And The Womb Cries Out

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.




Historically, the behavior indicated is called hysteria.  The word implicates womb-bearers.  It describes behavior usually, though not only, observed of women.

Reason for hysteria?  It is a question of protection.  Women are insufficiently equipped for self-protection and know that they are.  Men are largely though not entirely equipped for self-protection and know that they are.  Women therefore instinctively seek the protection of a man (father first, husband later) and men instinctively seek to protect women (cover her body in a shooting, etc.).

What really is being protected?  The woman’s womb, the least naturally protected actor in the essential drama of procreation.

When a woman feels unprotected (as bearer of an essential element of history, her womb) by a man (or by God, if she is a religious), she panics from knowledge that she cannot protect her uniqueness, her womb.  Cathy Griffin over-aged and out-of-aces.  Young female drunk and partying.  So many females in media and other entertainments, businesses.  Thus, hysteria: unprotected womb-ness ironically making itself a kill-zone ranging for victims.

Everyone knows this drama in D.C. is about female self-misogyny, which is to say, abortion.  Nothing more than that.  There is really only one answer to hysteria: Shut up, be strong, and behave yourself.


Not a few observers note an unusual, polymorphic madness adrift at this time, like fire ships floating through a fleet.  A few observers note a countervailing sanity, at least of sorts, with varying efforts and effects: dousing the fire ships, sinking them, or letting them float safely away and burn to the waterline.

The madness, as usual with such times as this, screams so as to appear larger and fiercer than it is or can be.  Not a few huddle in fear of its boasting bellows and the personalities doing them, viewing such as disease vectors, as indeed they are.

Daemons appear to frequent nearly every city, town, school, entertainment, and village.  Some government bureaucracies appear to operate in the chief profile of a daemonic investiture: claiming moral superiority for those exercising penal authority.

VDH and Michael Walsh observe the phenomenon, as does Steve McCann.  Brandon Morse has unusual corroborating stats.

Widely used now to reference this mobile madness is the word hysteria.  It is the right and telling word to use.  I want to exegete it and its implications for those interested in dousing or otherwise neutralizing fire ships.

The English word hysteria derives from the Latin word hystericus, which derives from the Greek word husterikos, from hustera.  The word hustera means womb.  Some, including Indians, indicate the Sanskrit root of hustera as udaram, meaning stomach.  This may be so, especially if the common cognate is hu, which could be pronounced hyd where the h is aspirated.  I do not know.  The Greek root of English hysteria is sufficient to the need here.

I want to engage a phenomenological examination of hysteria rather than a medical one even though the word receives heavy and ancient medical usage.  The phenomenon to which the word refers is well-known: uncontrolled emotional binging.  The etymology of the word is well-known as well.  It identifies unrestrained madness as typologically correlated with behaviors observed of womb-bearers.  Women.

Men exhibit hysterical behavior but not as often or as easily as women do.

So the word does not refer to women per se, much less to women exclusively, but to activity (by men or women) most often observed of women.

I think the madness afoot is of such simple origin that we pass over it like surface ships banging their sonars to locate a submarine but traveling at speed such that they could run over a boombox blasting without hearing it.

Let us start at the beginning.

The word hysteria refers to a person who has a womb.  That would be a woman.  A man does not have a womb.

A woman has a womb and a man has a phallus.  The design features of each show that they have a mission in common: procreation.  Yet they have also things not in common.  Preeminently, a womb comes without ability sufficiently to defend itself whereas a phallus comes with ability largely sufficient to defend itself.  Then there are the actual construction features of a womb and a phallus, respectively.  These are very different in form (fleshy structure) and in product (egg, sperm) yet not so different in electro-chemical motivators (genes, hormones).

It is the defense aspect of this matter that answers the questions of how fire ships of hysteria float in to play havoc with human affairs.  The defense aspect also implies answers to the question of how to douse or otherwise neutralize fire ships and even perhaps salvage some of their materiel, which, after all, is not the culprit causing their chaotic, inflammatory careers.

A woman has considerable self-defense assets but she will never feel them to be sufficient because they are not.  She is not built for heaving, insouciant fighting such as a man can do and feels comfortable accomplishing.  A woman, therefore, knowing her limited self-defense assets, and knowing she bears one unique and essential asset in the drama of life, elevates protection of her womb to her penultimate (after God) or ultimate concern (which then is an idolatry, a lethal weakness, that causes harm to anyone in or near her kill box, most un-womb-y.

A man cannot protect his phallus against all attacks but he can protect it against most that are possible.  And he knows that he can.  His apprehension over losing the one unique and essential asset he brings to the drama of life, his phallus, is orders of magnitude less than that a woman’s apprehension over protection of her womb, the one unique and essential asset she brings to the drama of life.

And societies of all climes and times view the situation exactly thus.  Not a few, however, go beyond reason and need to oppress/suppress women in the name of protecting them, i.e. their wombs.

A woman wants protection for her womb and rightly so.  But that is protection, not suppression/oppression, which deny to a woman and society efflorescence of her other assets, to include some she shares with men — such as general intelligence, zeal for hard work, an array of potential and actual skill sets — and some that are unique to her womanhood.

A woman who is well-birthed and-reared feels protected by her father.  She knows she has a womb.  She knows she needs protection for it.  She does not have to be told.  She knows it directly.  The pleasant sight of a girl’s devotion to her father says very clearly that she trusts him to protect her, which means her uniqueness, her womb.

At the Christian marriage ceremony, the father, her protection, brings his daughter, the bride, who holds his arm or hand (expressing her trust in him), to the groom and places his daughter the bride’s hand in the hand of the groom.

This is a transfer of responsibility to protect.  It is also a threat.  The father is saying to the groom, Take care of her or I will take care of you.  A father’s solicitude for a daughter’s safety ends when he is gathered to the Saints, not when his daughter marries.

Marxists speak of a dream that a government, being, they insist, the ultimate father of persons inside its jurisdiction — Marxists are atheists — has responsibility to protect those persons with rules, punishments, and disciplines.  And Marxists operating a government they say is the seed of universal government, having in principle, they say, universal jurisdiction, promote the proposition that their government/they have responsibility to protect every person on the planet.  Thus, no borders, only government-approved and-ordered movements — or not — and total redistribution of assets to government for such purposes as government devises.  Very fatherly, Marxists proclaim.

This is not the way life works, but it is the way Marxists say they dream of its working . . . while sending fire ships at persons and organizations who jam the dream they say they have.

Actually, as is known, what Marxists say they dream for all is not what Marxists have in mind, which is in fact having all for them.  Marxists are blazing sadists consumed by concupiscence.

Unless she has submitted to coercion, to include by self-inflicted fear or ambition, the bride has arrived at this time and place very specifically because she has concluded in her heart of hearts that she and her womb will be safe in the hands of the groom, under his protection.  The bride has not left a zone of protection.  She has moved, willingly and wittingly, from one zone of protection (her father) to another (her husband).  She is still protected because the two men, father and husband, have agreed to hand off and take up, respectively, responsibility to protect the bride, the person with the womb.  That is the purpose of the tradition whereby the groom asks the father of the girl he seeks to marry for permission so to do: an agreement to transfer responsibility to protect the girl’s womb.

Nothing could be simpler or more deeply imbedded in reality’s truth.  And nothing could be more incompetent to a government.

Advice of a father and mother to their daughter: Do not accept any part of the body of a boy or man inside your body unless you and he know two things:

1- you want him to protect you and children you birth together for as long as you live, and

2- he wants to protect you and children you birth together for as long as you live.

Advice of a father and mother to their son: Do not place any part of your body inside the body of a girl or woman unless you and she know two things:

1- she wants you to protect her and children you birth together for as long as she lives, and

2- you want to protect her and children you birth together for as long as she lives.

This is phenomenology.  Because she cannot fully protect her womb, a woman is protected by men, first her father, then her husband.  That is how it is supposed to work.  People who execute that fundamental structure of life are happy and respected.  They build things, they participate in the drama of life and are thanked for what they do.  They do not destroy things or try to burn down the stage on which life’s drama is enacted.  Destroyers are never thanked, not even by their own kind.  Fire ships, after all, burn all ships, including themselves and their comrades.  Blazing sadists are suicidal.

Now, what happens when a woman does not feel protected, when she fears for the safety of her womb?  In a word, hysteria.  She becomes like a horse gone loco, kicking and biting everything in sight and reachable.

Needing another to sufficiently protect her womb is the inherent weakness of a woman.  She is not self-sufficient.  A man, who is self-sufficient enough with respect to self-protection, understands this and is happy to provide protection for a woman who entrusts herself to him.  That is what a man does.  It is manly nature.

When men go loco, which happens not infrequently these days, their behavior is called hysterical because it is like that observed of women who do not feel protected.  An hysterical man is a contradiction in terms.  He does not have a womb for which he needs the protection of a man yet he behaves as if he does?  He has gone loco, unmanly, hysterical, like a woman panicked at being alone.

Two conditions can cause a woman or a man to become hysterical.  One, they lose protection.  Two, they imagine they have lost protection.  The first can be the truth.  The second is fantasy.  Fantasy introduces a whole new family of daemons into the drama.  And usually when fantasy enters the stage it dominates the stage without others even noticing its arrival.

The act of intercourse shows why this all matters.  In order to fulfill their joint mission, a woman must accept a man’s body inside her own and a man must want to put his body inside a woman’s.  There is no comparable kinetic going in the other direction, from woman to man.

Since a woman’s core interest is protecting her womb, she is going to be careful who she lets into it (assuming she is not forced, choice-less).  She will want inside her a man who protects her womb now and later.  And a man who wants to go inside a woman’s womb will be happy to do just that if she entrusts herself to his protection.  Any conditions less than those color the intercourse as allowed (by the woman) and/or intended (by the man) rape.

This all stands to reason, as do all things in life true and simple.

What happens when a woman cannot find a man’s protection or does not want such?  She turns to God for protection, she turns to a not-a-man for protection — a queer, male or female, or a man whose responsibility to protect she is not — or she tells herself her assets are sufficient to protect herself, meaning, she declares queer.  The first option only is rational.  The second and third options are hysterical.

A woman who takes options two or three has contracted Stockholm Syndrome, falling in love with the oppressor.  It is a fall indeed.  This is the phenomenon illustrated by many Black Women gathering crumbs offered them by Democratic Party Great Society and Republican Party Affirmative Action legislation, meanwhile shifting themselves and such men as they birth or bed from Republican to Democratic Party loyalty.  MLK was a Republican.

Republicans freed slaves.  Democrats, who owned slaves or condoned slavery, put freed slaves and their descendants under Jim Crow laws, of which Great Society and Affirmative Action legislation are species, subtle and therefore powerful.  Democratic Party Conventions of the early 20th Century were KKK rallies.  To this day they have changed names but not notions.

Just recently, responding to Candidate and POTUS Trump, a cross-section of Black Americans emerges from Stockholm Syndrome-induced loyalty to Democrats.

Abortion, the Democratic Party’s ultimate concern, their sine qua non, gained acceptance and legal status by being presented as protection of women’s wombs by father government.  This was a Marxist trap that must go down as one of history’s great mass hysterias, alongside Socialism and its horns, Fascism and Communism.  It remains promoted thus: for a woman’s health, abort the fruit of her womb, her very purpose and unique contribution to life for His friends in God’s little sandbox.

This affair demonstrates in verily vivid and visceral communications the depth of resolve inside abortionists to promote and defend their commitment to that activity.  Abortion is their ultimate concern.  And their commitment to maintaining its proceeding is not less single-minded, zealous, and inflexible than was that of the Cathars at Carcassone.

This is a spiritual battle first, a moral battle second, an economic battle third and a political battle fourth.  It has to be fought through.

And Paul, prone as you are to striking tents — from over-thinking law and politics, both remote causes — abortionists are going to lose the battle and the war because reality favors expansion and disfavors fortresses.  I hope that will not disappoint you.

The actual purpose of abortion was to extirpate sub-human individuals, meaning, Black Americans and other defectives, or at least to slow an increase in their numbers.  Sanger employs pellucid language to this effect.  She was a Marxist.

Stockholm Syndrome turns the intellect upside down in a trice without the subject knowing that it has done.

Another sign of hysteria — panic induced by lack of protection, or thinking so — preceding Stockholm Syndrome in women: the claim, not unusual, that sodomy among males is the perfect human condition because it shows males want a womb, they want to be like us, us females.  Actually, they do not want to be like females.  They just want to be promiscuous and the easiest way to do that is with men, who are the same (Greek homo) — meaning: no womb to worry about — do not need courtship (warming up, convincing), and are not different (Greek hetero).  Women who believe sodomy among males is the perfect human condition overestimate their importance as a woman in the drama of life.

Lastly as illustration of the aetiology and teleology of hysteria in USA hagiography, a coup d’œil and observation of what happened.

In the late 19th Century men were drinking up their paychecks in saloons and politics on the East Coast were corrupt.  Women gained the vote nationally in 1920 and in the same year produced a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages in all states.  As with the Civil War Between The States, prime movers for both actions descended from New England Puritans, especially females.

Women’s suffrage was a good thing.  But prohibition of alcoholic beverages was too much of a good thing.  And the latter is the story of Democratic Party and, later, Republican Party platforms ever since: TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING!

Government is not the father of a country.  A father is half the government of his family, the half who protects them.  A government is the protector of a country’s families, whose joint authority legitimizes — or not — a government.  The Land, Families, and Constitution of a country are its authority, not  the government those three actors establish for their own protection.

Moreover, the government of a country is the government of that country, not the government of the world.

A woman’s need to protect her womb occasioned the Democratic Party’s cynical Stockholm Syndrome-inducing campaign for a Julia who is protected cradle-to-grave by the US federal government acting as her father.  What they accomplished with Black Women via Great Society legislation, the Democratic Party, the party of slavery, essays to reproduce in women generally via propaganda across so-called social media platforms and legacy media together with wealth and jurisdiction redistribution.

In other words, women got the vote. but then some of them thought to seize something more.  Ambition took to the stage beside fantasy.  These females calculated they could move from participation to domination.  Step by step, to include abortion without spousal approval or even counsel, soi disant, now-deemed feminists pushed over into fascist socialism, demanding enforcement of their agendas by government’s penal authority, pretending they represent women in toto, which they do not.

Now a vanguard of Marxist females demands elimination of men altogether from the face of the earth because women can manage their own protection . . .  and, besides, if there are no men, there is no danger from which women need protection . . . so now we want half the human race to commit suicide or at least undergo castration.  This is hysteria.

From I need protection to I demand absolute control of absolutely everything (so I, who cannot sufficiently protect myself, can have protection) in the span of roughly four generations.  That is too much of a good thing.  Hysteria straight up, with a twist.  Not independence and certainly not freedom or strength.  The phenomenology of daemonic impulses traditionally deemed hysteria.

Men, protect your women, your daughters and wives.  If they refuse it obdurately and cannot be brought to reason, let them spin off into self-destruction.  They will seek to harm you, taking on the visage and values of a fire ship.  You will have to self-protect as best you can.  In such a case, however, your responsibility to protect your daughter or wife is nullified because it is categorically renounced.  Women need protection but they are not weak.

Women, obey your fathers and husbands.  You are not weak.

Chivalry enjoins mutual gratitude.


And still, the womb cries out.  In other words, the initial irritant is misogyny.  Men, protect your women, your daughters and wives.

April 2009 was a watershed month in USA history.

At 2127 Hours of 05 April 2009, I posted under title: No Security, Only Opportunity.

At 1508 Hours of 11 April 2009, I posted under title, Taxonomy Of US Political Parties: Sociopaths In The White House And Congress.

At 1805 Hours of 11 April 2009, I posted under title, Roundhead Theocrats: Puritans In The White House And Congress.

At 0848 Hours of 17 April 2009, I posted under title, Super-Rich Idlers And Their Roundhead Mercenaries.

At 1648 Hours of 17 April 2009, I posted under title, Tax Day Rising / Women Speak.

For decades and in many contexts I have stated that the modern world’s unhappiness is caused by misogyny.  Women are prone to fantasy.  They are prone also to fear and anger.  In 2008, many women, helped by voting fraud, sent a cruel misogynist to rule over them.  Not govern, rule.  Stockholm Syndrome in Technicolor.

But you know who led the revolt against the misogynist occupying the White House then?  Women:

Keli Carender, Seattle, 15APR09
Keli Carender, Seattle, 15APR09

When men do not take care of their women, making life safe and fun for them, energy (female principle) escapes structure (male principle) and floats around willy-nilly exactly like a fire ship in the midst of a fleet.  Igniting everything it contacts, hysteria on the loose.  A fire ship is simply energy free-wheeling outside a structure which focuses it on production.

Here is Jewish actress Anne Hathaway illustrating the point by signaling queer:

Let’s tear this world apart and build a better one.

Marx and Engels were Jewish.  There is a common thread: contra Christianity.

An engine’s design and fabrication must impart to it strength sufficient usefully to canalize energy generated by compression and explosion inside it.  Ditto the chamber and barrel of a firearm.  If a structure is not sufficient usefully to canalize energy generated inside it or between it and a neighboring structure, said energy will destroy itself and everything near it, like a horse or a personality gone loco.

The womb cries out from the abortions.  That is the reason for the hysteria.  Womb is unprotected.

Pregnancy is a proper engorgement.

Church participation has fallen and will continue falling because clergy, thinking to pander to women, to flatter them, queered the kerygma, set women to free-wheeling emotionally and morally — thus uncovering their protection — and favored abortion, the most un-womanly act that can possibly happen.

Feminism so-called, started among Jewish matrons in Westchester County, NY, livid over their husband’s omnivorous promiscuity.

And the womb cried out.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Marxists and Salafists (Blazing Sadists) exist to destroy what is, whatever it is . . . but loot its granary on the way to.

Christians exist to build and flourish what is, whatever it is, looting nothing, building only, harrowing, planting, and harvesting through the dramas of life.

Marxists and Salafists say, Let’s tear this world apart and build a better one.

In other words, they condemn the world as is and fancy they know a better one and can make it appear.  About what they will do to the umpteen billions they have to exterminate to tear this world apart they are, shall we say, circumspect.

Christians say, For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Here was a contrast!  When comes such another?

Update 2: It should be noted of the Church Universal that the Greek Church, especially in its Russian iteration, survived the Marxist-Leninist onslaught, and the Latin Church in its Eastern European iterations, especially in Poland, survived the same onslaught.  However, the Latin Church, now euphemistically/pejoratively deemed The West, in its Western European and American iterations, save for a precious few Calvinists, has not survived the Marxist-Leninist onslaught.

The Russian Church (Greek) has attacked and is defeating, so far, the Marxist-Salafist attack against it.  The Eastern European iterations of the Latin Church are attacking and will defeat the Marxist-Salafist attack against it.  Save for a few of its Calvinist iterations, the Western European and American iterations of the Latin Church have been defeated by the Marxist-Salafist attack against them.

POTUS Trump is Presbyterian (Calvinist) and FLOTUS Trump is Roman Catholic (Eastern European Latin Church).  No wonder Marxist-Leninists-Salafists passionately hate them.  POTUS and FLOTUS Trump embody the two vectors of the Latin Church who have succeeded or are succeeding in defeating Marxism-Leninism and Salafism both.

Update 3: The video at the top of this post is extraordinary. The man in the lower left making the hand signals of approval and delight is Daniel Roth, Organist of Saint Sulpice.  Very rare to hear Bach this perfectly done.  Every component present and forward.

Roth is a very great man to let a now long line of organists play this great Cavaille-Col masterpiece organ.

Kyrie, Gott heilliger Geist = Lord God Holy Spirit.  In other words, the power of God corporeal-ized, en-fleshed as the universe, the continuing Creation, all Holy Power.

Update 4: Sarah Hoyt: . . . three generations of being hired for ideology is enough to create a generation too stupid to pour p*ss out of their boots with the instructions written on the heel.

Update 5: Guess who:

This is a much bigger concern in the economy as a whole. And my guess is that ultimately what is going to happen is that everybody is going to have to work less and we’re going to have to spread work more.

But that is going to require a reorganization of the social compact. That requires we change our mindset about the link between work, income and value of people in the teaching profession, or in healthcare, or in certain things that cannot be done by AI or a robot.  [emphasis added]

Related, as of this May 2017:

President of France: No Children
Chancellor of Germany: No Children
Prime Minister of Italy: No Children
Prime Minister of The Netherlands: No Children
Prime Minister of Sweden: No Biological Children
Prime Minister of Luxembourg: No Children
First Minister of Scotland: No Children
President of the European Commission: No Children

Update 6: New York Magazine: David Hogg is Taking His Gap Year At The Barricades

Update 7: ScrappleFace: Trump to Ron DeSantis Critics: “Monkey Off!”

Update 8: Trump Operation: Gaslight The Media

Update 9: Millennials aren’t taking offence. They’re hunting for victims

Update 10: NRA: Americans Spend 16.9 Billion Dollars On Target Shooting

Update 11: Tyler O’Neil: ‘Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet

Update 12: Sundance: Big Club Makes It’s Move – Chinese Funded U.S. Lobbyists Move For “Public Fight” Over Tariffs

Update 13: Sarah Hoyt: Those Who Walked Away From Sanity

Update 14: A man lives in fear of The Lord and trust in The Lord to protect him.  In the same way, a wife lives in fear of her husband and trust in him to protect her.  This is the natural structure of life.  Organic, sustainable, transparent, and accountable.  Also, responsive to life’s contingencies, the marks of existence’s finitude.

Update 15: Abortion at the Core of Both Left and Right

Update 16: In 1965 Life Magazine Showed That Life Begins At Conception


Melania And Mosquitos
FLOTUS Melania Trump And Blazing Sadists

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