It’s The Culture, Stupid

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



It’s not the economy.  The economy is downstream from politics and politics is downstream from culture.

You let your populace see that there are two laws, one for a few insiders and another for the mass of outsiders, and you have a revolution on your hands.  And if they see it, it’s there, and you can’t hide it.  And they can get to you no matter who you are or where.

And you can spout equality and diversity and inclusion from hell to breakfast and they will know you don’t mean a word of it because they can see the results of your actions, which show your actual intentions.

Hypocrites!  White-Washed Tombs!  Purveyors Of Perversity!  Academics, Clergy, you traducers of Truth, you made American culture weak, American politics irresponsible, American economics theft.

I call Divine Wrath down upon your houses and homes, your families and bank accounts, and all connected to them.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: From June 2015: Post-Antinomian-Trifecta Thoughts

Update 2: Roberto de Mattei: To The Youth: There Is Only One Way To Be Happy: Be Holy!

Update 3: Did College Admins, Faculty Swing Mid-Term Results?

Update 4: Are Democrats Now The Party Of The Rich?


Paul Alexander In Iron Lung
Paul Alexander In Iron Lung

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