A Friend’s Wyoming Yard

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Four Faces Of The Avathar

You must be totally detached with respect to whatever you are doing.  You can do any kind of work; you may, for example, be engaged in service activity.  However, you should not have expectations of any type (including of the outcome), and also not seek any reward, praise, appreciation, etc., for what you are doing.  Especially while working for service organisations, you should be very careful; you must not have any craving for fame and name.  You must not seek praise and respect.  You should not lament, “I am working so hard and doing so much, but there is no mention of it whatsoever in the newspapers!”  If you do your work with such cravings and expectations, then the good that you might be doing is nullified and the sanctity of the work is destroyed.  Therefore you must do service work sincerely, being immune to success and failure, praise as well as criticism.

Sathya Sai BabaSummer Showers, May 24, 2000  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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