Taxonomy Of USA Political Parties: Sociopaths In The White House And Congress

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Dan Riehl today identifies the White House’s current occupant as a sociopath.  In this assessment I concur and commented as follows:

Actually, this is real, genuine news, and important.

“… it would be marked DNR in a political context.”

Yes, because the health-care lists it would make would bear titles such as:

“Make Disabled”
“Make Deceased”
“Do No Treat”

And the screens for compiling and acceding to those lists? Racial, religious and political, of course.

This is real, genuine news of exceeding importance: arrays of sociopaths with hands on the mechanisms of national, state and local government aiming to destroy not only the nation but the civilization their hands envelope to strangle.

IMO, the “religious” aspect of the situation merits illumination because it is a major component of the sociopathology being observed and remarked.

An implication of this real, genuine news, IMO, is a phenomenological taxonomy of political parties that transcends the Republican-Democratic-Independent-Libertarian one.

The observed sociopathology is the starting point of the taxonomy, its morphological distinguisher and its methodological norm, let us say.


For example, a draft taxonomy of the active political parties in the USA today could appear as follows:

The Fascist or Zealot Party – Comprising principally Congress’ current leadership and their academic, juridical, ecclesial, commercial, trust-funder, street thug and industrial (including union) supports.

The Islamofascist or Muslim Brotherhood Party – Comprising principally the White House’s current occupants and their academic, legislative, juridical, ecclesial, commercial, trust-funder, union, street thug and jihadi supports.

The Self-Disabled or Anarchist Party – Comprising principally NGOs, MoCs and their collectivist (including “liberal”), academic, ecclesial, communist, ecologist, genderist, racialist, reparationist, animalist, religionist, Gothist, alternativist, street thug, hyphenated, jihadi, trust-funder, insane, idler and cheater supports.

The American or Rational Party – Comprising principally subscribers to and practitioners of human values (not “human rights”), the aims of the US Constitution and a realistic appreciation and acceptance of their finitude — i.e. the so-called “center-right/center-left” of the US electorate, to include conservatives, libertarians, “ordinary citizens” (union members, police, fire, self-employed, small-business owners, military, some commercial, some industrial, some academic, some juridical, some elected and appointed officials, etc.) and liberals who are in fact liberal and not using the name to mask fascism.

Currently, the first three parties are ganging up on the fourth to annihilate it. During the past month those three have gone to the mattresses, meaning battle-stations, meaning war upon the American or Rational Party. That is the meaning of their characterizations, which are classic psychological projections, of the American or Rational Party as “fascist,” “disruptive,” “un-American” and deserving to be silenced permanently. Their abjuration of further discussion is their declaration of war, and as we know, they are deadly serious.

Ultimately, the first three parties listed have conflicting agendas, as has already been seen between the Fascist or Zealot Party based in Congress and the Islamofascist or Muslim Brotherhood Party based in the White House. The Self-Disabled or Anarchist Party will oppose any government at all and is already giving the furry eyeball to both the Fascist and the Islamofascist parties, as evidenced by recent ACLU stirrings towards the latter.

Well, something like that, anyway. It is an effort, only, to gain a useful taxonomy by way of phenomenology, an effort implied, IMO, in this real, genuine news of today, and with evident urgency.

All problems are susceptible to theological analysis,
and all analyses are theological in nature.

Update 1: Clare M. Lopez: History Of The Muslim Brotherhood Penetration Of The U.S. Government

Update 2: However, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that no such star is high on the list of those being mentioned.

Assuming those stars actually have light sufficient for a career of staring, I’m glad none is on Trump’s short list — precisely because they are political stars, careerist professional politicians!!!

I’d like in office anyone BUT a professional politician, anyone BUT one who craves the office, anyone who is NOT thinking about THEIR future.  The very mind-set which produces the concept of a political star with a future I find smug, anxious, cynical, elitist, and un-American.

If you want my vote because you want your concept of a career for yourself, you don’t give a damn about my soul and you don’t deserve my vote.  You deserve the sole of my shoe.

Update 3: Joanne Patti Munisteri: Jihadi Generations: Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children  Part 2


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