Super-Rich Idlers And Their Roundhead Mercenaries

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The focus of fighting the devil in the modern United States is stopping the use of marijuana, cocaine and non-medical opiates.  There is what is debilitating the electorate.

The “New Age,” super-rich or super-prominent, dabbling idlers, such as Getty, Pelosi, Pitzker, Gates, Buffet, Geffen, Schultzberger, Streisand, the Hamptons set, etc. and their over-seas correlates, are living off those drugs, using them personally and employing mercenary Roundheads they have installed in the White House and Congress to protect and expand their opportunities for social experimentation/engineering, aka “New Age” command and control.

Their self-image is as post-everything (excepting themselves), a new world or “new age” of their making, belonging to them, post-everything now known, excepting themselves who have, they believe, full control just about in reach.

Like their mercs in White House and Congress, they are neither socialist nor communist, fascist nor progressive.  They are me-ists, convinced of their own superiority in every way surpassing even that traditionally ascribed to God.

Dunfermline Abbey
Dunfermline Abbey

The Mohammedan menace, the Chinese attack and the Obama threat are one and the same:  misogynistic aggression going under the guise of “aggressive messianic collectivism” (James Lileks) for the benefit of super-rich or super-prominent idlers considering themselves oligarchs of the new age known only to them and beyond everything known to common man.

Actually, the new age contemplated by these idlers and their executives, mercenary Roundheads, is an old scam:  steal everything you can from everyone you can find.

The common thread of Mohammedans, Chinese and idlers with Roundheads is common theft.

The priority of these idlers with Roundheads now is to prevent another election or to degrade whatever election they cannot stop so that it is not worthy of the name.

Drugs are a main way to degrade elections and form a base for passively accepting their indefinite suspension.  They use other means as well.

Apparently they are worried about fair election driving their mercs (the Dorn-Ayres-Obama-Emmanuel-Frank Roundheads) from the White House and Congress.

Thus the preemptive strike on the Tea Parties as “right wing extremists” and the promise to use the mechanisms of DHS and other agencies to cordon and kill them.

Our Lady of Chartres, France
Our Lady of Chartres, France

This means they are afraid of losing any election reasonably fair.  The extent of the rising in America on 15APR09 convinced them that they risk a “Kent State” if they press too hard, or more importantly, too fast, with those mechanisms.

However, they do not have much time to stop an election, which is their highest priority.  The mechanisms of government grind slowly, even under the hands of their mercs, and with Congress in the picture, never reliably.

Plus other worries abound, e.g., 10th Amendment activities among the states.  Broad fire-arm possession.

So speed is of the essence if an election is to be avoided.

Thus, a “Reichstag fire” of their making is a strong possibility.  I consider it all but a certainty, unless they are truly stupid, which I doubt.

XVIII Airborne Corps assembled for their welcome home review, three hours at parade rest, speaker Joe Biden, late arriving.  First ten minutes of long speech were “OK,” the rest was a campaign address.  The Soldiers sickened and disgusted.  Now they also know, or should, that they are suspect of “right-wing extremism.”

These super-rich, super-prominent idlers and their Roundhead mercs in White House and Congress bear an iron fist and do not nor will not hesitate to use it.

Update 1: Jack Cashill on punishment by Neo-Puritans


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