The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Thandava And Christian Culture What passes for Democrat/Democratic Party (or, D-R UniParty) these days should be viewed as an amalgam of CCP, CAIR, CPUSA, IRGC/QF, and Democracy Alliance. The Amalgamated Troublemakers Union. CAIR, as everyone knows, is Moslem Brotherhood, and Democracy Alliance is monied Euro-American Socialists (Globalists). Troublemakers…

Progressives Know Not How To Govern

As Is The Feeling,So Is The Result. Thandava And Christian Culture Well, all true but not enough truth, not simple and relaxing. Shrink concepts never are. More to the point, I believe, is a remark attributed to Rudy Giuliani today, that progressives do not know how to police. Expand that to: progressives do not know…

Air The Networks

As is the feeling,So is the result. Thandava And Christian Culture Jack Posobiec’s’ tweet, which Driscoll quotes for his headline, is inaccurate. AG Barr’s statement says no such thing. That said, their networks should be put out there to be seen. FBI knows exactly who those networks are, with whom they have comms, and who…

From Riot To War

As is the feeling,So is the result. This has evolved from demonstration to riot to war, from law enforcement to [what should be] shooting [to kill] rioters to ordinary [lethal] military operations. The law enforcement component now is to arrest principals of Democracy Alliance on suspicion of inciting riot and other unlawful activity and to…

Tone Matters Much, Instrumentation Matters Little

As is the feeling,So is the result. BLUF: Who makes the narrative? Well, clerisy minions, the hive workers, mostly lawyers and professors, here and there, make the narrative, day by day, and pass out those talking points for broadcast by NGOs and media. But someone is setting the tone, the Weltanschauung that minions then translate…

Prepare For War

As is the feeling,So is the result. Is this war with CCP/China just starting or has it been underway for some time? I would say it has been underway for some time. How else to view the push east into the South and East China Seas and the belt and road netting strategy? USA are…

Memorial Day 2020 And JFK, Again

As is the feeling,So is the result. The political left and organized crime are one and the same personalities. Their interests and activities can be identified from their behavior and specifically from how they spend three resources all have to one extent and another: time, money, and energy. The political left, organized crime spend their…

Change The Software: Hubbards, Theobalds, And Owen

As is the feeling, So is the result. Our leadership classes got inverted decades ago.  Several reasons that happened, but the central one is that our true leadership classes lost self-confidence after uncritically imbibing leftist/progressive utopian drivel.  Into the vacuum created by their abdication of responsibility flowed bumptious ruffians, parvenues, largely female, whose manners and…

Reconnecting With Reality

As is the feeling, So is the result. A religion is a set of procedures that can be used to reconnect a personality — body, mind, intellect, spirit — with reality. Saying something is irrational is saying that it is disconnected from reason, where reason is a synonym for reality. Parmenides: Where there is Being…

How Hard The Flynn Case Dismissal Has Hit Armies Of The Guilty

As is the feeling, So is the result. How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign Lee Smith This hard.  As foreseen, ChiCom-Phile, Judeo-Bolshevik, Jacobin (aka Deep State) minions bored into the US Intelligence Community/Foreign Policy Establishment (IC/FPE), about two thousand (2K) of them (in public), are squealing and throwing: DOJ Alumni Call…

Cleaning Out The Clerisy, Albigensians

As is the feeling, So is the result. Funny reference to Albigensians.  White Gnostics would work also, in place of Sparkling Gnostics.  But the wry humor is fun.  Today’s Ruling Class Clerisy.  War against Albigensians (aka Cathars/Cathari) prompted the remark about killing them all because God will know his own.  They could not be converted.…

Germ Warfare, Opening Barrage By Pandemic

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole “Every American should think of themselves as a warrior.”  (Paraphrasing.)  I submit: that single sentence holds a wealth of significance that will emerge gradually over the coming weeks.  China has run up the war flag . . . . Economics is one way, and needed, to…

Land War In China, A Rational Problem Set

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole   SCMP used to be anti-Communist, now it is ChiCom Lite at least. Marine Littoral Combat Regiment? All this seems both forward-looking and also very amorphous.  It suggests ‘we’re adjusting our force mix to better face off against China, but we’re not sure quite how yet.’…

A Friend’s Wyoming Yard

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole You must be totally detached with respect to whatever you are doing.  You can do any kind of work; you may, for example, be engaged in service activity.  However, you should not have expectations of any type (including of the outcome), and also not seek any…

How To Fill A Sanctuary

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole . . . in times of panic and repression: Birth as human is the final stage in the upward evolution of the 840,000 species of living beings.  In previous lives, one may have been an insect, worm, bird or an animal and are perhaps now displaying…

On Purifying And Creating Institutions

The One Is Indivisible The Truth Is The Whole The answer, sufficient if not complete, is the family — husband, wife, children — the primal structure of existence, who make the whole perishing thing work and happily. The family is the indicated and necessary ecclesial polity, the one persisting ecclesial institution.  It is monastic.  There…