Progressives Know Not How To Govern

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Christian Culture

Thandava And Christian Culture

Well, all true but not enough truth, not simple and relaxing. Shrink concepts never are. More to the point, I believe, is a remark attributed to Rudy Giuliani today, that progressives do not know how to police. Expand that to: progressives do not know how to govern.

Progressives’ lachrymose pleadings for unity and justice bespeak their knowing they cannot do the things they signed up to do, such as be a mayor, a governor, a senator, a representative, a bureaucrat, a president, a priest, a bishop, a professor, an attorney, a parent. They promised tall and found they cannot not even stand short.

Shrinks might attribute that crisis to psycho-mechanicals, but a theologian is going to identify psychotropic chemicals, shrinks’ favorite sport, as the causative agents.

An endearing quality of women, most of them, is that they spend good money to own garments they intend to be removed from their person visually or manually.

Progressives do not know how to govern. They sign up for the job and then cannot fulfill it. Is not this the lesson of Wilson’s later years as a sick and broken president? Their parents and teachers have caused these people, who, on the evidence, have not experienced a mother’s love, to begin their adult careers the way President Wilson ended his, bitter and broken, and for the same reason: incited to chase an utopian vision.

These people do not know how to govern, not even how to rule, but they do know how to conjure the devil and how to organize for that activity. This is useful, actionable intel regarding a rampant enemy.

Like a fine doctor, Donald Trump has forced America’s boil, her drug-addled Droogs, into the open where they can be lanced, drained, and washed away.

They and their whole famous family of outlook do not know how to govern. If they wanted to do the right thing in their present situation, they would not know how to start or where. Beyond incompetent, they are non-competent. They seek positions whose authorities and responsibilities they have no ability to discharge.

Think of my telling everyone I can argue a case before the Supreme Court, being allowed to do that on the basis of my representation that I can, then standing before the bench to begin my presentation.

How am I going to feel inside? And what is the truth of that tableaux?

Elijah! Carmel! Mendelssohn!
Slaughter the perma-Droogs.

The tree can spread its branches wide. But the branches can put forth blossoms that yield fruit only when the roots are fed with water. Instead, if the water is poured on the branches, fruits, and flowers, how can the tree grow and spread? The roots for the peace and prosperity of society are the qualities of devotion and dedication. Hence the educational system must pay attention to the promotion and strengthening of these qualities among the people. People who occupy positions of authority are named adikaris (officials). That word can also mean the worst enemy, adhika-ari! True officials should carefully avoid that course and use their positions to serve people under their care. The ancients grasped the supreme truth only after personally experiencing its validity. The moderns, however, dismiss their discoveries. This is the reason for the growth of barbarism in the so-called civilised countries. Many have not recognised this fact.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Glenn Reynolds: The thing is, you don’t get Hitler because of Hitler — there are always potential Hitlers out there. You get Hitler because of Weimar, and you get Weimar because the liberals are too corrupt and incompetent to maintain a liberal polity.

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