Address To The Battalion

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



V1 of this effort is here.

Wassily Kandinsky: Farbstudie - Quadrate und konzentrische Ringe
Wassily Kandinsky: Farbstudie – Quadrate und konzentrische Ringe

Soldiers!  You have answered President Kennedy’s call to ask what you can do for your Country.  You have volunteered to enrich and protect your Country’s sovereign national freedom by serving in The United States Army.

From my heart to yours: Thank You!


A Soldier is a solitary, a single person, the foundation of our Country.  Each one of you is our Country’s and this Battalion’s true wealth and power.  Each of us is a Soldier Volunteer who trains and fights as a team of Soldier Volunteers: first as a Squad, then as a Platoon, then as a Company, then as a Battalion.  This Battalion!

And this Battalion belongs to larger teams: Brigade, Division, Corps, Army, COCOM.

We are individual members of a team, responsible for ourselves, responsible to our team, to accomplish our lawful mission, whatever that is.  This is The United States Army.

You are wondering what your incoming commander thinks and how he looks at things that matter to you and your mission as a Soldier Volunteer of this Combat Battalion team.  I will be brief.  My command philosophy has five landmarks.  These may surprise you.

First: what you talk about, do, and what you cannot do, do not talk about.

Second: this Battalion functions with unity of command and unity of purpose.

Third: simplicity grows our flexibility, shrinks our fragility, and guarantees our lethality.

Fourth: VUCA is opportunity; welcome it.

Fifth: treat your duty as God and your every activity as worship.

That is it.

That is my command philosophy.

I am proud of each of you for answering President Kennedy’s call to ask what you can do to enrich and protect our Motherland.  I am with you on this mission you have chosen, and for you, with all my heart.

So again, from my heart to yours: Thank You!

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


Gina Lollobrigida 1960s
Gina Lollobrigida 1960s

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