Borders And Abortions

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The same personalities who scream that children thrown illegally into the USA by adults illegally in the USA must not be separated from said adults also scream that a child must be separated from existence if their mother wants that done.  The same personalities also separate citizens from one another by lying, smearing and gaslighting, and they enjoy doing that.

This posture is pathological, and those presenting it know that it is.  Personalities who adopt this posture comprise a latter day iteration of GestapoSMERSH and their descendants.  Such personalities are definite traitors to their personal being, to the USA, and to reality altogether.

In place of left and right or liberal and conservative, I prefer abnormal and normal.  Or, diseased and healthy.  This nomenclature gives room for a fact of life: it is a mixture.  The abnormal includes tinctures of normality, and the normal includes tinctures of abnormality.  Ditto diseased and healthy.

Related: diseased is usefully spelt dis-eased and healthy is usefully spelt heal thy [self].

Existence means definition and definition means boundaries and boundaries mean borders and that is just the way it is.  Freedom means accomplishment and accomplishment means definition and definition means existence and that is just the way that is.  Too.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Abortion at the Core of Both Left and Right

Update 2: In 1965 Life Magazine Showed That Life Begins At Conception

Charlotte Cuthbertson: Militia Moves Into Texas Border County to Deter Illegal Immigration


Dorothy Malone
Dorothy Malone

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