Strategy And Tactics

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Strategy and tactics, like husband and wife, belong together and are inseparable.

Strategy and tactics are inherent, inalienable assets a system deploys to advance its survivability (strength) against externals and its felicity (happiness) among internals.

The purpose of strategy and tactics is to guarantee a system’s sovereignty unto itself.

Strategies guide tactics and tactics test strategies.

The OODA loop — communication — between strategy and tactics is necessary and inescapable.

Strategy and tactics may be compared to plans and actions, respectively.

Plans without actions are daydreams and actions without plans are nightmares.

Strategies without tactics are vanities and tactics without strategies are hysterics.

The mutual necessity and inescapability of communication between strategy and tactics exist in every kind of system, natural to man-made and minuscule to grand.

It is absurd and death-inducing, therefore, to argue regarding any system, and especially any system of systems, that any of its leadership, and especially senior leadership, has little or no responsibility for the system’s strategic conditions and needs, should care about tactical matters only, and should not concern themselves with said conditions and needs.

I don’t think, ma’am, I just follow orders.

A good leader, junior or senior, learns and deploys the OODA loop between strategy and tactics pertaining to operations of the system for which they bear current responsibility.  The same also uses their time to study active OODA loops pertaining to systems which lie beyond their current responsibility but include it.

A superb leader, junior or senior, studies the foregoing as well as OODA loop activity between strategy and tactics in systems of various complexities (whatever intrigues) deployed during times apparently long gone — for, nothing is ever gone gone — as well as those deployed by present actual or potential adversaries.

Well, ma’am, regarding our strategic objectives and tactical capabilities facing China,
I recall that in The Year of Our Lord 1314 at Bannockburn, Scotland,
Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, defeated Edward II, King of England,
by strategic observation and utilization of geography and 
corresponding disposition of tactical assets in his order of battle.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

America’s Monopoly Crisis Hits the Military

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Wiki: Mongol military tactics and organization


Jacqueline Bisset
Jacqueline Bisset

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