COCOMs And The Global Allied Force

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

RAMANAM In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Paul Tillich Shrine, New Harmony, Indiana, Thanks To Jane Blaffer Owen

Paul Tillich Shrine, New Harmony, Indiana, Thanks To Jane Blaffer Owen

This post comprises the stub of an idea and a few more and less related pithy sayings.

The idea arises from my observing — in my study, far, far away — current US orders of battle (aka diplomatic, financial, and military structures) in Syria, Somalia, Norway, Afghanistan, Japan, Korea and elsewhere.

Those structures face governments and NGOs who are giving the USA grief of one sort or another, which is to say, making themselves targets for USA attention.  One could ask, why would someone want to make themselves a target of anyone else, particularly a known strength or potential strength?  Well, people do that, for various reasons not our concern here.

To address those grief-givers, the USA partners or allies with governments and NGOs — as do US-based private individuals and organizations, and frequently not to benefit the USA, meaning, to secure her sovereign freedom.  Those private activities also are not our concern here.

The USA builds an allied force to address an alien force directed against her.  This is sometimes considered, and not irrationally, a weakness, to rely on others for one’s own protection.  And so it is, but it does not have to be.  And on an electrified globe, and not merely a boots and mud one, allied force is arguably the most reliable protection relative to the constant goal of nations: to secure their own sovereign freedom.

Electricity is fire.  Cyber is very-long-range artillery.  None in fact reaches father, faster, harder.

On an electrified globe, the age-old war-fighting principle of triangulation (flanking, envelopment) receives its ultimate commendation.  Ground force cannot succeed without control of the air above it.  Ground and air forces cannot succeed without control of the electricity feeding it.

When facing a large centralized hostile force (say, China) or a large decentralized hostile force (say, the Salafi-Shiite Jihad), the ability to triangulate those hostile forces geographically (includes space), to envelop them with fire and burn them out, combined with an evident resolve to do just that, argues decisively for allied force as essential modern order of battle.

Only hegemons like Chinese and Jihadis want to go it alone and subject everyone else.  They do not ally.  They attack directly or by subversion.

Normal people ally.  They do it for protection.  They nurse no hegemonic ambitions.

Americans are normal people.  A lot of non-Americans populate US federal, state, and local governments and NGOs, although that is of indirect concern here.

Even with stupidity and worse mixed into strategic dispositions of USA assets, something monitory is occurring.  A fresh paradigm is becoming, perhaps better, a new opportunity, one of allied force built around US capability.

I find it difficult to describe.  I do not see it in full, so I do not declaim this or that about it with fullest certainty much less rigor.  But I do feel strongly that something is afoot, something monitory and to be welcomed.

One way to express what I see: as the NCO Corps is the backbone of The US Armed Forces, so too, The US Armed Forces are the backbone of The Global Allied Force.

And — serendipity — the command and general staff structure for The Global Allied Force is already in place and functioning, area of globe by area of globe.  It is the USA Combatant Commands (COCOMs).  And these already include staff from allied nations.

So I am not calling for something new, just for recognition of what is becoming from what already is.  Life is evolutionary, never revolutionary, much as violent personalities wish it were.  What is new is what becomes from what is old.  I think the USA COCOM and current Syria, etc., orders of battle are fortuitous harbingers of opportunities to actually annihilate hegemons.  Only, the playlist of enemies will surprise and enfuriate not a few.  (Turkey and Western Europe, for example.)

The Global Allied Force comprises several iterations, some overlapping, each centered in a USA COCOM.  In an area, for example CENTCOM,

At least in USA, diplomacy and finance, which with war-fighting comprise a nation’s three assets for statecraft, should be run out of the COCOMs, area by area.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Austin Bay: On Point: SecDef Mattis and India’s Sitharaman Conduct Meaningful Public Diplomacy

India will not be anyone’s lackey. Hence Mattis’ recognition of India’s “strategic autonomy.” But “strategic partnership” enhances India’s and America’s ability to deter a nuclear-armed global powerhouse (China).

Update 2: U.S. Calls For A ‘Global Coalition’ Against Iran

Update 3: When Turkey Destroyed Its Christians


Forest Fire Today A Low Order Of Probability
Forest Fire Today A Low Order Of Probability

Magnificat, University of Redlands Choir, J. William Jones, Conductor

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