Tax Day Rising / Women Speak

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



National attendance estimates are still climbing and stand now at 551,000.  With respect to reaction in the MSM and Washington D.C., the description seems to be, “Who are you going to believe, us, or your lying eyes?”

The propaganda coming from Washington D.C. and the MSM, D.C.’s ministry of public enlightenment and propaganda, is irresponsible, reckless and anti-American.  It is meant to be.  It is agitprop.  The Government of the United States and their minions of the Fourth Estate spewing agitprop to wreck the nation, subsuming it in their sentimental certainties.

My wife keeps remarking, in astonishment, that this rising — started by a lady named Keli Carender in Seattle — came up in less than three months from 20JAN09.

It reminds me of a comment after 11SEP01, that the attackers and their backers underestimated the willingness and ability of their target — Western Civilization, as dismissers call us, or the Latin Church (“Crusaders”), as the attackers accurately call us (and as we truly are) — to spill blood to prevail.

What strikes me when looking at the faces of the rally participants is the women, not just their numbers, which are large, but the depth of feeling in their eyes, and these are professional women, well-groomed women, educated women, women who consider themselves of importance generally and competence thoroughly, and are.

There is a growl in their emotions and a fire in their eyes, even as they are smiling, as of being violated or targeted for violation.  They seem to be up for a terrific fight, responding to a depth of feeling that is essentially incalculable and ineffable.

In Indian theology this characteristic of the female character is personalized in the figure of Durga, the name for the warrior aspect of the Consort of Shiva, otherwise known as Parvathi.

It appears to me, on the ground at the rally here in Seattle — my second organized by Keli Calender — and I think this is what my wife means in her astonishment at the speed with which this has come up — that, unlooked for by them, the emotions and resolve of Durga have been summoned by people who assume they have everything in hand and know what only is best and to be done.  Thank God!

There is an essayist residing in San Francisco named Kyle-Anne Shiver, my favorite, who suggested yesterday an essential aspect of “next steps,” a structure of policies for rumination.

Now, find a savvy lady who believes Kyle-Anne’s developing structure of policy, is willing to run for President, can be protected from US and Russian hit teams and is backed by enough also-believing and capable pro bono lawyers and clergy to dispute the election results and run interference with the ministry of public enlightenment and propaganda (aka MSM) and she is the next President of the United States and will gather into office federal, state and local legislators who concur with this structure of policy and enact it.

Keli Carendar 15APR09

Keli Carendar, Seattle, Started Tea Parties copy 2

Keli Carender

Right now, I think, the rising has a mind.  It needs a skeleton (structure of policies), cardio-vascular system (finance), muscles (commo and action) and lungs (focus of leadership).

Minds usually envelop themselves in those necessities for the drama of life, or as we say in philosophy, the world proceeds from the mind.

The Mohammedan menace, the Chinese attack and the Obama threat are one and the same:  aggressive, totalitarian misogyny.

Obama and her super-rich idler promoters/supporters are not socialists, communists or progressives.  They are me-ists, totalitarian oligarchs who, given the composition of the human race, are compelled to aggressive misogyny just in order to gain and hold their position.

Their inner goal is a 30-70% kill-off of USA and world-wide human population, the more the merrier, leaving the planet for themselves and their servants.

Just as with Mohammedans and the Chinese, there is no room in the heart of Obama and her oligarchic promoters/supports for anyone but themselves.

Second Tea Party Rally, Seattle, WA
Second Tea Party Rally, Seattle, WA

Their moral status is so bottomed that they, incited cleverly by their own women, must defeat womanhood itself first to gain and then to enforce their hegemony.  Womanhood does not support their intentions.  It cannot because their intentions are anti-human and anti-life and therefore anti-evolution.

This is their common thread with queers, who comprise the bulk of their mercenary myrmidons.

Your Mortgage Not My Problem

This drama has been playing out before our eyes patently for over two years and latently for over five decades, and still very many refuse to believe their eyes regarding it or are unable to see it, either from low-breeding or drugs-induced stupor, prescription or illegal, or both.

The core American problems are drugs, free-association of the sexes and step parents.

So we shall see what we shall see.

Eadem Mutata Resurgo
Jakob Bernoulli (1654-1705)

Update 1: A story from Ammo Grrrll


Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

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