Talking Points, For Use With Public School Administrators And Teachers

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



To Allay Fear And Stanch Envy

1- The blending of outcome-based and family-based education is inevitable, nation-wide.

2- The electronic environment is inherently democratic. It is the real means for student-centered education.

3- As educational uses of the electronic environment are explored and proven, it will be easier to identify and discredit merely commercial uses of it.

Exploration and construction of the appropriate are the proper method to eliminate the inappropriate.

4- Regarding homeschoolers: as they get older, many need facilities and materials not available in or appropriate for a residence. This fact assures demand for public personnel and facilities in a variety of specialties.

5- Homeschooling is an expensive undertaking. This fact places limits on the potential homeschooling population. The limits have yet to be reached.

However, the depth of parents’ willingness to sacrifice their comfort for the long-term happiness of their children, through homeschooling as extension of genuine parenting, has not been plumbed yet, either. Precedents could suggest that the willingness is profound.

6- A voucher system is coming that will place our system of education in demand-based, outcome-based, locally-controlled, electronically-enhanced and-delivered, student-centered milieux.

There is no telling when the voucher system will arrive, but the part of wisdom is preparedness. We should localize, electrify, specialize, use and personalize our system of education.

Eventually, students will be paid to attend school. This is the most ancient and proper condition of education, one reproduced by homeschooling.

Anybody who wants now to anticipate and position themselves for the future, will negotiate contracts with agencies, corporations and organizations to supply the same with personnel whom they pay to attend their school and learn the skills and develop the character traits needed by those agencies, corporations and organizations.

‘Supply-side’ education.

7- The ‘computer revolution’ was promoted as the end of paper-work. It created mountains of paper-work and a new industry: the destruction of paper-work. The ‘electronic environment’ is suspected of replacing teachers and administrators. It creates the conditions they covet: one-on-one care for a person’s actual needs, their inner necessity, their own destiny.

Update 1: Factory Model School

Update 2: First space, then auto—now Elon Musk quietly tinkers with education





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