinding. However, the more egregious impulse is that demanding to unite civil and religious authorities in one person or entity who may not be petitioned for redress of grievances. This is lethal. In modern political parlance, the term Progressive means exactly this: progress to utopia, which invariably reveals itself as dystopia.

Historians, philosophers, and theologians record and anguish over outcomes of the pretense of wrapping together, as if one, civil and religious authorities.

Romans had a horror of that pretense then suffered its consequences when they took counsel of it.

So-called Jews — actually Talmudists — have been driven from land to land and back again because of their sympathy for group rights — their own only — over individual rights. That the political philosophy called Communism is of Talmudic cultural origin is consistent with Jewish / Talmudic elevation of group rights — although theirs only — over individual rights.

Capture of civil authority by religious authority in post-Mohammed Islam accounts for the mean cheapness of life in Asharite and Shiite Moslem states and societies.

In the Western / Latin Church, popes, monarchs, and councils have asserted both civil and religious authority for themselves but to no lasting avail because these are not the same authorities even though both are Godly. Oliver Cromwell’s Puritans and the contemporary European Commission furnish examples of a council claiming unitary civil and religious authority.

Bible, Liturgy, and Theology subvert the impulse to unite civil and religious authorities in one person or entity. Christianity / The Church has these baked-in safeguards against the psychosis of identifying civil authority and religious authority as one and the same.

In recent centuries, Christian religious orders — especially Jesuits, but others as well — have claimed to collect civil and religious authorities into themselves or into a proxy they choose for the purpose. For example, Latin American religious and faculties embedded Communistic Socialism in Liberation Theology; faculty of The Union Theological Seminary, NYC, repackaged that as Black Liberation Theology; then faculty of Harvard Law School repackaged that as Critical Race Theory.

Communistic Socialism embraced by religious orders and prestigious academic faculties in order to establish unitary civil and religious authority — themselves its chief — is a salient property of these times. Luther and Calvin addressed the same perversity except then it marched under flag of The Vicar of The Universal Church.

In addition, secular clergy — especially of denominations originating in the Reformation Era — have signed over their religious authorities to civil authorities. Whether they did this from laziness, fear, stupidity, or perfidy matters little now because the deed is done and their denominations are laid waste with corrupt practice dictated by the CIA Network / Junta.

Be it noted that, in nations of the Western / Latin Church, two cultural types dominate: the Latin and the Germanic. Each type in its own way tends to unify civil authority and religious authority. The British — albeit mostly Scottish, but also Lockean — cultural type resists and abjures that unification, relying for effect on the Prophetic / Protestant Principle:

Man lives by faith, not law.
No child of finitude has infinite authority.
Government serves man, not man government.

Tellingly, Scottish kings were titled
King of Scots, not King of Scotland.

In the Eastern / Greek Church, the problem of relationship between civil and religious authorities does not rise so much. Eastern / Greek Church churchmen, following a lengthy history of theological precedent, regard the churches they lead as integral with the civil government of their residence. There is Biblical precedent for that attitude. Also, civil authorities in nations where Eastern / Greek Christianity predominates by number of adherents, and for the same lengthy history of theological precedent, tend to be circumspect or silent regarding a claim of religious authority for themselves.

Socialists / Progressives / Communists, however, no matter whether they commandeer a Western / Latin nation or an Eastern / Greek one, immediately claim conjunction of civil and religious authorities as unitary in themselves, all wrapped together as if one. This is consistent with their assumption that the authority of a group, specifically the supreme group they command — government — trumps authorities of other groups as well as every authority of any individual. Their logic, actions, and policies are consistent. Lethal but consistent.

Paul Alexander In Iron Lung

One may ask, why would someone do such a thing? Why would anyone pretend for themselves alone an identity which does not exist, which is unpopular, and which gives no one happiness, least of all themselves? In all my years, I have never seen, heard, or thought of a reason for doing that other than sheer cussedness, an impulse to raise hell, to be strong on others, to mess them over in every possible way. It is so short-sighted. It can never last. Yet there it is. Here it is. It happens, and on society-large fields of battle.

There can be no reason to set prison-ready populations, foreign and domestic, upon American towns and cities other than to maul them. Who would do that? Only hell-raisers would do that, sadists, personalities who themselves are prison-ready.

Glenn Reynolds: The left is composed of ugly people who want to be treated as beautiful people, bad people who want to be treated as good people, stupid people who want to be treated as smart people, and the grifters who profit from the above.

We are admonished . . .

    • Follow the Master
    • Face the Devil
    • Fight to the End
    • Finish the Game

. . . but it feels more like a prediction, a warning even, something which has to happen willy-nilly, willing or not.

If you hear a dog whistle, you are a dog.
If you see a racist, you are a racist.
If you see a homophobe, you are a homophobe.
If you see an anti-Semite, you are an anti-Semite.
If you see a moron, you are a moron.
If you see an Islamophobe, you are an Islamophobe.
If you see a misogynist, you are a misogynist.
If you see a [obscenity], you are a [obscenity].
If you see a white person, you are a white person.
If you see a supremacist, you are a supremacist.
If you see a white supremacist, you are a white supremacist.
If you condemn being white, you are white and condemn yourself.

Teach a generation or two this plain and simple truth and they will be courageous in the face of name-callers and the pretentious. Their resistance to group-think, their rejection of hive-mind, will grow steadily. Faith in the divine nature of man is the only ground for true courage in a rough world. Such faith is the only true safety in times of struggle, which is all times. Dharma protects those who protect Dharma.

In Christian culture — Eastern / Greek and Western / Latin — the archetype of conjoined civil and religious authority is the figure of Melchizedek.

Melchizedek appears three times in The Bible. Genesis 14, an ancient substrate of the Hebrew Bible, is his first appearance. Next in time is Psalm 110. Finally, the author of the Book of Hebrews, in the New Testament, exegetes the Melchizedek passages of Genesis 14 and Psalm 110 to demonstrate that, like Melchizedek:

(1) the sacerdotal role of Jesus the Christ is superior to that of the Levitical [Jewish] Priesthood (descendants of Abram / Abraham), and

(2) the mundane role of Jesus the Christ is superior to that of every mundane government official or ruler.

Superior means wields more authority — aka power — than.

About the figure of Melchizedek I have written several times over the years:

Christian Ordination And Clerical Succession: A Memorandum For The Churches
The Solar Dynasty
Short Takes, AUG98-NOV99

The Levitical [Jewish] Priesthood ceased to exist when Judaism did in 70 AD.  Judaism was a devolution of Abrahamic Faith and Hebrew Prophetism into a temple liturgy so sanguine and usurious as to horrify practically everyone excepting Jews, who felt bound to it by dint of habit as well as by priestly (Levitical) and lawyerly (Pharisaic) eisegesis of Hebrew scriptures.

Since 70 AD, what passes for Judaism is in fact Talmudism, a casuistic religion sometimes — Sephardis, Hassids — humanized by a sense of humor.

The nation state is the form of civilization.
Civilization is a sovereign, successful nation state.

Rep. Elise Stefanik and POTUS Donald Trump

So what are we to make of this canonical figure, Melchizedek? I have condemned an identification of civil authority and religious authority in one person or entity. Yet here is Melchizedek embodying both authorities in one person! With canonical approval. And Abraham, progenitor of Hebrews, Jews, Christians, Talmudists, and Moslems, pays homage to Melchizedek, who honors Abraham. And Old Testament and New Testament language approve Melchizedek and Abraham meeting thus!

Am I hoisted on my own pike, so to speak? Not in the least. The answer is in the character of Melchizedek himself. He is an Avathar, an embodiment of God, in the flesh. He may be a companion Avathar to a Yuga Avathar, for example, a contemporary or close contemporary of the Krishna Yuga Avathar (circa 3800 BC). A Yuga Avathar appears at the change from one to the next era of history, of which there are four.

There are good men and women, such as POTUS and FLOTUS Trump; there are saints and sages, such as Teresa and Jerome; there are Great Ones such as Jesus, Zoroaster, Abraham, Mohammed, Buddha, and Bahá’u’lláh around whose careers religions commence and flourish; and then there are Avathars, some of whom, such as Rama, Krishna, and Sathya Sai Baba, are Yuga Avathars.

The difference between good men and women, saints / sages, Great Ones, and Avathars is the intensity of the light they bring to the party. The light in each and all is one and the same. Yuga Avathars bring the highest intensity light bearable by the mortal frame of ordinary men and women. Yuga Avathars are known to appear sometimes, not every time, with a companion Avathar of lesser report but equal importance.

This is what we have in the figure of Melchizedek, a companion Avathar to an Avathar who is — probably — a Yuga Avathar. This is inferred from the circumstance of the meeting between Melchizedek and Abraham. Abraham would pay reverence to no one but The One Almighty God. And the writer of the Book of Hebrews, endeavoring to buck up the spirits of Christians under confusion over their spiritual ancestry and persecution for their faith in Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ of God and History, would not enlist the figure of the priest-king of Jerusalem, Melchizedek, as a Christian’s true nature and standing in this world if he did not take both Jesus and Melchizedek as significantly more than ordinary humans beings.

Melchizedek and Jesus are among those rare personalities of history through whom the one light of love, which is God, shines through with such extraordinary intensity as to subdue ordinary men’s fears and summon their courage. Any attempt to explain or prove such an occurrence must wreck on the rocks of sophistry. The thing is what it is: Res ipsa loquitur.

There is one case in which civil authority and religious authority do unite: the case of an Avathar. An Avathar is a complete embodiment of The Lord. Since The Lord owns everything — the word lord means just that — He does whatever He wants, whenever He wants, wherever He wants, however He wants. He owns the joint. We are His.

Avathars always take birth in the warrior role, which is a civil authority. They rarely conduct the priestly role, a religious authority, although they do if they wish it. Avathars take birth with complete and unrestricted authority, the only incarnations of God who are that. Description of Melchizedek as a priest-king references his status in history as an Avathar. Identification of Melchizedek at Jerusalem signifies Jerusalem as the Holy of Holies of The Levant and of the Middle East generally.

(There is connection between The Levant and The Himalayas. This is shown again, millennia after Abraham and Melchizedek, in a connection between Jesus and Buddha.)

At 1 Peter 2:9, we find Christians exhorted as a royal priesthood, a holy nation. This language references Melchizedek. Does this mean Christians as a class unite in themselves civil authority and religious authority and may practice the same, as if they are Avathars? Are we all Cromwells, Medicis? All Melchizedeks, Ramachandras?

Well, Christians are welcome to try, to see how far they can get posing as Avathars, and some few have done that, quickly to meet just desserts. Christians are not Avathars. Christians are Little Christs, Luther observes, but Jesus the Christ of God and History is not an Avathar. His Name is a Name of God. (All names and forms are Names and Forms of God.) To those with steady faith in the power of His love to protect and redeem all, all things are allowed, St. Paul observes. All things in heaven and earth have been put under His authority, Jesus observes, implying the same for His followers. Jesus the Christ of God and History belongs to the Order of the Priest-King Melchizedek and His followers partake of that royal priesthood.

BUT Jesus the Christ of History and his followers are NOT Melchizedek. They belong to the Order established by the Melchizedek Avathar, but He (Jesus the Christ) and they are NOT that Avathar. They do NOT unite in themselves civil and religious authority. All things in heaven and earth have been put under the authority of Jesus the Christ by the Father. Jesus the Christ of God and History did not take birth in that condition and neither do his followers.

Jesus the Christ of God and History is not an Avathar of The Lord. He has a role other than that one.

A follower of Jesus the Christ could claim to have had all things in heaven and earth put under his or her authority by virtue of their faith in Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ of God and History, for Whom that was done. However, such a claim would have to assume that the follower IS Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God and History. Let him or her who would make that claim go ahead and make it. Let them and us see how far they get with it. Shortly, their own doubts will destroy their claim and its supporting ignorance.

A Christian belongs to an Order of royal priests, of united civil and religious authority. A Christian is not a priest-king. He or she did not found the Order of priest-kings to which they belong. A Christian’s participation in civil authority and religious authority is exactly the same as that of every other mortal. Jesus the Christ of God and History is emphatic about this: Give to Caesar what is his and to God what is His.

There is a non-executive exception to the foregoing. One ecstatically immersed in God feels some degree, more or less, of God’s total and absolute authority in both civil and religious matters. Such a one also knows, in that immersion, that no executive authority, civil or religious, belongs to them as an individual or to any group whatsoever. This is a matter about which the less said the better. Yet, it must be mentioned in order to keep the narrative thorough.

Our ordinary lives are lived in a complex of authorities, a mixture one might say, that has a divine root and a mundane practice. This is the great paradox of Christianity itself, that the infinite takes on finitude, with all its sorrows, joys, and travails, yet remains infinite. This cannot be understood, but it can be and is experienced, and that most convincingly. Here is an illustration:

These comment strings invariably and always go to the same Gordian Knot: the Jesus of history and the Christ of God . . . what’s up with that? How can an assumed infinite enter the realm of finitude and remain assumedly infinite?

The Jesus of history must be an apparition or, what is the same thing existentially, a lie or a tall tale oft told.

Or, the Christ of God got stuck in a rough patch and lost His way.

Or, the unexamined assumptions of your analytical methodology preclude your untying the Gordian Knot, or breaking / cutting it.

Or, those unexamined assumptions preclude your addressing the Gordian Knot honestly for what it is.

The weakness of these comments, virtually all of them, is their failure, whether for Jesus or against Him, to treat of the Jesus of history as also — and simultaneously — the Christ of God. These aspects of His being cannot be separated.

Historicity and divinity are inseparable. And that is true for each of us. That is what The Word as God / with God and being made flesh is all about, after all.

If that is unpalatable, check you assumptions. One of them is missing.

Socialists argue that a person is made by the society in which they take birth and is therefore subordinate in every way to that society. Its government, Socialists argue, is the only authority in a society. Therefore, they, as government, are the supreme authority for everyone and everything in an area, be that a nation, a region, or the whole world.

This is what Socialists think, what they argue, and to accomplish which they devote their time, money, and energy.

Individual, personal rights independent of grant by society and government are unthinkable to Socialists. The concept of inalienable rights inhering inalienably in human creature-hood maddens a Socialist who hears it, reads of it, or even just entertains it in their own thoughts. Their reaction to such an idea is psychopathic. Inalienable rights put Socialists out to pasture.

A Socialists’ stochastic structure is consistent with their assumptions regarding the nature and destiny of man. An individual has status and worth only as member of a group and then only as the group finds him or her useful to them.

Christianity brightly distinguishes the realm of civil authority and law from the realm of religious authority and spiritual practice (sadhana). Religious authority and spiritual practice transcend civil authority and law and have no law of their own. Each realm of authority has its utility, powers, and necessity (“Give unto Caesar….”) and neither has authority to control or dominate the other. At times during their career, persons transit between these realms of authority, but the realms do not merge.

  • The sub-surface of this is compelling: Abadi is telling Sistani to mind his own business. In other words, keep religious authority out of civil affairs. Diplomatically but firmly. The point of this post. Iraqis have lived with Americans long enough to get a taste of how pleasant life is when clerics are not controlling the penal decisions of civil government. A huge step.
  • In Bangladesh, too, the concept of religious and civil authorities as distinct powers has presence.

In normal societies, civil authority and religious authority function with strength, endurance, and happy effect. Their appropriate realms of operation are recognized and accepted. No attempt is made to merge them or suppress one while elevating the other. They operate side-by-side like man and woman, night and day, left and right, cold and hot, this and that, Americans and freedom, Americans and self-respect.

Civil authority and religious authority are equally important to the happiness of each individual and group. Civil authority and religious authority do not impinge on one another.

An operations research approach to the CIA Network / Junta would show points where their own force vectors can be leveraged against them. Those points will show as far this side of ballot boxes.

David Horowitz: Discover The Networks

 Ronald J. Pestritto: Why The Early Progressives Rejected American Founding Principles

Ronald J. Pestritto: The Tyranny Of Experts

What about their competitors over at Langley? FBI could not get full SCOTUS to reject examining the world’s most prominent recent election steal, but Langley could. FBI could not run the world’s most prominent recent election steal, but Langley could. Almost no one thinks and writes about Langley in all of this. Why? They are the only ones who could have done it!

CIA Network / Junta remain scary enough to control national academic and media narratives, steal an election, prevent redress thereof at the bar, terminate anyone, anywhere without scrutiny or punishment, and run completely on the dark side, to include budget.

And almost no one in “conservative / libertarian” media thinks and writes about them. They are not that difficult to track and conclude regarding.

This entire mess is decades of CIA Network / Junta camping in everyone’s living room, starting with the assassination of POTUS Kennedy.

  • No one shall be found among you who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer. Whoever does these things is abhorrent to the Lord. — Deuteronomy 18:10,12
  • The fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. — Ephesians 5:9-11

Lloyd Billingsley: How the CIA Failed America on 9/11 – But now successfully meddles in domestic politics

Jesuit higher-ed association proposes anti-racism Examen that says White people are ‘fearful,’ should be ‘uncomfortable’

ANALYSIS: Spy Agency’s Sloppy Photoshop Makes Mockery of Half-Assed Performative Diversity Initiatives

Alan Macleod: Geopolitics, Profit, and Poppies: How the CIA Turned Afghanistan into a Failed Narco-State

Devotion and faith must be cultivated by every student. Be as devoted and disciplined as Arjuna. Be as intelligent and strong as Bheema. Be steadfast and sincere like Dharmaraja. Then, no harm can come to you; you will achieve victory in all your efforts. There are four F’s that you will have to fix before your attention: (1) Follow the Master (2) Face the Devil (3) Fight to the End and (4) Finish at the Goal. ‘Follow the Master’ means, observe Dharma. ‘Face the Devil’ means, overcome the temptations that beset you when you try to earn artha (wealth or the wherewithal to live in comfort). ‘Fight to the End’ means, struggle ceaselessly; wage war against the six enemies that are led by kama (lust). And finally, ‘Finish at the Goal’ means, do not stop until the goal of Moksha (liberation from ignorance and delusion) Is reached. The F’s are fundamental for the pursuits of the four PurusharthasDharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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