Nature Abhors An Hegemon

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Queen St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Feeds The Poor

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Nature abhors an hegemon and has powers far more than sufficient to drive the same loco.  And always does, always will.  This fact is an occasion for faith.  For sanity to be maintained, faith in this fact is essential.

The Chinese are not 12-foot men.  As Chinese, they are by turns charming, filthy, beguiling, cheats, sorcerers, and racist.  Exceedingly racist, exceptionally deceitful.  As ChiComs, they are hegemons into the bargain.  But they are not, in any description, 12-foot men.

I am a MacArthur man.  I grew up on the Pacific Coast.  I am a Western American.  I wear a western hat and western boots.  I carry a handgun.  My sense of my country’s spirit and development finds those pointing westward.  To me, Asia is America’s west and the Asian littoral is America’s western defense perimeter.  To me, China is The Far West, not The Far East.  I see America’s teleological force vectors pointed West, not East.  My entire life-experience confirms that observation as accurate.

Our distant ancestors, Spaniards and Italians, sought convenient passage westward to China and India, for trade in those nations.  They knew that northward passage was frozen and eastward passage freighted by slavers, extortionists, and brigands, aka Moslems.

Our direct ancestors were English Calvinists seeking religious freedom and Scots Calvinists and Catholics seeking, mostly, commerce, but also general freedom.  Soon, news of the opportunity for freedom reached and inspired persons at most points on the globe to emigrate to the USA to learn and expand their own and America’s freedom.


The vector of American exploration, the genius of American energy, points westward across the Pacific Ocean.  Americans left the East, we left Europe and the Middle East, which are East across the Atlantic Ocean.

That is the Old World.  We left it.  We came West and Westward is how we think and respond.  We framed and raised a New World west of the Old World.  A world through which the sounds of freedom ring and reign.

For this reason we purchased Alaska from Russia when offered that Far West land and raised the American Flag even farther West, in Hawaii and The Philippines.  We prosecuted and won a war to make the Pacific Ocean a quiet zone with freedom of movement for inter-nation trade and commerce, others’ as well as our own.

Now, a nation in our West and in thrall to the idolatry of Communism, which is inherently inimical to freedom, which is Americanism, announces intention to rule trade and commerce — indeed, comms altogether — throughout the Pacific Ocean Area and beyond.  That would be China under ChiCom dictatorship.  They are self-announced hegemonic hegemons with the facilities of a nation state at their behest.  This is serious.

Hegemons are either accepted or defeated, paid off or killed, worshipped or de-ramped.  Hegemons accept no other responses to their intention and activity.  Hegemons, much like everyone else as well, respect only those who stand to protect and defend their own freedom.  Americans stand to protect and defend their freedom and are accorded, accordingly, respect by citizens of other nations.

A man without prestige is not a man.  A man who stands to protect and defend his own divine nature and the full panoply of freedom appertaining thereto is a man of respect, a prestigious man.  Only the divine has respect, and from that, prestige.  Only those who force into actuality, into embodiment in this world, the rights they own inalienably in virtue of their own divine nature, are believed.

Pacific Pathways is US strategic/tactical doctrine missioned — actually although not patently — to de-ramp ChiCom hegemonics.

Unofficially and sua sponte, I have thought to think through, on my own, essentials of Pacific Pathways doctrine.

These essentials may be conveyed in three points:

1- Nothing happens unless it is forced to happen.  Rely on Mission Command rather than on command and control.  Authority originates in the depths, rises through the heights, and spreads across the expanses . . . propagation and saturation like concerted sound in a cathedral.  Mission Command is a philosophy used by a Commander to conduct the symphony of activity that is war-fighting.  The tools for war-fighting that are available to a commander, the divisions of the symphony he conducts, are called War-Fighting Functions:

Fires/Cyber/Information Operations
Movement and Maneuver
Command and Control

Mission Command excludes contributions from The Good Idea Fairy.

2- Compel ChiComs to march simultaneously into multiple battle fronts.  Confront them with the fearsome travails of multi-domain operations.  Emplace logistics trains to support full-spectrum, multi-domain diplomatic, financial, and war-fighting force — the latter to comprise battalion strength at least — on the flank of each of four possible Chinese Communist lines of march: North (into Russia), East (into Taiwan, Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, and Latin America), Southeast (into Southeast Asia), and South (into India).

Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

China And Iran: A Strategic Hunch

Leader Bullet Points For Restoring America

3- All war-fighting assets (Branches of Service) subserve the Army Mission.  Her Army is a nation’s fundamental armed force and sole guarantor of sovereign freedom.  An Army’s mission is to de-ramp foreign hegemons eyeing harm to Americans by denying them succor derived from landed basing, aka logistics support.  Logistics must be landed somewhere.  A nation’s protective force, Her Army,  is as potent as its logistics support is copious and reliable.

See especially pages 331 to 341.

Viewing INDOPACOM as a whole, these total/joint — Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting — force posture necessities should be noted:

1- INDOPACOM is an Army show because the Army is the lead component of the total/joint force — which includes also State and Treasury Departments– facing the region’s chief hegemon, China.

Every COCOM is an Army-lead show.  Army necessities govern the deployment of all three assets of USA Statecraft: Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting.

2- One cannot make sense geographically, on a map, of a USA national strategic objective to defeat or even to neutralize Chinese Communist aggressive, hegemonic imperialism unless Army necessities govern dispositions of the INDOPACOM total/joint force.

3- Except for Naval surface/air, submarine attack, and Marine assault, the INDOPACOM joint force components are land-based (Army) forward artillery of various ranges — cyber and space being the longest-ranged — supporting Army strategic and tactical necessities.

4- Naval surface/air, submarine attack, Marine assault, and Air Force are for clearance of Army Pacific Pathways and Asian Mainland Pathways if, as likely and reasonable, it comes to that.  Army should be carrying Navy, not Navy Army, in INDOPACOM.

5- The problem set in INDOPACOM is land-based, not water-or air-based, and especially so when facing Chinese aggressive, hegemonic imperialism, which is the palpable, salient fact in that COCOM.  Naval/Marine, Air, Cyber, and Space operations are Army operations extended and coordinated — along with diplomacy and finance — in the multi-domain battle space.

And there is this foundational guidance:

Five Axioms Of Pacific Pathways

Axiom One

To de-ramp ChiCom hegemonics, USA must ally with Russia and India to that effect.

Axiom Two

To de-ramp Arab/Pan-African hegemonics, USA must ally with Russia and India to that effect.

Axiom Three

To de-ramp Euro-American Socialist hegemonics, USA must ally with Russia and India to that effect.

Axiom Four

USA, Russia, and India should invite Japan and Egypt into their circle of decision and force.

Axiom Five

Hegemons do not de-ramp unless forced to it.

2016 LANPAC Interview with GEN Robert B. Brown

Enfin, cinq observations dans la journée:

Extraordinary, is it not, that in the space of a few short years, say, two at most, The US intelligence-Foreign Policy Establishment has gone from China is a global competitor to we are at war with China?

Peoples are reclaiming their identities as nations comprising sovereign freedom.  The Sons and Daughters of God are de-globalizing.

Americans are born to self-govern.  Imposed governance, global governance, is hateful to Americans.  Freedom means self-governance.  Freedom is self-governance.

Not by values, not by psychology, not by laws, not by politics, not by education, not by war, not even by religion go we, but by faith in God, which is faith in our own divine nature.

We have a criminal conspiracy masquerading as our national security apparatus.  Only the humble are strong.  They rely on intelligence, not Intelligence.

Arise, awake! Establish once again the kingdom of God (Ramarajya), resplendent with mansions of truth, righteousness (dharma) and peace.  Practice the eternal religion of love, quench the burning flames of ignorance, peacelessness, injustice, and envy with the waters of love, forbearance and truth.  Develop the feeling of mutuality.  Each one should realise their own faults and understand that there is no use in searching for faults in others.  It is a mere waste of time; it also breeds quarrels.  So give up that trait.  If this opportunity is missed, when and how will you redeem yourself?  Don’t yield to dejection, but say ‘finis’ to all the un­righteousness deeds of the past.  Repent sincerely and tread the path of prayer to God, good deeds and brotherly love.  Sweep away all jealousy and anger.  Remember the rules taught by holy personages, characteristics lived and taught by the most eminent and of the reign of God.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 34  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1:

More and more it looks like someone dropped a test tube of a bio weapon prototype.  Contagious before apparent illness and quickly mutating to become more infectious seem contrary to “normal” Viruses.

David R. Graham to TooOldToWork
Broadcast, not dropped. Engineered, not normal.

TooOldToWork to David R. Graham
I don’t see why China would do this on purpose.  It will likely kill more of their people than people anywhere else.  Plus, it will only make their economic problem worse.  Maybe if they dropped it in area with troublesome people, it would make sense.  Even more so since their bio weapons lab is located in the province.

David R. Graham to TooOldToWork
Admittedly counter-intuitive to an American.  So, yes.  But these are ChiComs.  Even hundreds of thousands of their own would be a negligible price to pay for terrorizing USA into not obstructing ChiComs’ mission of achieving global hegemonics.

Think of their goal and then estimate, as best possible, using their manners of thought, not ours, what they are willing to pay to achieve it.  For a clue, consider their human wave battle tactics in Korea during the early 1950s.

The key to standing down ChiCom hegemonic intentions is to force them into multi-front battle, flanking their potential lines of march north, east, southeast and south.  As hegemons, they cannot conceive how to succeed in multi-front warfare.  And by warfare I mean using all three assets/forces available to USA statecraft: diplomatics, finance, military.  Russia and India would be happy to assist USA to execute that battle space preparation contra ChiComs.  Kim would be thankful, would turn to Russia, away from ChiComs, for succor.

Update 2:

A dilettante finds ample reason to compare their dip in the bathtub favorably against the seamanship of a blue-water sailor.

First, I don’t believe John Bolton leaked anything and what was leaked was most likely the best the leaker could do for impeachment purposes which is why the NYT got no actual documents, just hearsay.  Trump needs to clean house in that office.  Every single person should be moved out.

Second, I have lost all respect for Mitt Romney. He’s obviously unaware that the voters like me who voted for him in 2012 are the same people who voted for Trump in 2016 (plus a lot more).  Where’s his loyalty to me?  He doesn’t fall for these Democrat tricks, he anticipates them with baited breath.

David R. Graham to  PJGood
Where’s his loyalty to me?  Well, that’s the nub of it, right there, isn’t it?!  Eloquent!

Mitt Romney got his gutting companies (and their employees) and selling their organs and other edibles for private profit.  Ds were right about that, although hardly innocent of the practice themselves.  It’s called theft.

AEI and John Bolton belong to the Intelligence-Foreign Policy Establishment that, like venture capitalists, sold Americans’ wealth and sovereignty for private gain these past many decades, claiming in the name of national security and therefore un-reproachable.

Update 3: Richard Fernandez:

The old model of globalization has paradoxically both speeded up the rate at which events occur and slowed the rate at which behemoth transnational institutions can respond.

Update 4: Self-governance is a stronger shield against hegemonic politicians, industrialists, and bureaucrats than is religious liberty or, what is the same thing psychologized, freedom of conscience.  The question at issue is civil, not religious and certainly not mental or emotional.  This is one of the points made by the 30-Years War and in particular its method of settlement (civil).

Roman Catholicism, like Islam only less stridently, nurses and engenders the thought that civil and religious authorities are or should be united (urbi et orbi).  First Huss, then the Reformers, and then the 30-Years War laid down in bloody experience that those are separate authorities which, if united in one person or agency, are the very definition of demonic oppression.

The Arab/Pan-African world teaches the same lesson but Arabs and Africans, so far at least, refuse in aggregate to accept it.  Socialism in both its iterations (Fascist and Communist) tries a work around: make itself a new religion and weld that to civil authority.  Hopeless and stupid.  Civil and religious authorities are separate authorities and do not even intersect, much less coincide.  The Little Sisters of the Poor use the wrong shield to protect themselves and do the rest of us a dis-service into the bargain.

Update 5: I have told the story before in these parts of a chat Reinhold Niebuhr and I had one cold, cold February day in 1966 during a stroll on Riverside Drive, wherein: When Rheiny asked me how long I thought integration would take I replied, Not very long at all, and he grew angry at me on the spot, speaking into my face, No, you are wrong, it will take a very long time and maybe never happen.

We never spoke again.  He and Ursula never invited me for a return visit.  For decades, memory of this moment hurt me and I could not figure out why.  I had meant no disrespect, had given a straightforward answer to a straightforward question.  Why did I feel he considered me flippant, disrespectful, and ignorant into the bargain?  And bark angrily in my face, that of a first year BD student (my father had been Rheiny’s student).

Then a year or two ago the answer came to me and has remained convincing.  We were talking about two different things.  I meant blacks and whites would build ways to work together and live together as different and in harmony.  Rheiny meant blacks living as white do.  I would never have thought such a thing, still do not, because blacks have their own ways of being Americans and still live with whites as fellow Americans.  Rheiny’s expectation of blacks integrating with whites was racist, lo and behold.  In so many Hollywood movies — e.g., Lethal Weapon — so is Hollywood’s.

Update 6: Angelo M. Codevilla: Abolish The CIA

Related: Very weak tea from Austin Bay

Update 7: Ah, so, NORKs either not given the antidote before ChiComs deployed the biologic, or, only a few NORKs received it.  Either way, says NORKs not very important to ChiComs.  That is a strategic data point of the first water.

Update 8: FWIW, I am unimpressed with the Senator’s comments on this matter.  Definitionally, his intel feeds (CIA) are wittingly and unwittingly inaccurate and misleading.  But that is no excuse for what common sense can tell anyone willing and able to gnaw through the restraints.

A targeted (elderly, males) bioweapon was set-loose by ChiCom decision for an array of reasons, none humane much less terminally rational.

I expect Senator Cotton to have realized that and I suspect he has done so.  So, I believe he is playing here some game this side of the truth.  For that reason I am unimpressed with these mouthings of his.  Indeed, disappointed am I.

Update 9: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

Update 10: Adwaitha Hermitage: Thoughts on USA sovereignty and strategics

Update 11: Daniel Greenfield: The Future Does Not Belong to China

Update 12: Catherine Smith: Trump Proposes 21% Cut in U.S. Foreign Aid in 2021 Budget Proposal

Update 13: Gail Heriot: Sic Semper Bureaucratis

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