04 July 2018 Contra Ikhwan

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Perhaps the best thing you can do for your
offspring is not to send them to college.
John Hinderaker

Elegy For Melvin Garten
Don Surber

George Washington Statue, West Point
George Washington Statue, West Point

July 4th chest-beating, on the one hand, and shirt-rending, on the other, are in spate on the web today, naturally.  American Patriots are normal people.  Anti-Americans are abnormal personalities.  The one does not chest-beat, but the other does shirt-rend.  Chest-beaters have my stink-eye, whether they want it or not.  For example, to this normal post by Sundance, chest-beaters sallied forth to bellow and brag.  I replied to those chest-beaters with this comment, here improved:

With the DAG telling Congressmen they lack oversight authority over him and the Executive Department of the USG where he works, and with the AG giving the Awans a walk, I am not feeling 4th of July-ish.  Where is this nation y’all praise and congratulate?  Who is governing, protecting her?  The common thread I see is that, no matter who is in office, no matter who is elected, Moslems walk on anything and the Moslem Brotherhood through its nauseatingly countless fronts calls the shots and runs the DOJ and probably the CIA and other elements of the USG as well.  In the absence of Executive and Congressional control of supposed servants (agents) of USA citizens’ individual freedom and The  USA’s national sovereignty, that means the Moslem Brotherhood rules The USA.

What a thing to have your own supposed representatives and public servants (agents) working against you and your birthrights.  Like parents wanting/trying to abort you.  It dampens one’s celebratory spirits.

The AG and the rest are covering up perfidies and corruptions by elements of the USG over the last decades and continuing.  Sure, this is evident.  But they are covering up much more than that: they are owned, by fear, grief, and/or money, by the Ikhwan, who allies with the Iranian Ayatollahs and today rules Turkey.  I think that is where the real stink is.  We are being ruled — not governed, ruled, just as Valerie Jarrett said she and her wonder boy would do — by a foreign power and in this case a distributeddecentralized foreign power, thus impairing recognition of its presence and order of battle.  But foreign and puissant unto right from the top of the USG nonetheless.

Turkey feels free to conduct combat operations against American citizens in the presence of American peace officers right there in Washington D. C. itself.  That is the Ikhwan, the Moslem Brotherhood, at work, stridently rampant because they know who is protecting them with sufficiency, at least a while, to guarantee their objective, which is to eliminate The USA.

One could wish our representatives and public servants (agents) who work for the Ikhwan, actually, not for us, declared their and our independence from that black horde of evil who already rules them and, through them, us.

One wonders whether the Ikhwan controls, as well, the US Chamber of Commerce, than which no organization is more Anti-American, more inimical to national sovereignty per se, more Globalist.  It would be a perfect fit, for, what capitalist qua capitalist — and especially what crony capitalist, as so many Chamber big boys are today — is not prone to that fear which attends the obsession with money (extract) rather than to that self-confidence which attends a devotion to economy (building)?  Fear drives the weak into evil’s arms, such being the Moslem Brotherhood, the Ikhwan.

Now there is no sea protecting us.  The enemy quarters his legions in our home.  Nor am I the first to observe these facts and point to them.  The Moslem Brotherhood has no loyalty to Americans or to The USA.  Quite the opposite.

I will feel 4th-ish when I see our representatives produce and make stick a Declaration of Independence from the Moslem Brotherhood and everyone else in the USG whom that black army owns, either by fear or by grief or by geld.

Abnormal personalities, who believe The USA is an evil entity, a malign presence who should not exist, have no claim to governing or seeking to govern The USA.  They deserve, in fact, deportation and/or incarceration by authority of normal American Patriots through their representatives and public servants (agents).  No God bless them!

No host is obliged to harbor pathogens, enemies.  Every host is obliged to eliminate any such from itself.  It is called health, and it starts at a creature’s interface, their borders, their skin — a creature’s largest organ, be it noted — which defines and delineates a creature whether individual or group.  A creature without skin is not a creature.  One has definition or non-existence.  Those are the possibilities.  Just two.  To be or not to be.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: That so many felt the need to leave DOJ/FBI when facts started appearing (leaking against the security of system operators) says those operators are far less than omnipotent and know they are bad actors.  Hiding behind a system, a process, is a sign of weakness, not of strength.  Rosenstein’s eyes tell his soul: lying, shifty, sententiously spiteful towards Congressmen, who for all their ailments and frailties and malicious leaking, are Congressmen (elected, not appointed).  How different Rosenstein’s attitude towards Congress, by turns insolent, cowardly, obdurate, and dissembling, to that of Washington’s First Inaugural.

The Awan/Moslem Brotherhood-walking business is connected to this anti-Trump/Clinton-email counterintelligence operation for which Rosenstein and Sessions are covering. They are the same problem.

Update 2: Jarrett/Hussein/Brennan/Hillary took down Muammar Gaddafi because they wanted to give Libya and its oil to the Moslem Brotherhood moving west from Egypt and Gaddafi’s weapons arsenal to the same Brotherhood and its sister Salafists AQ and ISIL then operating in Syria against Assad and Iraq against Iraqi sovereignty in principle.  Wealth redistribution, by the lights of their ideology.  (Remember, ideology and rationality never kiss.)  Extensive elaboration of this insight — to include the Jarrett/Hussein/Brennan/Hillary intent in re Iran, Iraq and Syria — tomorrow in a new post titled Benghazi: The Explanation.  Meanwhile, reference, if inclined, this of mine from 2014 and this of mine from 2017.

Update 3: Potential Hot Spots: Turkey Goes To War With Itself

Update 4: About the Declaration there is a finality . . . .


Dorothy Malone
Dorothy Malone

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