Christian Ordination And Clerical Succession: A Memorandum For The Churches

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Jerusalem means My God is the Sun.

Jesus the Christ was a Priest-King in the perpetual Order of Melchizedek.  This Order conducted the worship of the universal God, the Ground of Being.  It did not receive the worship of God as God.  Furthermore, it was a perpetual Order continuing by dynastic or bloodline succession.  It was a family.  And finally, the Order of Melchizedek was the successive Heads of a Royal Household.  Most of these Heads of Household came to their position by primogenitur (for example, Jesus) but some came by designation from the reigning Head (for example, Bharatha and later David).

The Royal Household of which Jesus was a Head was a branch of the Solar Dynasty of India, the Dynasty of Rama, Krishna and the Pandavas, Buddha and Ashoka.  From the beginning of time and until the end, the Solar Dynasty is the ruling Household of the entire globe, having crowned branches in every nation excepting, modernly, China.  The House of David and Solomon is a branch of the Solar Dynasty, owing fealty to the Mother House in India.

The Heads of the Solar Dynasty in the area of Jerusalem and Egypt are together called the Order of Melchizedek.  This Order proceeds through history as a dynastic succession, through physical bloodline.  The Order of Melchizedek is the successive Heads of the House of David.  Jesus was one of these Heads of the House of David.

In fact, as the Christ, Jesus is Head of the House of David and the plenary aim and center of the history of revelation by and of the Divine Life.

Jesus also was a Head of the House of Abraham.  The House of Abraham is Persian in origin, stemming from another branch of the Solar Dynasty, the branch delineated by Zoroaster and his successors, such as Baha’u’llah.  Jesus’ successors, including Baha’u’llah, carry on the Davidic and Abrahamic branches of the Solar Dynasty in perpetuity.  Because they belong to the Solar Dynasty, which is based in India, these Great Personalities hold the reins of world power and adjust the nature and course of world affairs as needed.

Individuals who have undergone ordination as clergy sometimes fancy themselves in position to command world affairs because of the ordination they have undergone.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Clerical ordination is not admission to the Order of Melchizedek.  At best, clergy qua clergy, including bishops and popes, are liturgical functionaries, comparable to non-commissioned officers.  Their role is important but not commanding with respect to world affairs.

Specific personalities specifically sent for specific missions at specific times and for specific periods of time are those having command responsibility for world affairs.  These are not ordinary people.  Some are ordained as clergy and some are not.  And all supersede clergy — and everyone else — with respect to what they may do and the reason they may have for doing it.

The Great Personalities abide the conventions of life so long as those conventions suit their purpose.  They embody plenary command with respect to world affairs.  No one can measure them.  They are always present and never manageable.  They are the Solar Dynasty and they determine their own successions and successors.

No ritual can make a member of the Solar Dynasty.  They come root-caused, self-animated and self-less.  Self-less-ness is the source of their power and the cause of its boundlessness.  Only the self-less can be strong.  They can come near the Sun because they are the Son.

Update 1: Why The American Church Should Go Off The Grid

Update 2: The Reformation is over.  Protestants won.  So why are we still here?


The Priest
The Priest

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