Thoughts For COCOMs: Force Vector Study One

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



In view of trade and monetary policy underway from the Trump Administration, and in view of my stated intention to develop a series of posts commending attention to COCOMs as a if not the main national asset for study, development, and execution of USA statecraft in pursuance of The USA’s sovereign independence and unity, it seems fitting to undertake drafting thoughts that could be used as grand strategic guidance for The USA’s COCOM Commanders.

I have no authority in, under, or over The USA’s COCOM Commanders.  I have no authority in any branch of The USA’s government beyond that of a sentient and voting citizen.  The following are my thoughts and mine alone and I offer them, as with all else on this blog, for the edification of whomever is edified by them.  These are neither demands nor requests.  They reflect my thoughts, at the moment, for best practices in securing The USA’s sovereign independence and unity inside the drama of history.

These ruminations employ the concept of joint full-spectrum diplomatic, financial, and military force vectors.

1- The USA should push a joint full-spectrum diplomatic, financial, and military force vector from Gdansk, Poland to Varna, Bulgaria.  That is, from north to south through Eastern Europe, minus Ukraine and Belarus, to protect Russia from AfroArab Lebensraum (formerly Western Europe/Scandinavia), not AfroArab Lebensraum from Russia.

2- The USA’s assets in Ukraine should face AfroArab Lebensraum or be abandoned.  Currently, those assets are sticks in Russia’s eyes, which is to say, stupid, bootless, plangent legacies of John McCain’s treachery against his motherland.

A nasty internecine war is underway inside Orthodox Christianity, which is nationalist in nature.  Thus, an episcopal conflict between bishops is a national war between their joint secular-ecclesial governments.  The main conflict this time is between Ukrainian and Russian hierarchies.

The USA should side with the Russian government-church (1) in order to avoid long-term war with Russia — much longer than 40 years it likely would be, and not as cold — and also (2) in order to be inside the central sheaf of Orthodox Christian vitality, which runs through Moscow after Constantinople was overrun by Islamic Jihad.

The USA and Russia should push a joint full-spectrum diplomatic, financial, and military force vector from Tartus to Tehran and convince Turkey not to move south of it and Assad to throw in with Russia and USA — and other Arab countries — rather than Tehran.  Then, with Kurds, chew the Iranian Kuds Force in Iraq/Syria.

Kurds will make peace and live in peace with Assad and Russia as long as Turkey and Iran are unable to slit their throats.  When the Mullahs’ ambitions in Syria are macerated, their subjects will find ways to masticate them.

USA and Russia should contract joint full-spectrum diplomatic, financial, and military basing in Alaska.  And they should contract the same on the Russian side, for example, in the Vladivostok region.  They should be generous with one another, as in earlier times.  The intent is to form a joint USA-Russia-controlled gated wall between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans.  Norway would assist constructing a similar accommodation between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

The USA and Russia should push a joint full-spectrum diplomatic, financial, and military force vector from Adak, Alaska to Singapore via the Seas of Japan, East China, and South China.  Assistance from Japan, Korea, and ASEAN nations should be invited and accepted.  This vector threatens sub-vector peelings off westward or eastward as occasion requires.

The USA and India should push joint full-spectrum diplomatic, financial, and military force vectors from Arunachal Pradesh, India to Lhasa, Tibet (a  classic frontal assault would stage through Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, directly into Chinese prepared positions and urban warfare; just saying, not urging), and from Manali, Himachal Pradesh, to Hotan, Xinjiang, China (a classic flanking assault, although into Uyghur/Salafi Jihad nesting).

Once China is brought to her senses — which definitely is on the far side of her receiving additional economic instruction (see also here) and likely on the far side of her unconditional surrender under war-fighting conditions — the foregoing force vectors should be relaxed or disbanded.

USA, Russian, and Indian cyber — which are forward artillery, fires, in contemporary conditions — can do a lot about Iranian Mullahs and ChiCom Bureaucrats ….  The triangulation, in all domains, is the lethality indicated for accommodating Iranian Mullahs and ChiCom Bureaucrats.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


Pallada In USA Port With Official Hostess And American Visitors
Pallada In USA Port With Official Hostess And American Visitors

Update 1: Roger Moorhouse: The war that saved Europe from Communism

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