The Solar Dynasty

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



On the subject of India and USA, I want to mention a little history that I find enlightening and cheering.

The summary is that USA is, as Swami said, member of the Solar Dynasty, and specifically Arjuna. The background of this statement is a long history of family and spiritual lineages encompassing durations of time and acreages of land not ordinarily associated by our ordinary historians. It is about some of these matters that I wanted to write.

USA is directly an implementation of the Protestant Principle and of Masonic constructions of that Principle plus its Sephardic/Celtic/Greek antecedents, which are several. The Protestant Principle is the certainty that individuals are able to cognize the truth through steady application of their own capacities — all of them — and that, in view of this fact, individuals (1) possess an inalienable right (a right of nature, not of custom, law or society) to exercise those capacities and (2) are accountable for doing so.

The line of the Solar Dynasty (Rama, Bharatha, Krishna, Pandavas, Swami) in the USA can be traced upstream — speaking from a point of view of duration — from Masonic Founding Fathers, in whose company is included a very important Sephardi, Salomon Chase, through Protestant (Lutheran) and Reformed (Calvinist) circles and also Anglican, which mixed Protestant and Reformed sensibilities, and Sephardic ones.

The line can be traced through the Reformation era to families of combined Celtic and Sephardic ancestry and also to certain German families, who starting some 200 years ago first acquired and translated the Vedas and realized therefrom that European languages originate in the Sanskrit archetype.

These famlies were known during a period as The Knights Templar and, farther north and east, The Teutonic Knights. Their Celtic royal line is called Merovingian and this line is a sheaf or branch of the Solar Dynasty.

Sephardis mixed with Europeans, especially Celts and Greeks, at least by the time of Krishna, @3800 BCE. The Bible refers to these Sephardis as Benjamites, and their story of expulsion by the other 11 “tribes” is in Judges 19ff.

There is some question as to whether the figure of Melchizedek is Dharmaraja himself or a family vassal monarch of the Pandavas. The line of Kind David, who is in the line of Melchizedek, is positively Solar Dynasty. David’s son’s name (Solomon) means “My God is the Sun.” It also means “Peace.” The Persian Zoroastrian royal family, one member of which, Cyrus I, is taken by Biblical writers as Messiah, is a sheaf or branch of the Solar Dynasty. This fact is the basis of Baha’u’llah’s claim to authority.

Both Rama and Pandavas ruled the entire surface of the globe, either directly or through vassals. So, the Solar Dynasty is branched across the face of the globe, from top to bottom and from side to side. Recognizing it is an important function of viveka. Buddha, for example, is in the line of the Solar Dynasty. So is Jesus. These lineages are important. They are the umbrellas of protection for this and all other worlds.

History is a vast play involving rule by and usurpation of rule from the Solar Dynasty as that Dynasty implements itself across the years and epochs. When the Solar Dynasty is in charge of worldly affairs, creatures are happy and prosperous. When the Solar Dynasty is in a usurped condition and improper authority holds sway in the affairs of the world, creatures are unhappy and either rich or poor. Ramakatha Rasavahini is indeed the classic Swami says it is. It is archetypal in every way for this Kali Yuga.

English is a branch of Sanskrit via German. Most European languages branch from Sanskrit, either through German or through Latin. Some branch from Sanskrit through Gaelic or Celtic … or Greek. But Sanskrit is the common ancestor. Its language is the genetics of a culture. Europe and USA are India and India is USA and Europe. The administrative thread is the Solar Dynasty, a united collection of families.

Even when Solar Dynasty is in a usurped condition God will uphold it in some way and also those whose faith in the Dynasty does not waver. The Solar Dynasty is the embodiment of Dharma. It can never cease. It”s power is undiminished in all conditions because that is the law of nature God established with respect to it.

And a final point: members of the Solar Dynasty are protected because the Dynasty is. This fact cannot be changed. The protection members of the Dynasty enjoy persists regardless of the ups and downs of their lives, even the apparent moral character of them. The axis of Dharma runs through the Solar Dynasty. Those not in the Solar Dynasty, or under their protection, are not protected. Those in it, even though they have ups and downs, are protected. This central fact no one can change. It is the natural law that God Himself abides by (He made it), that the Solar Dynasty is perpetual, plenary and protected. The Pauline Doctrine of in Christo means that any with faith in Christ — Jesus being a plenary representative of the Solar Dynasty — are by that faith in Him members of His Dynasty, the Family of Rama and Sai Rama.  And protected.  For those not born into the Solar Dynasty, faith is the entre. Those who feel unprotected are merely lacking faith in the representative of the Solar Dynasty to which their culture points them. Doubters will be destroyed. Faith is the sine qua non of life, just as Luther and Calvin said that it is. It is the thread that binds one to the all-powerful protection of the Solar Dynasty and causes representatives of that Dynasty to recognize one as of themselves.

The Solar Dynasty is just the Indian royal family: Rama, Bharatha, Buddha, Pandavas, Krishna and also Swami.  In Europe it is Merovingians and in Persia Baha’u’llah. It is the universal ruling clan, branches in all countries but the same family.

Tonight, I saw photographs taken two weeks ago of Baba riding in a chariot of gold designed by Him with the sun behind Him in gold representing the sun dynasty. He said that this ride was predicted by the Book of Brig written 5000 years ago and that His ride two weeks ago was on the same day, with the same stellar conjunctions that Rama finally sat on the throne of Ayodhya.

The ascension of Swami into the chariot of the Solar Dynasty is indeed good news. The chariot is a battle tool, as you know, so this is a sign of increased assertion of royal hegemony by the Emperor.

Swami has considerable material on the history of the Solar Dynasty at the front and then throughout Ramakatha Rasavahini (Ramayana). Solomon means peace but behind that it means sun. Jerusalem means My God is the Sun. Jerusalem is a Saivite outpost, related to Egypt (Moses) rather than to Persia (Abraham). Salem, Solomon and Shalom are the same word: peace, sun, universal order. The practical reference is to the Solar Dynasty.

The high altar of the Temple of Solomon was sighted to mark the solstices and equinoxes. This is not generally understood. I got it from my Hugenot OT prof at Union, Sam Terrien, who said it is in the Psalter, on which he was then the world academic supreme authority. The Hugenots are French Calvinists (New Rochelle, New York) in descent from the Cathars, the old Celts of the Merovingians, who were combination Sephardic Jewish, Greek and Frankish and had several centers, including Milan and Prague. I am Hugenot through maternal grandmother, Bessie Hogue. As mentioned earlier, Merovingians are elements of the Solar Dynasty, which is why Papacy has always sought to exterminate them, unsuccessfully.

The Emperor has mounted His battle chariot.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The European end of Sun Dynasty can be read about — so long as one reads between the lines — in Holy Blood, Holy Grail, which otherwise is a hoax. The Indian end of The Solar Dynasty is in Swami’s Ramayana (Ramakatha Rasavahini). Kirsten’s Jesus Lived in India contains material. also, but again “between the lines.” Kirsten isn’t entirely aware of some of the material he is handling, especially it’s “pre-historical” antecedents and connections through Europe. Other of it is my and Mary’s deduction by following the literary references and especially images through the Indian and the European literature.  See also this, from a different direction.

Etymologies are  important.  Swami uses etymologies, often to seeming contradiction and to purposes “professional” etymologists scorn. The greatest of Christian scholars, St. Jerome, was Christianity’s greatest etymologist, just like Swami. He sees things in Psalms that make one start awake with recognition and delight. Interestingly, his official title in the Roman Church is Doctor Maximus in Exponendis Sacris Scripturis: The Greatest Doctor in the Exposition of Sacred Scripture.

So, we followed the etymological and also the totem or image trail and that wends through David’s family — to which Jesus and John are explicitly and carefully assigned — and to the Merovingians. On the latter, Holy Blood, Holy Grail is helpful so long as one reads between the lines of journalistic hype and innuendo and speculation.  Overall, HBHG is a hoax.

Our answer to the question of why Jesus and Mary Magdalene split up has shifted in detail over time but has always focused on one compelling consideration: in Kali Yuga no one is safe from assassination in their own country.  Bible makes the point that Jesus was under this threat from the start — as was Krishna. In Kali Yuga, Dharma is protected but not without stealth and employment of resources. Tibetans came to protect Jesus as new-born, took him to Egypt for further protection — from “religious and monastic officials” as Swami mentions — and He returned before and after cross to same fold.

The best way to foil pursuit is to divide the prize, thus splitting the pursuit. The separation was tactical in light of “officials'” pursuit — which included Paul on the pursuing side, at first.

“Orthodox” Christian construction of Jesus as omnipotent God in the sense of Avathar (descent of the Godhead) is eisegesis, not fact.  So the real folks were in fact dealing with qualities of the Kali Yuga at that point, which is that Dharma, though omnipotent and though He represented Dharma, though not as an Avathar, nonetheless dances with the nature of the era. Jesus so danced.

Merovingian line is no has-been. It goes through Milan and Ambrose — see the Ambrosian Liturgy for full Sun/Son worship. The Po Valley, in which Milan is, is old Celtic (Merovingian) area.  Celts from the Po whipped the Romans farther south @ 212 BCE — in other words, early.

What came to be the Roman nobility was largely, therefore, Celt or Celt-mixed. And what was the genuine early Christian presence based from Rome (Gregory I, Jerome, Benedict) was from this old Celtic stock. The Vatican went to the invading barbarians very early, went back and forth from barbarians to Romans for a time, and then went entirely barbarian, where it has been since before the Crusades, with a few exceptions. This divide between Romans, who were put out, and barbarians, who took Vatican and made it what we know today — authoritarian and hegemonistic — goes down through Italian history as factional fight between Guelfs (barbarians) and Ghibillines (Romans).

Craxi and other modern Italians attracted to Baba are from the Ghibilline families and, in the case of Craxi, from Milan, the old Merovingian/Celtic homeland. So the history carries right through the years.

The Celts and West German tribes organized monarchially but with consultation and never autism. The barbarians (East German tribes) were always and still are pure despots, arbitrary dictators. The roots of these ways of living, which are informed by spiritualities, are extensive.

So there is always a worldly and a spiritual aspect, intermixed, to the living drama of the Solar Dynasty.  Essentially, Swami has declared a hiatus in the middle of the Kali Yuga during which Dharma will reign supreme and happiness will therefore ensue. Dharma in the worldly aspect is the Solar Dynasty, of which Jesus and Merovingians are representatives.

The Red Cross is a classic Merovingian activity. Switzerland is the modern Merovingian homeland. They control world finances from world banks. This was set up by the Templars. Red Cross and Swiss Flag are reverse colors. Red Cross is the Crusader Cross.

Where Dharma (Solar Dynasty) is concerned, worldly aspect and spiritual aspect are mixed, and for the benefit of all, including the rakshasas.

Abraham, while ostensibly a Semitic nominal, is rooted in a Sanskritic one because Abraham is a Persian (Ur). I view Abraham as a type of a Persian (Indo-Arian) intermix with Semitic stock — let’s face it, the geography is extremely close, especially over the period of millennia, and people do mingle — and especially of Egyptian stock (Melchizedek) and so there could be some sense in which the A of Abraham is a negativer. But to take it as such would be a reach for me and especially for ordinary scholars and to take it as a negativer of Brahman would REALLY be a reach.

Just for background, my estimate is that Abraham is a Vaishnavite type and Melchizedek is a Saivite type and that these types mix in what we call Semitic religion, just as they do in the Torah. Evidence of these types descends to modern customs, in fact.

I am not able to answer definitively for myself. If A is a negativer — which would be a huge stretch — I doubt it would negative Brahman, especially as I take Abraham as a Vaishnavite. I can answer definitively for ordinary scholars: they would simply note that the languages are incomparable and so disallow the question. I think it is a good question.

The Jewish Homeland is Kashmir. The Christian Homeland is Tibet. The source of Christianity is not Judaism but the Seers of Buddhism. The source of Islam is the Prophets of Christianity. Judaism as we know it is a very late phenomenon and it is part of Christianity, as is implied in the original version of the Sarva Dharma Symbol. Sandweiss told me that when he asked Swami where Judaism is in the Sarva Dharma Symbol that Swami pointed to the cross and Sam told him, “That’s not enough.” The impetus for including the Star of David in the Sarva Dharma Symbol came efficiently from a group of devotees in NY, accordingly to Hislop to me. Drucker’s famous statement of years ago that Jesus is Messiah is in the same line of aetiology indicated to Sam by Swami.

Jesus is a figure of international society, not of Palestine. He is in the line of David which is an element of the Solar Dynasty (Solomon means Sun and Jerusalem means My God is the Sun). John was the actual heir but Jesus was the heir designate, which is what the business between them is in the NT. Solomon’s Solar Empire covered everything from Greece to India and Russia to Africa. The modern sense of Judaism, especially Ashkenazy Judaism, with its tone of insularity and singularity is just not what the original was. The original was fully vested on the world stage and no doubt of Vedic/Aryan origin but a full and vigorous international phenomenon. The Psalter and the Prophetic “End Times” literature is entirely blunt about this: the entire world gathering at Jerusalem. This is a cosmic view, not a ghetto view, a view of complete integration and world competence. Jerusalem in this case means the Solar Dynasty, the line of Rama and Krishna and Baba. See the recent Sun Chariot.

Anyhow, Judaism should be thought of in these terms, a great, world-encompassing religion and developed through the line we call Christian and maintaining the unitarian monotheistic strand of piety, which was the original Christian strand.

I have mentioned before that our present Jewish calendar is almost an exact measure of the duration of Kali Yuga — roughly 6000 years. Rabbis say world is this old and we say this is a howler, but look again. A change of Yuga is a New World. Rabbis are right, but the reference to 6000 years is not to the age of the globe but the age of the Yuga, which effectively is “the world.”

Abraham as anti-priest? Anti-priest-craft, yes. Anti-priest, no. The distinction is important.

The seat of the Solar Dynasty in Greece is Alexandria and in Italy Milan. The battery of the Solar Dynasty in Greece is at Delphi and in Italy at Calabria. The seat of the Solar Dynasty in the USA is Austin, Texas. The battery of the Solar Dynasty in the USA is at NY, NY and Medina, WA.

The statement that Christianity is based on the Seers of Buddhism and Islam on the Prophets of Christianity is Swami’s from years ago. I do not have the source.  80s period, probably from a Sanathana Sarathi or the Newsletter from Barbara Bozzani.

The link of Christianity with Judaism is obvious just from geography, but there is a lot more to it than one ordinarily takes it to be.

For starters, Judaism as we use the term is really a post-Jesus phenomenon and specifically post-Jamnia, which is the name of a town where Empire Rabbis met in about 90CE to standardize the Hebrew Bible, which was in flux and particularly in use by non-Jews, as the Rabbis were trying to develop the term. Judaism as we use the word comes from that council of Rabbis and is based on the text they authorized of the Torah, Prophets and Writings/Songs. Luther and Calvin went to this council to pick the texts they would accept for the Christian Bible from the Hebrew Bible.

Before Jamnia there really was not a Judaism such as we know it. There was a very wide mixture of many spiritual and quasi-spiritual goings on. Last Christmas when Swami produced the little Bible the language He used referring to this period was very instructive. He did not use the categories we do, indicating that Judaism was a something. It was a lot of things: all the way from animal sacrifices at the Temple of Herod — which claimed to be Judaism and wasn’t and still isn’t — to vegetarian monastic communities of varying quality spread around the out-back to political types to aristocratic bearers of a royal line that they knew full well rose across the Khyber and spread around the globe.

The live battery that came to be called Judaism after Jamnia came from Kashmir and lived in Palestine and modern Iraq and went into Babylon in captivity and was released from there and went out into the entire globe as various groups and modes of living but sharing a common diverse ancestry and much common spirituality, which was also quite diverse in itself, as it is still today.

That live battery was dispersed after the Babylon experience. It has never ceased to exist and never will, but it’s distillated core or corps was sublimated in several geographical and ethnic contexts, widely placed.

The world-vital spiritual renaissance immediately precedent to Jesus was Buddhism. This is not to disparage other lines of spirituality, including the very diverse one we now rather imprecisely call Judaism. They were all puissant and remain so, but at the moment, for the time, Buddhism was the puissant-est. It caught the spirit of the time and propagated divinity the best, most efficiently.  God is not bound by names or forms or customs. The water is always the same, but the containers are changed to suit time and taste.

Immediately prior to the advent of Jesus, who is a major world-spiritual figure, Buddhism was the puissant container of divinity for the world community. Again, this is not to say the other containers were inefficacious. They always are. It is only to note a particularity (Buddhism) of time and circumstance which is important because, judging by the effects, it is God-ordained.

When Swami said Christianity is based on the Seers of Buddhism, He was referring to this circumstance. Christianity is in the gothra (spiritual lineage) of Buddhism because that was the principle world-efficacy at the time Jesus was sent. Christianity is also in the gothra of Semitic religion and also of Greek religion, which by the time of Alexander were fused, not happily for many Semites. Hannukah is a rememberance of an effort to defuse Semitic and Greek religious lines.

To understand what Judaism really is, we need to appreciate Jeremiah 7:23 and following.  Here Jermiah, who is one of the world’s greatest sages and the precursor of St. Jerome, says that all of the sacrificial ordinances of the Torah were not asked for by God and so were not written by Moses. This is a very important statement.  Since the NT book called Hebrews is based on those sacrificial ordinances from the Torah, this passage from Jeremiah is dumping this book of Hebrews, also. And since all of Tridentine Roman Catholicism and all Anselmian atonement dogma used by Protestant groups are based on this book of Hebrews, we have a dump of all Tridentine Roman Catholicism — which all Jesuit-reared Catholics were reared to — as well as of all liberal AND fundamental protestantism — which base their pitch on the dogma of surrogate atonement, which is from the Torah by way of the Book of Hebrews and which Jeremiah 7:23ff says isn’t from God and therefore isn’t from Moses and therefore isn’t in the Torah and cannot therefore be used to justify the Book of Hebrews.

Now this is important …. Here in one of the Semitic Prophets we have the answer to the heart-breaks of the age: no surrogate atonement, everyone makes and lives their own destiny, everyone has to answer for their life, there are no excuses. Jeremiah puts the lie to a key and considerable bulk of “sacred scripture” and most especially of ordinary “theology.”  This is important, not only THAT he does this but also the particular dogma — surrogate atonement — he does it to.

Surrogate atonement looks like such an easy thing to discount. And it is. But when you get all the robes and pictures and buildings and hierarchies and monies and everything else surrounding it to give it the appearance of being a something, combined with the ease with which citizens may be seduced, and we have a very potent force for anti-divinity going under the appearance of divinity. Even so far as the Scripture itself.

Now, what is Christianity’s relation to Judaism, using that term to indicate Semitic religion pre-Jamnia?

The answer is in the expectation of a Messiah or Savior. This expectation was of long standing and had the authority of the Semitic Sages (Prophets) behind it. In other words, it was true. It was an expectation of something that was actually coming, much as Vedas mention advents of the Avathars.

This great Semitic spiritual lineage was expecting a member of the Solar Dynasty — the line of “David” — to reestablish Dharma (Zedekah) among them and also for the whole world. Semitic spirituality was not insular. Rabbi Heschel was very good at pointing this out.  I was his student and rather frequent discussion companion during my days at Union. Semitic spirituality was universal. The Messiah expected was a figure of world history, as David had been and Solomon preeminently.

The Solar Dynasty kept being usurped in its Semitic implementation. This is Kali Yuga. Various a-dharmic forces drove its representatives out of positions of responsibility. The books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles offer details.

It was taken down to a “stump” by these usurpers and by its own weaknesses and inefficiencies. But it was never killed. The Solar Dynasty is eternal. It participates in vicissitudes, but it never ceases, it continues. Jeremiah and other prophets are at great pains to identify and support the Solar Dynasty and preserve its “stump.”

Always the promise was that the stump would shoot, bud and flower and that it would again hold sway in the midst of the people — the whole world’s people. The Psalms of David and several of the Prophets, especially the second and third Isaiahs, are very clear about this universality of Semitic spirituality. The sense of “Jewishness” as we tend to think of it as a thing unto itself, insular, is very foreign to the Prophets and David. The sense there is of Righteousness and Peace for all through the proper authorities, namely, the Solar Dynasty’s representatives.

Jesus was the one sent to fulfill the expectation of a major representative of the Solar Dynasty who would restore Righteousness. The idea that a military figure was expected and a spiritual one actually given is entirely off the point. A dynastic figure was expected, military or not was beside the point. Military is not an issue for the Dynasty’s representatives. Some use it, some do not. The point is the person of the representative, not the agencies they employ. The church dogma in re Jesus as a spiritual leader as distinguished from a military one is just a red herring. Jesus is a family leader. He is Messiah in the sense of Savior of a family, the Solar Dynasty, and that family ipso facto reestablishes Zedekah by its very nature when it’s condition in the world is not usurped but is rampant.

I think this is a very hard point to make and probably even harder to understand but I would try to urge any interested to grasp its importance. The ordinary contrast between an expectation of a military figure and the advent of a spiritual one is entirely a non sequitur, having nothing to do with Jesus or the expectation of a Messiah. That is all just hokum made up by self-interested clergy who cooked this up as a good story to seduce the credulous and elevate themselves. Actually, the clergy who made this one up are part of the usurpers, as the clergy of the Temple of Herod were, too — and so many “clergy” of all religions today are.

(Incidentally, we should not disparage clergy. The office is a necessary one. We should disparage those who usurp the office — most clergy today — or whose inefficiencies bring the office into disrepute. But the office itself is necessary and even essential. Every teacher is clergy. And there is more to it, also, of course.)

The Expectation was of a representative of the Solar Dynasty, which of its nature reestablishes universal peace through righteousness. Jesus is Messiah or Savior or fulfiller of exactly that Expectation that animated the battery and spiritual lineage of Semitic spirituality, Semitic peoples.

That is the tie-in of Christianity with “Judaism.” That is why when Sammy asked Swami where Judaism is on the Sarva Dharma Symbol Swami pointed to the symbol of Christianity. Sammy did not grasp what he was being told. The ingrained prejudice was too great at that time.  Though later I think he understood.

However, I want to say this about Sammy, to illustrate the depth of this man’s devotion to God. That already in 1973 at dinner table with Sharon and the girls Sammy ended thanks for food with the words, “In the Name of Jesus the Christ we pray.” and this in front of his parents, who were then not only anxious but also hostile about this new direction Sam and Sharon were taking. I can attest this first-hand.

The military was in a bad way during the Vietnam years. The fundamental problem was that when the JCS was made under, I believe Truman, but it could have been Ike, who graduated low down in his class at WP, the Chairman had only equal vote with the service chiefs. So there was no unified command at the top. Many lives were lost as a result. The final straw was the suicide bombing at the Marine barracks at Beirut under Reagan and this prompted Goldwater, furious at Reagan for putting the Marines on that unprotected and useless fixed-position salient, to rewrite the law and get the Chairman with determining vote. Desert Storm was conducted under this unified command — unified command being an ancient military principle.

The military was hamstrung by inappropriate political (read, Madrassa Harvard, Madrassa Emory) premises from late Roosevelt through late Reagan. Military took the fall for Vietnam but it was a bum wrap. They did not have unified command because civilian authorities, who rightly command the military, did not give it to them.

This was so ludicrous that Carter was running the Iran Hostage rescue from the White House because he knew unified command was necessary and impossible from the Pentagon. Still the committee at the Pentagon could not make its minds up — battle cannot be fought by committee — and the action collapsed. But the political echelon had set it up that way years before. So it was not the military’s fault.

Until Goldwater corrected the command situation, assignment to the JCS was a career dead-end — because it was a debate society that literally got involved in changing toilet paper suppliers for single bases that had more than one service present. Ludicrous. But again, result of non-unified command. So JCS also got the dumbest and least able of each service — with predictable results through the organizations.

Now, with unified command, JCS is desirable service and so gets the best and brightest, in general — you know, there are no hard and fast rules in human affairs, but the tendency is in this direction.

US Army is loaded with Templar iconography. The Revolution was inspired largely by Jacobite-sympathizing colonists and these were descendants of the Templars. Washington refused a kingship only because he was not of the proper (royal) family.

Viscount Graham — Bonnie Dundee to his friends, the Stewarts, and Bloody Clavers to his enemies, the Parliamentarians — died of wounds from the battle of Killiecrankie and at death was found to be in possession of the cross of the Grand Master of the Scottish Knights Templar.

When Brown took Harper’s Ferry, Lee was the only officer of rank and disposition near enough to Washington to be sent to the Ferry to ascertain developments, which were not really known in sufficient detail. The only unit available to send with him was a detachment of Marines.

When he arrived at the Ferry, Lee ascertained the situation and so reported — I believe by courier because Brown had cut the wires, but I do not remember this detail clearly.

Then he informed Brown that he must give up himself and the hostages or be stormed by the Marines. Brown yelled back that if he were stormed he would shoot the hostages, who would probably get shot anyway by the Marines just by circumstance.

At this point, Lee heard an elderly voice of a hostage sail out from the engine house, “Don’t mind us. Go ahead and shoot!”

Lee knew the owner of the voice, a veteran of Washington’s Army, a friend of his family and a Virginian of station. He smiled and remarked to his aide, “The old blood does tell.”

I had not heard of the size of the Alaskan oil find. It makes sense. It is related to an observation from an associate who works as a supervising engineer in the fields of the lower 48, namely, that the oil in the lower 48 has been only one third removed, by vertical shafts, and that with the new technology for horizontal shafts the other two thirds can be removed. Actually, as his experience shows, that other two thirds is being removed only slowly.

Theobald used to remark that all talk of scarcity of anything was purest hogwash, cooked up for a purpose. He was right. Except about morality and truthfulness. They are scarce, but not so scarce as to be ineffective where needed most or in danger of extinction. I was Theobald’s alter ego until his wife decided that I should be scarce.

The direction of activity is toward interdependence. This insight is supported by Teilhard as well as by Bah’a’ullah and, most importantly, by events. The kicking and screaming is noticeable and destructive or annoying, but the process moves forward inexorably towards interdependence. It is a characteristic of the axis of evolution/involution/devolution. Details are adjusted, not without disruption and sorrow, along the way.

The German scholars were aware of this and the Nazis tried to benefit from it selfishly, so they were reined in. Governments and agencies which confront its reality — as in finding more oil than could be consumed in two more centuries — must make spot decision respecting the channels through which it rolls forward … or over. But the thing goes on.

When Swami says He has come to avert the catastrophe which threatens to overwhelm humanity, He is talking very specifically about someone, or someones, whose intentionality consciously and/or willy-nilly threatens to close off the process of evolution/involution/devolution in a mass of destruction so great as to eliminate humanity — in system terms, intelligent redundancy — from the stage of history and so reverse the evolution/involution/devolution process to achieve a protozoic or even mineral state of manifestation. In other words, someone, or someones, who would eliminate the phenomenon of interdependence from its more dynamic (spiritually/biologically advanced/complex) and specifically human actuality.

So far I feel that we have been seeing some of the peripheral indications of who that someone, or someones, is or are. The central nexus has not shown itself yet, at least not to these eyes.

Christian doctrine (learning) is unequivocal in stating the the origin of the anti-Christ — the figure for pandemic irresponsibility — is inside the church, not outside it. Un-careful individuals — e.g., Erasmus, Voltaire, Rousseau and their many descendants — suppose this means anti-Christ IS the church, but that is their un-carefulness and not actuality. Based on Swami’s moves in re the church, and upon the fomentation of past and recent wars and killings, I would say anti-Christ is the Vatican — which is not the same as the Roman Catholic Church. Luther and Calvin would not bat an eye.

But there is more to it. I think the Ravana of the current era has not shown yet or has not been seen by these eyes. And in any case, only Swami has capacity, ultimately, to defeat the likes of Ravana on a field of battle. This is what He is saying when He talks about averting the crisis ….

My natural father, a clergyman and Union graduate, like myself, had many fine qualities but he grew to hate me for not carrying out the life he had planned for me and died cursing my life as he had already lived many years doing.

Swami is my father. Life is rich.

I had wanted to be ordained Episcopalian out of Union but did not want to spend another year in school — ECUSA school. I had work to do. UCC ordination was a convenience, really. I had not had a strong denominational affiliation, being a Union-mentality (ecumenical, interdependent) person from the youngest age, when Tillich held and blessed me when I was an infant. I birthed here just after the natural father graduated at Union and mother at Barnard. I had philosophy lectures at Barnard from the womb. I joked with the profs at UTS in the 60s that I had been at the place longer than most of them had been — all my life, in fact.

I would gladly accept and would actually relish ECUSA ordination, but all the clergy I know are homosexuals or I assume they are and I am not, so I keep a distance. I have never been one of the boys. I had to fend off advances from a famous Union prof and took heavy career hits from that: he even tried to expel me — for not footnoting my own original work, was the pretext. Other profs stopped him.

The thought that the goal of interdependence could not at one epoch be achieved positively so had to be achieved negatively strikes me as natively luminous. I confess to having had intuitional tendencies in this direction, but nothing this clearly constructed and constructive. It is beautiful, and so, true.

Ravanas are not here as surds.

There is so much about this that I want to mull that I beg leave to do that without direct comment on most of it now. As occasion encourages and I feel some integrity of the many thoughts that are swirling. But upon a narrow aspect I feel able to make an integrated response now.

It is that conspiracies are occurring constantly and rather ubiquitously with an array of competence and intent motivating them. The age of faction — as Swami has called this — is ipso facto an age of conspiracy.

So I think that the question in re these things rather conforms to a methodology of inquiry which might run like this:

There are about anything five questions: Who, Why, What, Where and When.

All five questions are important.

Of these questions,

— scientists as commonly understood — incidentally, I would like to redeem that word and calling, too — ask What, Where and When;

— philosophers ask Why, What;

— and sages ask Who.

From the grosser to the more subtle.

I am of opinion that the conspiracies are family affairs and so the question “What is happening.” is really the question, “Who are the causative families and what are these families doing.”

In re banking, the Templars founded modern banking around about the 12th Century. In the 14th Century, the King of France, urged by the Vatican, shut them down to get their money, which was vast even after they built the Gothic Cathedrals. The Templars were Celt, Romans and West Germans, whose style was councilior with a King who was supposed to look to the welfare of all — Solar Dynasty. The Vatican after about 500 were for the most part from the East German barbarian invaders, whose style was autocratic, with all that entails.

Behind this is the long-standing “feud” in Italy between the Guelphs (East German invaders, Vatican) and the Ghibellines (Native Roman/Celts).  Celts took Rome about 215BCE and the Po valley is one of their native areas, along with Sephardic Jews, who also are Celts.

The Templars got their money out and took it to Switzerland, where they still operate the famous Swiss banks.  The Swiss flag is the color reverse of a Crusader (Templar) cross. The bear icon used extensively in Suisse is a core Celtic symbol, especially of the monarchy, which carries the suffix bert that we even pronounce bear.

Arthur means bear. The Arthurian legend is a version of the story of the Merovingian Dynasty’s trek through history, the bear being one of that Dynasty’s central icons. There is a connection there with Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ daughter by her.

Obviously, a lot of connection is possible, but as touching upon banking specifically, the centrality of Switzerland as the center of Templar banking activity — to this day — is important to grasp. This is not to say the banking waters are not muddy. They certainly are and lethal, too, not infrequently, although from non-family or non-family-like activity. It is only to indicate an over-all predominance of Templar (Solar Dynasty) banking in world banking affairs. This is how the Fed could get started at all. Templar descendants are that powerful.

I do not mean to imply that the Templars are the good guys. That is simplification that would not stand the test of examination. I mean to indicate an over-all family situation with respect to world banking.

And interdependence it has created, par excellence.

The connection between Swiss banking and the USA is through the Masons, but I am sure I do not need to dilate upon the importance of the Masons in this country’s affairs.

Then there are a lot of other and related families.

Update 1: In May 1970 I was in Phoenix, soon to move to Wickenburg, researching a book for Robert Theobald: Habit and Habitat.  Before the book completed and was published (1972), Theobald ripped up my research (January 1971), literally, telling me no one would believe it.

My source was The New York Times.

I parted brass rags with Bob, informed the editor, asking him to remove my name from the project and book, and renounced claim to royalties.  My part of the advance was not recalled because I completed my work.  Bob published the volume under his name with glancing inclusion of my research.

I was as interested in anti-war protests then as I am now: zero.  Never struck me as more than small-potatoes intrinsically and extrinsically mostly glandular turbulence.  And, for a steadily increasing number of drug-addled visionaries, anti-war protests embodied lefties’ well-led (by KGB for one reason, CIA for another) brazen and ruthless march against Christian culture.  That march, then and still — not anti-war protests — strikes me as big-potatoes.

And incidentally, industrial and agricultural pollution in 1970 also was big-potatoes.  It was so big it presented lefties with a target opportunity they could not possibly fail to miss or exploit.  I had documented a book’s-worth of it.


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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