A Dharma Gap

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



It’s just so transparently hypocritical to have one standard
for a person you are investigating and an entirely
different standard for yourself when you are
the one who’s enforcing the law.

Dharma is the strength which holds the consciousness bound to truth.  Adharma is the weakness which unbinds the consciousness from truth.  When personal labor and the tides of time put one in a position to punish adharmic behavior and one does not execute on that opportunity, one merges with the adharmic behavior.

FWIW, my five principal ruminations on this week’s mid-election:

1- Not firing Comey and indicting Hillary during minute one of this administration produced this mid-term election result in the U.S. House of Representatives and may result in severely weakening, if not reversing, the result in the U.S. Senate.  There was an immediate failure of nerve by POTUS Trump, no doubt cultivated by counsel.  That’s what done it.  And that weakness Comey and crew exploited successfully, without hesitation.

2- The burden of the aforementioned hypocrisy, expressed in the benighted phrase our thoughts and prayers go out, and not lifted at the first opportunity (see #1 above), drove a weak, despairing man this week in Ventura County, CA to commit murder and suicide.  Just as trigonometry expresses plain geometry in simple, algebraic language, existentialism expresses systematic theology in simple, spiritual-social language.

3- If in the next two years Hillary is not locked up, or irreversibly on her way to being, and Comey, Clapper, and Brennan are not treading right behind her, and the supporting cast (Obamas, Rosenstein, Bharara, Soros, Kerry, Steyer, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Mueller, Hayden, Sarsour, Power, Rice, Mills, Lerner, Monaco, etc.) right behind them, DJT will be a one-term POTUS, at best, and neither Ivanka nor Barron will have a chance at even that.  The nation (Land, Families, Constitution) will find a family who will face adharma and punish it into the condition of a quivering suppliant.  Only seeing that will convince Americans that they are safe.

4- Republicans are in the midst of a generation/philosophy turnover.  RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are leaving and patriots are coming in.  Democrats also are in the midst of a generation/philosophy turnover.  Liars are leaving and chaotics are coming in.  The slime in the middle — the Democrat-Republican UniParty — is being ground off by the abrasion of chaotics against the firmament of patriots.

5- A demos is a violent mob incited to this target and that by demagogues.  A polis is an aggregation of families protecting themselves by establishing a common law (constitution) which enables private property (real estate) and common defense (sovereign unity).  The Framers of The U.S. Constitution labored to raise a polis and preclude a demos.  Wisely, they wanted a nation of representative republican government that precluded or at least minimized the chaos of democracy, which is mob rule under the direction of demagogues.

The whole country knows Hillary is guilty as sin and free as a bird.  That knowledge corrodes the whole country.  It tells the whole country that there are two legal systems here, one for elites and one for everyone else.  And that awareness grinds the soul, softens the mind, and hardens the heart.

PDJT had a chance to rectify, to put all under one legal system, the Constitutional one, thereby restoring the morale of the whole country, but he did not execute on that chance.  The whole country saw that he did not and soured on him for not doing.

Political calculations were offered as the reason for his not doing.  The mid-term election result was rationalized as normal.  But the whole country knows all of that is window-dressing, pounding the table when the facts and the law are against you.  A normal election re-ups the party whose record shows that at crucial decision points they made the dharmic choice.

A man who knew something was evil and had a chance to meet out its just rewards declined to do so.  The precious moment came and passed, the man not up to it, the opportunity lost.  Now geo-strategic losses follow, to include sitting as if an equal among Socialist-Jihadi EuroTrash today, and there lectured to as an addled schoolboy.

Addled schoolboy or not, the man missed his chance, and the whole country now is searching for a family with strength sufficient to give adharmic behavior its due.

Never forget: politics is downstream from culture.
If you are having political difficulties,
you made a cultural mistake.
So, fix your culture. Then,
your politics will fix itself.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: David Horowitz: A New Face And A New Mission For Republicans

Update 2: Caroline Glick: A Desperate Emmanuel Macron Attacks Donald Trump

Update 3: Julie Kelly: NeverTrump’s Billionaire Leftist Benefactors

Update 4: Ken Braun: Ford Abandons Detroit: Falling Out With The Family / Ford Abandons Detroit: Forgetting Its Roots / Ford Abandons Detroit: Funding Counterproductive Initiatives In Michigan

Update 5: Tim Brown: The Treason Trials Begin When You Say They Do, Mr President

Update 6: China Seeks to Subvert Europe Through Divide and Conquer


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