Thandava – XVI

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



There follows a print version of The Video Parlor: simultaneous unique feeds contouring an art of life.

I think colonialism and its several kinds, what works and what does not and why, is ready to emerge as a legitimate discussion across an array of interested and needy parties.  The main reason is that colonialism is a never-ending phenomenon and a natural one.  Colonialism is an expression of personal, group and national independence and sovereignty.  Its several kinds and therefore outcomes reflect the inner qualities of the entity conducting it.  So this is an evergreen subject that must and will push past threats from those trying to renounce their responsibility to think . . . or induce others to.  In his celebrated The Influence Of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783, A. T. Mahan very usefully studies, among other things, the universal, constant motivators of colonialism and reasons for their success and failure.

Peter Zeihan: I Think They Get It Now, Part One (Intro), Part Two (France)Part Three (Germany), Part Four (United Kingdom),  Part Five (Italy).

Related: Xi says China must lead way in reform of global governance

Daniel Greenfield: POTUS Trump’s Five Rules:

1. Act, Don’t React
2. Try Everything
3. Chaos Is Power
4. Never Show Your Hand
5. Don’t Be Afraid to Be the Bad Guy

Commentary by Don Surber.

Sherlock Holmes:
Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers.  All other things, our powers, our desires, our food, are all really necessary for our existence in the first instance.  But this rose is an extra.  Its smell and its colour are an embellishment of life, not a condition of it.  It is only goodness which gives extras, and so I say again that we have much to hope from the flowers.

A few years ago, while Hussein, Brennan and McCain were supporting and supplying both the Moslem Brotherhood and ISIL’s march over Syria and Iraq and ordering US Armed Forces to act as Iranian forward artillery against too much ISIL in Iraq — begging the questions, how much mayhem is too much mayhem, and, what is the measuring tool? — a lone Christian Arab woman in Baghdad or Mosul, I forget which, observed to a reporter that when you kill and drive off the Christians you will have no flowers.  I hope she and her family survived the massacre personalities who claimed to be my government threw as her and them by proxy.  In any case, bless them all, the lady and her family, living or dead, In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.

Crunch time.  Sightings of who is cleaning up and who is covering up are close at hand.

Yes, very interesting.  A long piece and at times frustrating but worth rumination even on the ignorant parts.  A little broad-brushed in stating the relevance of raiding as cognitive model for Russia’s behavior today, and at least two internal contradictions, and ending up with TDS — Trump Derangement Syndrome: Russia put Trump in the White House by raiding USA, the author’s purpose in writing and which he reaches finally in his absolute last paragraph.  But overall a most valuable read.  Very stimulating in a good way.

IMO, the most important thing missed is the historical period current Russian thinkers model for themselves.  See for example Lavrov.  The author says it is The Soviet of 1969-1979.  I think not.  I think it is Russia of Catherine the Great and their goal today is hers then: to own Constantinople.  In other words, the author does not know the one he thinks is his enemy.

Notice please that the official crest on Lavrov’s official statement recalls Imperial Russia, not The Soviet. And our so-called foreign policy establishment wants to believe that Putin is restoring The Soviet circa 1969-1979.  Idiots!   What an inexcusable intelligence failure and insanity.  And dangerous for USA sovereignty and freedom.  The entire Mueller Madness is driven by this diseased desire to regard Russia as a direct USA enemy.  POTUS Trump sees it differently and so they must get quit of him, so they think.  Heaven knows what horrible personalities infect the US foreign policy establishmentintelligence community.  Heaven knows how to eliminate them and appears engaged in that process.  It cannot be accomplished too soon.

Still, the author glances off a truly important question: what is a nation state’s self-defense responsibility when its physical borders are crossed electronically without permission.  Has it any?  It is something . . . the nation state, that is?  Russians seem to think it is. And it does . . . have self-defense responsibility, that is.

Corey Lewandowski said early in the late political campaign that the question at issue was patriotism vice globalism, sovereign nation states or universal ownership — including of persons, i.e., slavery — and rule by a unitary, unaccountable, anonymous, political/commercial class.  In effect, life as free citizens in representative republican government or in a Soviet but with a name less obviously presenting an aura of menace.  Say a bright, sunny name emitting an aura of cheer, such as rules-based global order or rule by technocratic experts.  Yes, Pharisees always have made the world’s top ten unwanted list, and for good reason.

Even where the author is self-contradictory, inaccurate or wrong, the effort required to drill through his concepts to accuracy and right is time/energy well-spent.  Especially as regards grand strategic concepts and affairs.

And his direct and implied description of the deplorable state of the so-called foreign policy establishment — I’d describe them as pusillanimous, sanctimonious, ass-covering prigs — and his illustrations of that condition are valuable in many directions, to include seeing where to lob verbal and emotional bombs at them to pry lose their death-bites on pacifiers and compel them to face facts or be ignored or perp-walked.

The author specifically names A. T. Mahan as someone whose counsel — Attack! — should be forgotten.  Of course, I happen to be reading Mahan’s history of sea power right now! 🙂  And he does not touch upon Mahan’s strategic point that the military exists to protect a nation’s commerce — and not any nation’s, their own — and that means owning the seas one way and another.  China certainly is taking that counsel to heart.

Halleck’s celebrated Elements Of Military Art And Science is next in my queue of improving books.

One furious_a in a blog comment: I don’t know what’s more frightening — that people with guns and badges and the Federal writ dedicated themselves to suborning the constitutional order or that they were so transparently and hilariously incompetent at it.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Don Surber: The generic editorial against Trump’s next pick [for the Supreme Court]

Update 2: Adam Mill: The DOJ Has Turned The Russia Investigation Into A Puzzle Designed Never To Be Solved

Update 3: Gabbard’s Presidential Run Strikes Fear In DNC Heart

Update 4: Gabbard Exposes Dems’ Devil May Care Attitude On Russiagate

Update 5: Tulsi’s Last Stand?


Dorothy Malone
Dorothy Malone

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