Command Philosophy

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



V2 of this effort is here.

Soldiers of ….:

For your time and service in this Battalion, I want you to have fun.  I want you to experience what you wanted to experience when you joined the U.S. Army and this fighting Battalion of ….  You wanted to learn how to fight and you wanted to fight and win to protect your mother and your mother country’s sovereign independence and freedom.  You came to the right place.  We are warriors.  We fight.  We win.  We are in this line of work in order to fulfill the reason you chose to be in this line of work.  I want you to have fun being here and doing our work.

My command philosophy is three words: Duty Honor Country.

Duty: We train hard, we fight easy.

Honor: What we talk about, we do.  What we can not do, we do not talk about.

Country: Battles are won in the minds of their commanders, not in the bodies of their troops.

I have two jobs here:

(1) mentor my junior Officers as superior battle and staff warrior leaders;

(2) cultivate our NCOs as superior warrior guides and safe-keepers to every Soldier in this Battalion.

Our job together is to win our nation’s wars.  Victory is our objective.  Intellectual prowess is our logistics.  Skill is our safety.

We are here to do what we came here to do.  Let’s do it and then do more of it.  Always more, always beyond what we expect of ourself and cannot imagine exceeding.  But we can . . . exceed.

Our mission is our guidon.  Follow it.  Be it.  Our mission is our rallying point.   Our mission is our culture as a fighting Battalion of … of The United States Army.

Right now, here, let’s let our friends and enemies hear our battle cry and be heartened or petrified, as the case may be.  Ready?  Now!

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: GOA Douglas MacArthur’s Thayer Award Acceptance Address, delivered extempore at West Point, 12 May 1962, when he was 82 years of age:

Update 2: Angelo Codevilla on GA Douglas MacArthur: The Tipping Point (PDF)


Generals MacArthur And Walker In Korea
Generals MacArthur And Walker In Korea

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