Social Justice

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The phrase social justice is an euphemism for persons deploying the penal authority of government to turn one out of house and home and confiscate one’s other wealth, to include one’s vitality.  Persons stripped are said by those stripping them to be immoral, illegal, or both.  Persons executing the strip claim to be legal, moral, or both.

The point is the strip, the passage of ownership and control of wealth from one group of persons to another and the casting of the first group, by the second, into despair and death.  The phrase social justice is an euphemism for that procedure.  A secondary euphemism for the same procedure is wealth or income redistribution.

So-called social justice warriors rightly, for their purpose, seek to control the penal authority of government.  They cannot execute without it.  If they control it, they can execute, at least to an extent, at least for a while.  Ultimately, social justice warriors cannot control the penal authority of government because their posture opposes government per se.

Warfare is warfare and not a social justice movement.  Warfare is occasioned by the desire to maintain or expand territorial sovereignty, wealth in commerce, and/or access to female breeding stock.  Warfare is trans-local, large-scale activity.  Social justice movements are locally active, society-internal vectors of avarice which engineer the penal authority of government to act on their behalf . . . for a while, if they are successful at all.

Social justice is theft against the neighbor.  Its impulse is coveting the neighbor’s wealth, health, wife, husband, money, home, children, status, ease, happiness, properties, possessions, etc.

The Highland Clearances, while cruel in the extreme, were notsocial justice movement.  Those cleared were tenants, not copyholders, much less freeholders.  Social justice movements — e.g., Socialism/Jihad — contemplate seizing the wealth and health of everyone altogether: tenants, copyholders, and freeholders.

An hallmark irony of instigators of social justice movements — always affluent if not filthy rich soi-disant intellectuals — is their ignoring the possibility — and actual certainty — that their minions will devour them to feed the concupiscence they, the instigators, have conjured from hell.

Envy is the root, trunk, branch, leaf, and sap of social justice.

This makes it very attractive, at times, including ours, to so-called religious orders, who end up — as vowed to poverty, chastity, and obedience — driving social justice movements from behind a dense screen: we are religious, good guys . . . assumedly . . . don’t you know?

The nature and consequences of executing on social justice impulses are known.

Reconstruction in the USA’s former CSA included a social justice movement that was ameliorated initially, here and there, by U.S. Army commanders.

Black African confiscation of farmland in Rhodesia and South Africa are social justice movements.

The so-called Bolivarian Revolution is a social justice movement.

The French Revolution, and especially the Terror, was the mother of all social justice movement, so to speak, in recent centuries.

Socrates drank poison as the denouement of a social justice movement executed by intellectuals who incited the Athenian demos, aka mob.

The Cambodian Reign Of Terror was a text-book social justice movement.

Bolsheviks and Fascists were and ChiCom have been and remain top-drawer social justice warriors.  Their pupils in the Americas and Europe call themselves Progressives and Democratic Socialists or Social Democrats.  Their surname is always the same (Socialist), their goal is always the same (confiscate wealth), and their means are always the same (Regierung über alles).

Jesus of Nazareth and God was crucified to torture and death by a social justice movement incited by Lawyers (Pharisees) and Priests — the nation’s intellectual leadership, her elites — from the Temple of Solomon, which was thrown to the ground, never to be rebuilt, some forty years later.

Pogroms against Christians or Jews are social justice movements.

Soros, Steyer, and the boys fund social justice movements.

Moslem Brotherhood, ISIL, AQ, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Abu Sayyaf, the Mullahs of Qom, and the boys in that band of Jihad are social justice movements.

The most significant development, so far, in inter-nation orders of battle in the 21st Century is the firm alliance — nay, melting pot — blood-oathed between Socialists and Jihadis.  Over against that threat to sovereign individual and national freedoms stands only one superior force vector: Three Brothers Doctrine.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Noah Rothman: The Social-Justice Injustice

Update 2: Tim Brown: The Treason Trials Begin When You Say They Do, Mr President

Update 3: Gail L. Heriot: A ‘Dubious Expediency’: How Race-Preferential Admissions Policies on Campus Hurt Minority Students

Update 4: University’s ‘racial justice’ definition eerily similar to socialism

Update 5: John Solomon: Trump can change history by declassifying three Obama-era documents

Update 6: DNC Grassroots Victory Fund Bankrolled by 13 Wealthy Liberals


Gina Lollobrigida
Gina Lollobrigida

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