Put No Sticks In The Bear’s Eyes

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



FWIW, this nobody out in the provinces is in the strongest possible agreement with L. Todd Wood that it is insanity to expand NATO; putting sticks into the bear’s eyes, yet!  It is insane.

My approach to the strategic situation starts from the same premise — The USA has no responsibility beyond protecting her own national sovereignty — and works from the other side of the problem, from Russia’s rear.  Instead of protecting against Russia, use their and our deep history — e.g., an ally of Lincoln’s, then very generous terms for Alaska — to draw her — along with India — into alliance against the actual crazies, the Red Dragon west of Japan, Taiwan, and The Philippines.

I call it Three Brothers Doctrine, but it could have other names.

A premise of this approach is that Putin and Co. are patriots, not Communists.  Their strategic cynosure is Catherine/Suvorov, not Stalin/Zhukov.  The premise is arguable but not, I propose on the basis of observable phenomena, subject to amendment, much less reversal.

The question, who is driving this insane push to war with Russia?, is crucial.  I proffer a categorical answer, details of which can be filled in through observation: persons and institutions dedicated to the abolition of Christianity.  A forlorn hope but a persistent one.  Putin’s and Russia’s Christianity kinks the entrails of our anti-Russian warmongers, making them toxic to themselves even.

The exit of John McCain, the late highest-profile anti-Russian warmonger, leaves these strategically incompetent and insane ones headless.  So they are scratching and screeching about trying to find a new figurehead while they scare the bejeezus out of the country and the country into a pointless, winless, but, for them and minions, satisfying conflict with Russia.

Russians are no angels, but they are legitimately resolved to maintain their own national sovereignty.  We can work with that.

The point to attack anti-Russian warmongers, I think, is their mixing of moralism into statecraft.  That is a Puritan, Roundhead habit.  Pointless and impure but also a broad target for delivery of scintillating packets.  The point can be made, must be made, that statecraft and moralism are mutually degenerating.  They degrade each other’s prestige.  Human rights, for example, is never an interest of statecraft.  National sovereignty and the personal freedom of citizens inside one’s own nation are the concern of statecraft and nothing besides.

Russia, India, and The USA have a common enemy; Globalists, Progressives, Communists, Jihadis, New Agers, so-called Free Traders, those who would rip up their sovereignty and enslave their fellow citizens.  They also have a common concern: border integrity and safety.

Russia, India, and The USA are positioned in geography, economics, and spirit so as to triangulate/obliterate any possible threat to freedom of movement in global communications.  No other combination of nations who could align to do that could do that.  And The USA cannot do it on her own and therefore should not try or even think to do it on her own.

The only circumstance in which The USA needs to show the flag is the one in which the flag is not taken seriously.

The threat to freedom of movement in global communications is China, not Russia.  Alliance between Russia, India, and The USA is the strategic muscle required to smash that threat.  China does not require smashing.  But the threat to freedom of movement in global communications coming out from China does.  The means are at hand and they are eminently sane, as is Vladimir.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Chinese warships visit Cambodia to ‘strengthen cooperation’ as western influence wanes

Update 2: Angelo M. Codevilla:

European Defense

Desperate Embrace At Europe’s Core

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Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth

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