Love God And Do What You Want

The famous statement of Christian Ethics is Augustine’s.

Every end has a means to it. If the end is Being God (a redundancy), the means is Loving God (a tautology).

The dance has to be made and with the delicious participation of the “opposite number” or counterpart … the “inseparable other.”

It is the nature of nature that participation in duality is necessary to experience in nonduality. Cream is latent in milk but churning is necessary to make it patent. The reason this is so is an ineffable mystery. That this is so is a great truth. Truth has its reasons which reason knows not of.

The Hebrew word for education is musar. The Greek work for education is paidea. Paidea is used in both LXX and NT to translate musar. The meaning of both words is, colloquially, to hit with a stick and, actually, to churn with a stick.


St. Andrew's Cathedral on The River Ness, Inverness

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